Chapter 1:Properties of Fluids

Example 1.1 Page No5

In [2]:
#variable initialisation

w=500        #mass of liquid in N

g=9.806      #gravity in m/s*2

g1=3.5       #gravity in m/s*2

g2=18.0      #gravity in m/s*2


m=w/g        #mass

print "a)m=",round(m,2),"kg"

w1=m*g1      #weight


print "b)w1=",round(w1,2),"N"

print "w2=",round(w2,1),"N"
a)m= 50.99 kg
b)w1= 178.46 N
w2= 917.8 N

Example 1.2 Page No5

In [4]:
#variable initialisation

weight=400        # weight in N

gravity= 9.806    # gravity in m/s^2

F=800             # force in n

g=1.6             # gravity in m/s^2



#mass is constant and does not change with location.By Newton's second law F=m*a"


#acceleration is independent of g.Hence both on the earth ,as well as on moon"

print "a=",round(a,3),"m/s^2"

a= 19.612 m/s^2

Example 1.3 Page No5

In [5]:
#variable initialisation

RD=0.8          #relative density

rho_w=998       #density of water at 20 degree C in kg/m^3

g=9.81          #gravity

v=2.3           #viscosity in centistoke


UnitWeight=((rho_w*RD)*g)/1000         #Unit Weight 

print "(i) gamma=",round(UnitWeight,3),"kN/m^3"

v=2.3/(10**6)                          #viscosity in m^2/s

rho=round(rho_w*RD,1)                  #dymanic viscosity 


print "(ii) mu="'%4.3E' % mu,"Pa.s."
(i) gamma= 7.832 kN/m^3
(ii) mu=1.836E-03 Pa.s.

Example 1.4 Page No5

In [2]:
from __future__ import division

import math

#variable initialisation

V=1.50                #Velocity in m/s

h=3                   #Height in mm

mu=0.2                #Dynamic viscosity in Pa.s.


#Since the gap between the plates is very small,assume linear variation of velocity

#Let us take du/dy=a


print "du/dy=",a,"(1/s)"

tow=mu*(a)            #calculating shear stress on the bottom plate

print "tow=",int(tow),"N/m^2"
du/dy= 500.0 (1/s)
tow= 100 N/m^2

Example 1.5 Page No6

In [3]:
from sympy import Symbol,diff

#Variable Initialisation

mu=1.5                                 #coefficient of dynamic viscosity


y = Symbol('y')


du=diff(u,y,1)                         #differentiating u with respect to y

#tau=mu*(du)                           #Shear stress

y=0                                    #taking y as 0


print "tau_0=",tau_0,"Pa.s"

