Chapter 8:Boundary Layer Concepts

Example 8.3 Page No180

In [5]:
from sympy import symbols,diff,pi

#Variable Initialisation

x, y,z,c,u,eta,delt,U=symbols("x y z c u delt U eta")


u=sin(U*pi*y/2*delt)                         #Given equation 1

#Let us take a=(du/dy)

a=diff(u,y,2)                                #differentiating

#At y=0,u=U sin(0),

b=a.subs(y,0)                                #Substituting 0 for y

print "(a)(d**2u/dy**2)=",b

#At y=delt,u=U sin(pi/2)

b=a.subs(y,pi/2)                             #Substituting pi/2 for y

print "(d**2u/dy**2)=",b,"not equal to 0"

print "Hence all essential and one desirable boundary condition are satisfied"

u=U*(1+eta-2*eta**2)                         #Given equation 2

#Let us take a=(du/dy)


a=diff(u,y,2)                                #differentiating

#At y=0,u=U sin(0),

b=a.subs(y,0)                               #Substituting 0 for y

print "(b)(d**2u/dy**2)=",b,"not equal to 0"

#At y=delt,u=0

b=a.subs(y,delt)                            #Substituting delt for y

print "(d**2u/dy**2)=",b,"not equal to 0"

print "Hence this is not a proper locality distribution in a laminar boundary layer"
(a)(d**2u/dy**2)= 0
(d**2u/dy**2)= -pi**2*U**2*eta**2*sin(pi**2*U*eta/4)/4 not equal to 0
Hence all essential and one desirable boundary condition are satisfied
(b)(d**2u/dy**2)= -4*eta/U**2 not equal to 0
(d**2u/dy**2)= -4*eta/U**2 not equal to 0
Hence this is not a proper locality distribution in a laminar boundary layer

Example 8.6 Page No182

In [13]:
import math

#variable initialisation

U=6                          #free stream velocity in m/s

L=45                         #length in cm

v=0.9                        #kinematic viscosity in stoke

rho=0.925                    #relative density of oil

B=15                         #Width of plate in cm


L=L/100                      #converting into m

v=0.9/10000                  #1 stoke=(10^-4) m^2/s


B=B/100                      #Converting into m

Re_L=(U*L)/v                 #calculating reynolds number 

#Since Re_L is less than Re(crit)=5.0E5,the boundary layer is laminar

#Using Blasius' results


x=0.45                      #At the trailing edge 

delta_L=round(((5.0*L)/math.sqrt(Re_L))*100,1)#Boundary layer thickness

print "delta_L=",delta_L,"cm"

#tau_L=(rho*U**2/2)*(Cf*L),wheren Cf=(0.664/math.sqrt(Re_L))


print "tau_L=",tau_L,"N/m^2"           #shear stress at the trailing edge

#F_D=C_Df*(L.B)*rho*U**2/2 where,C_Df=1.328/math.sqrt(Re_L)


F_D=round(C_Df*(L*B)*(rho*(U**2))/2,3) #Drag on one side of the plate

print "F_D=",F_D,"N"

F_2D=2*F_D                             #on both sides of the plate

print "F_2D=",round(F_2D,2),"N"
delta_L= 1.3 cm
tau_L= 63.8 N/m^2
F_D= 8.617 N
F_2D= 17.23 N

Example 8.7 Page No182

In [14]:
import math

#variable initialisation

x=1.25                    #At the centre of plate

U=1.5                     #free stream velocity in m/s

v=0.0001                  #kinematic viscosity in stoke

rho=0.8*1000              #relative density of oil

B=2                       #Width of plate in m 


#(a)At the centre of plate


#This is less than Re(crit)=5E5 and hence boundary layer is laminar



print "delta_m=",delta_m,"cm"

C_f=0.664/math.sqrt(Re_x)           #local friction coefficient 

tau_0m=round(C_f*(rho*(U**2))/2,3)  #shear stress

print "tau_m=",tau_0m,"N/m^2"

x=L=2.5                             #(b)At the trailing edge


#This is less than Re(crit)=5E5 and hence boundary layer is laminar


print "delta_L=",delta_L,"cm"

C_f=0.664/math.sqrt(Re_L)          #local friction coefficient 

tau_0L=round(C_f*(rho*(U**2))/2,3) #shear stress

print "tau_0L=",tau_0L,"N/m^2"

#F=C_Df*area*(rho*(U**2)/2         #(c)Total force




print "F=",round(F,2),"N"


print  "P=",round(P,2),"W"
delta_m= 4.56 cm
tau_m= 4.364 N/m^2
delta_L= 6.45 cm
tau_0L= 3.086 N/m^2
F= 61.72 N
P= 92.58 W

Example 8.8 Page No183

In [15]:
import math

#variable initialisation

U=3.0                  #Velocity in m/s

v=1.45E-5              #velocity of air in m^2/s

rho_a=1.2              #density in kg/m^3

Re=5E+5                #critical reynolds number

w=1.5                  #width in m


L=round((Re*v)/U,3)               #Maximum Length of plate

print "L=",L,"m"

C_df=(1.328)/(math.sqrt(Re))      #length of plate in a laminar sublayer

F_D=C_df*(w*L)*((2*(U**2))/2)     #Drag force in one side of the plate

print "F_D=",round(F_D/100*60,5),"N"
L= 2.417 m
F_D= 0.03677 N

Example 8.11 Page No184

In [17]:
import math

#variable initialisation

U=2                            #free stream velocity in m/s

L=20                           #length in m

v=1*(1/1000000)                #kinematic viscosity in stoke

Re_crit=5*100000               #critical Reynolds number

rho=998                        #Relative density



#The boundary layer is turbulent at the trailing edge.

