Chapter 7:Laminar Flow

Example 7.4 Page No162

In [10]:
import math

#variable initialisation

R=0.06                              #Diamter in m

r=0.02                              #radical distance

u=0.6                               #velocity in m/s


#For a laminar flow,



u_m=K*R**2                          #Maximum velocity

print "u_m=",u_m,"m/s"

M=u_m/2                             #Mean velocity

print "M=",M,"m/s"

Q=math.pi/4 *(R**2)*(M)             #Discharge

print "Q=",round(Q*1000,3),"L/s"
u_m= 0.675 m/s
M= 0.3375 m/s
Q= 0.954 L/s

Example 7.6 Page No163

In [11]:
#variable initialisation

mu=0.08                     #viscosity in kg/ms

D=0.1                       #Diameter in m

u_m=1.4                     #Maximum velocity 

L=1.0                       #Length in m

R=0.05                      #Radius in m



tau_0=2*mu*1.4*R/(R**2)     #shear stress

print "tau_0=",tau_0,"N/m^2"

#Maximum velocity um occurs at r=0

V=u_m/2 #mean velocity

delp1=(32*mu*V*L)/D**2      #Pressure drop per unit length of the pipe

print "(-delP)1=",delp1,"N/m^2"

#Alternate method for pressure drop


print "(-delP)1=",Pd,"N/m^2"
tau_0= 4.48 N/m^2
(-delP)1= 179.2 N/m^2
(-delP)1= 179.2 N/m^2

Example 7.7 Page No163

In [12]:
#variable initialisation

ga=9.81                        #gravity constant

h_f=20                         #Head loss

L=3000                         #length of pipe in m

R=0.30                         #Radius in m

r=0.10                         #radial distance in m

mu=0.15                        #absolute viscosity in Pa.s

D=0.30                         #Diameter in m

rho=0.85*998                   #relative density in kg/m^3


tau_0=round((R/2)*(ga*rho*h_f/L),3)       #Wall shear stress

tau=(tau_0/(R/2))*r                       #shear stress

print "tau=",tau,"Pa"


Re=round(V*D*rho/mu,1)                     #Reynold's number

#Re is less than 2000.hence laminar flow is correct.

f=64/Re                                    #friction factor

print "f=",round(f,5)
tau= 5.548 Pa
f= 0.03627

Example 7.8 Page No163

In [13]:
import math

#variable initialisation

mu=1.50                        #absolute viscosity

rho=1260                       #relative density in kg/m^3

V=5.0                          #Velocity in m/s

D=0.10                         #Diameter in m

ga=9.81*rho                    #density 

L=12                           #Length in m


Re=rho*V*D/mu                  #Reynold's number

#As,Re value less than 2000,the flow is conduit


print "tau_0=",int(tau_0),"Pa"

h_f=32*mu*V*L/(ga*(D**2))      #In laminar flow the head loss

print "h_f=",round(h_f,1),"m"


A=(math.pi*(D**2)/4)           #Area

Q=A*V                          #Discharge

P=ga*Q*h_f                     #Power

print "P=",round(P/1000,2),"kW"
tau_0= 600 Pa
h_f= 23.3 m
P= 11.31 kW

Example 7.9 Page No164

In [14]:
#variable initialisation

R=2000         #maximum Reynolds number

rho=950        #density in kg/m^3

mu=8E-2        #Viscosity in Pa.s

L=200          #length in metre

D=50           #diameter in cm

D=15/100       #diameter in m



#by,Hagen-Poiseuille equation,

h_f=(32*mu*V*L)/((rho*9.81)*(D**2))  #headloss

print "Maximum difference in oil surface elevations h_f=",round(h_f,3),"m"
Maximum difference in oil surface elevations h_f= 2.742 m