y=2                                    #taking y as 2


print "tau_2=",int(tau_2)
tau_0= 6.0 Pa.s
tau_2= 0

Example 1.9 Page No7

In [4]:
import math

#variable initialisation

N=240                         #speed in rpm

D=90                          #Diameter in mm

D1=95                         #internal diameter in mm

mu=2                          #dynamic viscosity in poise

L=50                          #length in cm


mu=mu/10                      #into Pa.s


V=omega*(D/1000)/2            #Circumferential velocity of the shaft


#Assuming linear variation of velocity across the gap,

du=V                          #Velocity gradient 


tau=mu*(du/dr)                #Shear stress on the shaft

F_s=tau*(2*math.pi*(D/1000)/2)*(L/100)  #shear force


P=(2*math.pi*N/60)*T          #Power required

print "P=",round(P,1),"W"
P= 14.5 W

Example 1.10 Page No7

In [5]:
import math

#variable initialisation

mu=6                                #dynamic viscosity in poise

h=0.02                              #radical clearence in mm

D=3                                 #diameter in cm

L=10                                #length in cm

W_s=7.51                            #effective weight of the sleeve in N



tau=(mu/(h/100))                   #Shear stress

#shaer stress=submerged weight of the sleeve



V=W_s/a                           #velocity

print "V=",round(V*100,2),"cm/s"
V= 2.66 cm/s

Example 1.11 Page No8

In [6]:
import math

#variable initialisation

v=3.7E-4                       #kinematic viscosity in m^2/s

rho=0.85                       #relative density in kg/m^3

V=15                           #velocity in cm

D=25                           #diameter in cm

L=3.3                          #length in m

D1=25.018                      #internal diameter in cm




tau=mu*((V/100)/h)             #shear stress

A=math.pi*(D/100)*L            #area

F_s=A*tau                      #Frictional resistance

print "F_s=",round(F_s/1000,3),"kN"
F_s= 1.356 kN

Example 1.13 Page No8

In [7]:
import math

#variable initialisation

D=10                                   #Diameter in cm

N=90                                   #rotations in rpm

D1=9.75                                #diameter 2 in cm

Torque=1.2                             #torque in N.m

H=2.5                                  #height in cm


D=D/100                                #into m


V=math.pi*D*N/60                       #Tangential velocity

h=(D-D1)/2                             #Radical clearence

tau=(V/h)                              #shear stress

area=2*math.pi*(D/2)*(H/100)           #calculating area

F_s=tau*area                           #shear force

T=(F_s*(D/2))                          #Torque

mu=1.2*100/T                           #Coefficient of viscosity

print "mu=",round(mu/100,3),"Pa.s"
mu= 8.106 Pa.s

Example 1.15 Page No9

In [16]:
#variable initialisation

sigma=0.073           #surface Tension at air-water interface in N/m

d=0.01                #diameter of air bubble in mm


#air bubble has only one surface


delta_p=(2*sigma)/R    #Pressure difference in N/m^2

print "delta_p=",delta_p/1000,"kPa"
delta_p= 29.2 kPa

Example 1.16 Page No9

In [17]:
#variable initialisation

sigma=0.088           #surface Tension at soap-air interface in N/m

d=3                   #diameter of air bubble in cm


#soap bubble has two interfaces

R=0.03/2              #in m

delta_p=(4*sigma)/R   #in N/m^2

print "delta_p=",round(delta_p,2),"N/m^2 above atmospheric pressure"
delta_p= 23.47 N/m^2 above atmospheric pressure

Example 1.17 Page No9

In [18]:
#variable initialisation

d1=6                  #diameter in mm

d2=16                 #diameter in mm

sigma=0.073           #surface tension of water in N/m

g=9.81                #gravity

rho=998               #density


#assume angle of contact theta=0 degree

R1=0.006/2            #radius in m

R2=0.016/2            #raidus in m


h=(2*sigma*r)/(rho*g) #difference in water level

print "h=",round(h,4)*1000,"mm"
h= 3.1 mm

Example 1.18 Page No9

In [19]:
import math

#variable initialisation

d=3E-3         #diameter of tube

sigma=0.48     #surface tension in N/m

a=130          #angle of contact in degree C

rho=13600      #density of liquid in kg/m^3

g=9.81         #gravity




e=math.radians(a) #converting degree into radians

c=math.cos(e)     #cosine value



print "Therefore,there is a capillary depression of",h1,"mm"
Therefore,there is a capillary depression of -3.08 mm

Example 1.19 Page No10

In [20]:
#variable initialisation

d=0.005        #diamter of grain in mm

sigma=0.073    #surface tension of air-water interface in N/m

g= 9.81        #gravity in m/s^2

de=998         #density




#by assuming theta = 0 degree

del_h=(2*sigma)/(ga*R)     #height of water rise

print "Answer given in the book is wrong.It should be as,"

print "delta_h=",round(del_h,2),"m"
delta_h= 5.97 m

Example 1.22 Page No10

In [8]:
import math

#variable initialisation

M=28.97                   #molecular weight of air

p=120E+3                  #in abs

T=60                      #Temperature in degree C


R=math.ceil(8312/28.97)   #gas constant for air

T=T+273                   #Temperature in K


print "(i)density of air=",rho,"kg/m^3"


R=int(math.ceil(8312/44)) # gas constant for co2



print "(ii)density of co2=",round(rho,3),"kg/m^3"
(i)density of air= 1.256 kg/m^3
(ii)density of co2= 1.907 kg/m^3

Example 1.24 Page No11

In [22]:
#variable initialisation

p=100              #compression rate in abs

p1=80              #compression rate in abs


#In isothermal change K=p

KA=p               #bulk modulus 

print "KA=",KA,"kPa"

#In adiabatic change K=kp

k=1.4               #constant for gases

KB=int(k*p1)        #bulk modulus

print "KB=",KB,"kPa"

print "KA<KB,gas A is more compressible than gas B,in the notified situation"
KA= 100 kPa
KB= 112 kPa
KA<KB,gas A is more compressible than gas B,in the notified situation

Example 1.26 Page No11

In [23]:
import math 

#variable initialisation

k=1.43E+9              #bulk modulus of elasticity of kerosene in Pa

r=0.804                #relative density 


rho=round(r*998,1)     #density of kerosene in kg/m^3


print "velocity of sound C=",int(C),"m/s"
velocity of sound C= 1335 m/s

Example 1.28 Page No11

In [24]:
import math

#variable initialisation

R=287             #gas constant

T=80              #temperature in degree C


T=273+80          #temperature in K

k=1.4             #for air

C=round(math.sqrt(k*R*T),1) #velocity of sound at 80 degree

print "C=",C,"m/s"
C= 376.6 m/s