#(i)Taking the critical reynolds number


print "x_crit",int(x_crit*100),"cm"

#Laminate boundary layer exists in the first 25cm of the plate


print "delta_c=",round(delta_c,3),"mm"

#At the trailing edge,as reynolds numbere is >E7,the thickness is obtained by putting,




print "delta_t=",round(delta_t,1),"cm"

#(iii)shear stress coefficient



print "tau_0=",round(tau_0,2),"Pa"
x_crit 25 cm
delta_c= 1.768 mm
delta_t= 23.8 cm
tau_0= 3.94 Pa

Example 8.12 Page No185

In [20]:
import math

#variable initialisation

mu=1.8E-6                      #viscosity in poise

rho=1.22                       #relative density

U=1.75                         #free stream velocity in m/s

L=5                            #Length in m

B=1.8                          #width in m


mu=(mu)*10           #in Poise

v=mu/rho                       #calculating kinematic viscosity in stoke

Re_L=U*L/v                     #Reynolds number

#(i)For laminar boundary layer:

C_DF=1.328/(math.sqrt(Re_L))   #Drag Coefficient



print "F_D=",round(F_D,3),"N"

#(ii)For turbulent boundary layer:

#since Re_L is between 5E5 and E7,the 1/7 th power law is applicable.

C_DF=0.074/((Re_L)**(1/5))     #Drag coefficient


F_D=C_DF*area*(rho*(U**2)/2)   #Drag force on one side of the plate

print "F_D=",round(F_D,4),"N"
F_D= 0.029 N
F_D= 0.0871 N

Example 8.13 Page No185

In [21]:
import math

#variable initialisation

U=1.5                                                       #velocity in m/s

L=35                                                        #Length in m

mu=0.001                                                    #viscosity in Pa.s

rho=1025                                                    #relative density in kg/m^3

b=10                                                        #breadth in m

ep=0.002                                                    #roughness height in m


v=mu/rho                                                    #calculating velocity

ReL=(U*L)/v                                                 #Reynolds number

#The flow is turbulent in the boundary layer.

C_Df=round((0.455/(log(ReL,10))**(2.58))-(1700/ReL),5)      #Drag coefficient

area=b*L                                                    #area

F_D=int(C_Df*area*((rho*U**2)/2))#drag force on the bottom of the barge

print "F_D=",F_D,"N"


C_Df=1/((1.89+1.62*(log(s,10)))**(2.5))                     #For a rough flat boundary

F_D=int(C_Df*area*((rho*U**2)/2))                           #Drag force

print "F_D=",F_D,"N"
F_D= 924 N
F_D= 1775 N

Example 8.14 Page No186

In [22]:
#variable initialisation

V=20                         #velocity in km/h

L=6                          #length in m

rho=1.2                      #relative density in kg/m^3

v=1.5E-5                     #kinematic viscosity in stoke

B=1                          #Breadth in m


U=round(V*1000/3600,2)           #Wind velocity

Re_L=U*L/(v)                     #Reynolds number

#The boundary layer is turbulent and the drag coefficient is corresponding to the power law,




print "F_D=",F_D,"N"

#The turbulent boundary layer thickness at trailing edge:

x=L=6                                    #in m


print "delta=",delta,"cm"
F_D= 0.3578 N
delta= 12.17 cm

Example 8.15 Page No186

In [23]:
#variable initialisation

U=3                     #free stream velocity in m/s

L=3                     #Length in m

v=1E-6                  #kinematic viscosity in stoke

rho=998                 #Relative density in kg/m^3

area=3.50               #area in m^2

Total=70                #total measured drag in N



#The boundary layer is turbulent

C_DF=(0.074/(Re_L**(1/5)))-(1700/Re_L)     #Drag coefficient


print "F_D=",F_D,"N"

#total measured drag=skin friction drag+wave drag


print "F_DW=",F_DW,"N"
F_D= 44.3 N
F_DW= 25.7 N

Example 8.17 Page No187

In [24]:
#variable initialisation

U=5                                                         #velocity in m/s

L=10                                                        #Length in m

mu=0.0018                                                   #viscosity in Pa.s

rho=1020                                                    #relative density in kg/m^3

b=2                                                         #breadth in m

ep=0.005                                                    #roughness height in m


ReL=(U*L*rho)/mu                                            #Reynolds number

#The flow is turbulent in the boundary layer.

area=b*L*2                                                   #area


C_Df=1/((1.89+1.62*(log(s,10)))**(2.5))                     #For a rough flat boundary

F_D=int(C_Df*area*((rho*U**2)/2))                           #Drag force


print "P=",round(P,1),"kW"
P= 18.1 kW

Example 8.18 Page No187

In [25]:
#variable initialisation

Up=10                                             #speed of prototype

Lm=1                                              #length of model

Lp=30                                             #length of prototype

area=1600                                         #wetted area

rho=1025                                          #relative density 

mu=1.07E-3                                        #dynamic viscosity in Pa.s

Tm=20                                             #total measured drag

rho_r=1                                           #relative density 

Lr=(1/30)                                         #ratio of model


#two drage:surface,wave.m for model and p for prototype

#Froude number





ReLP=((rho*Up*Lp)/mu)                             #Reynolds number


#The boundary is turbulent


Fsm=C_Dfm*Am*((rho*(Um**2))/2)                   #surface resistance


#Fwm is modelled by Froude's law,

Fwp=round(Fwm/(rho_r*(Lr**3))/1000,1)            #wave drag

C_Dfp=round((0.455/(log(ReLP,10))**(2.58))-(1700/ReLP),5)   #Drag coefficient


Fp=Fwp+Fsp                                      #Total prototype drag

print "Fp=",round(Fp,0),"kN"
Fp= 424.0 kN
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