Example 7.10 Page No164

In [15]:
import math

#variable initialisation

D=0.075                #Diamter in m

mu=0.1                 #visocity of oil in N.s/m^2

P=5.4                  #power in kW

rho=0.90*998           #relative density

E=60                   #efficiency in %

L=1000                 #length in m


P=P*(E/100)            #power spent in fluid friction

Q=round(math.sqrt(((P*1000)*(math.pi)*(D**4))/(128*mu*L)),5) #quantity

print "Quantity of oil=",round(Q*1000*60,3),"L/min"

V=round((Q)/((math.pi/4)*(D**2)),3)                          #Velocity in m/s

Re=(V*D*rho)/mu                                              #Reynolds number

print "Reynolds number=",int (Re)
Quantity of oil= 301.2 L/min
Reynolds number= 765

Example 7.11 Page No164

In [16]:
import math

#variable initialisation

mu=1.5                               #absolute viscosity

rho=0.9                              #relative density in kg/m^3

ga=9.81                              #gravity

Pa=200                               #Pressure of guage A in kPa

Za=20                                #Pressure guages in m

Pb=500                               #Pressure of guage B in kPa

Zb=0                                 #Pressure guages in m

L=30                                 #Length in m

D=0.03                               #Diameter in m


mu=mu/10                             #in Pa.s

rho=rho*998                          #density in kg/m^3

ga=(ga*rho)/1000                     #in kN/m^3 

ha=(Pa/ga)+Za                        #piezometric head at A

hb=(Pb/ga)+Zb                        #piezometric head at B

print "Since hb>ha,the flow is from B towards A.i.e.Upwards"



Re=round(V*D*rho/mu,1)               #Reynold's number

#As Re<2000,the flow is laminar and our initial assumption is correct.

A=(math.pi*(D**2)/4)                 #Area

Q=A*V                                #Discharge

print "Q=",round(Q*1000,4),"L/s"
Since hb>ha,the flow is from B towards A.i.e.Upwards
Q= 0.5468 L/s

Example 7.12 Page No165

In [17]:
#variable initialisation

mu=2.5                               #absolute viscosity

rho=0.9                              #relative density in kg/m^3

ga=9.81                              #gravity

L=500                                #Length in m

D=100                                #Diameter in m

Q=2                                  #Discharge

P_b=0                                #atmospheric pressure in Pa

Z2=f=20                              #elevation of pump2,friction factor

e=0.65                               #efficiency of pump 


mu=mu/10                             #in Pa.s

rho=rho*998                          #density in kg/m^3




Re=round(V*D*rho/mu,3)               #Reynold's number

print "Re=",Re

#As Re<2000,the flow is laminar.

h_f=round((32*mu*V*L)/(ga*rho*(D**2)),2) #In laminar flow the head loss

#If A is the pump end and B is the outlet,


print "P_A=",int(P_A/1000),"kPa"

#H=static head+friction head

H=h_f+f                             #Overall Head

P=int(ga*rho*Q*H)                   #Power required for pumping

Pi=round(P/e,1)                     #power input required

print "Pi=",Pi,"W"
Re= 91.49
P_A= 278 kPa
Pi= 855.4 W

Example 7.13 Page No165

In [18]:
import math

#variable initialisation

v=1.5                                 #kinematic viscosity in stokes

rho=900                               #relative density in kg/m^3

L=300                                 #length in m

D=8                                   #Diameter in cm

e=60                                  #Overall efficiency

Pi=5000                               #input power


v=v/10000                             #viscosity in m^2/s

P=e/100*Pi                            #power delivered to the fluid

D=D/100                               #diameter in m

mu=rho*v                              #Dynamic viscosity in Pa.s

Q= math.sqrt((P*math.pi*(D**4))/(128*mu*L))

print "Q=",round(Q*1000,2),"L/s"      #Rate of flow

V=round(Q/((math.pi/4)*(D**2)),3)     #Velocity in m/s

Re=V*D/v                              #Reynolds number

print "Re=",round(Re,1)

#As Re<2000,the flow is laminar
Q= 8.63 L/s
Re= 915.7

Example 7.14 Page No166

In [19]:
import math

#variable initialisation

Q=850                      #Discharge in L/min

D=0.15                     #Diameter in cm

del_P=95000                #change in pressure

ga=9.81                    #gravity

L=800                      #Length in m

rho=917                    #density


Q=Q/(1000*60)              #Converting into m^3/s

V=Q/((math.pi/4)*(D**2))  #velocity

Hf=del_P/(ga*rho)          #Head loss


print "mu=",round(mu,5),"Pa.s."

Re=(V*D*rho)/mu            #Reynolds number

print "Re=",int(round(Re,))

print"As this value of Re is less than 2000,the flow is laminar as assumed initially"
mu= 0.10415 Pa.s.
Re= 1059
As this value of Re is less than 2000,the flow is laminar as assumed initially

Example 7.16 Page No166

In [20]:
import math

#variable initialisation

rho=0.92                                              #relative density

mu=0.085                                              #dynamic viscosity

Q=0.04                                                #discharge

ga=9.81                                               #gravity constant


rho=rho*998#relative density in kg/m^3

#Assuming laminar flow,h_f/L=0.0-4


D=((((128*mu*Q))/(math.pi*ga*rho))/h_f)**(1/4)        #diameter

V=Q/((math.pi/4)*(D**2))                              #Velocity

Re=(V*D*rho)/(mu)                                     #Reynold's number

#As this value is >2000,the flow is not laminar.Hence the required diameter is controlled by critical Reynolds number


D=round(((rho/mu)*(Q/(math.pi/4)))/Re_crit,3)        #Diameter

h_f=(128*mu*Q)/(math.pi*rho*(D**4))                  #Headloss/L

#As this is less than permissible gradient of 0.04 the diameter is acceptable.

print "Hece the least diameter =",D*100,"cm"
Hece the least diameter = 27.5 cm

Example 7.18 Page No167

In [21]:
#variable initialisation

Re=1200                     #Reynolds number

v=1.92E-3                   #kinematic viscosity in m^2/s

g=9.81                      #gravity constant


VD=Re*v                     #equation 1



Se=Sf=1.0                   #energy gradient


VD2=(g*Sf)/(32*v)           #Equation 2

#From VD/VD2,

D=(1/(VD2/VD))**(1/3)       #solving to find D

print "D=",round(D,3),"m"
D= 0.243 m

Example 7.19 Page No168

In [22]:
#variable initialisation

B=0.12             #thickness in mm

L=50               #length in cm

h_f=5.0            #headloss in m

ga=9790            #Specific weight

mu=(998)*(0.01E-4) #viscosity 


V=((h_f)*(ga)*((B/1000)**2))/(12*mu*(L/100))  #calculating V in m/s

q=(1*V*(B/1000))*60*1000                      #Discharge per metre width

print round(q,3),"L/min per metre width of crack"
0.848 L/min per metre width of crack

Example 7.21 Page No169

In [23]:
#variable initialisation

V=1.40                                   #mean velocity in m/s

B=1.2                                    #distance between plates in cm

mu=1.05                                  #dynamic viscosity

y=0.002                                  #distance in m

ga=0.92*998*9.81                         #relative density

L=25                                     #length in m


B=B/100                                  #Converting into m

mu=mu/10                                 #Converting into Pa.s

#For two dimensional laminar flow between parallel plates

um=(3/2)*V                               #Maximum velocity

print "Um=",round(um,1),"m/s"

#Let us take (-dp/dx) as dp



tau_0=(dp)*(B/2)                         #Boundary shear stress

print "tau_0=",tau_0,"Pa"

#let y=0.002m

tau=(dp)*(B/2-y)                         #Shear stress

print "tau=",int(tau),"Pa"

v=(((1/(2*mu))*dp))*(B*y-y**2)           #Velocity

print "v=",round(v,3),"m/s"

h_f=12*mu*V*L/(ga*(B**2))                #Head loss

print "h_f=",round(h_f,1),"m"
Um= 2.1 m/s
tau_0= 73.5 Pa
tau= 49 Pa
v= 1.167 m/s
h_f= 34.0 m
In [ ]: