Chapter 15 : Miscellaneous Solved Numerical Problems

Example 15.1 Page No : 392

In [1]:
# Variables
R = 0.2     #total resistance of cable in ohms
I = 200.     #current in A
t = 100.     #time in hours
V = 240.     #voltage in volts
c = 0.8     #math.cost of electrical energy in Rs per unit

# Calculations
V1 = I*R     #voltage drop in the cable
#(i)consumer voltage
Vc = V-V1
#(ii)Power loss in the cable
P = I*I*R     #in watts
E = P*t/1000     #energy loss in kWh
C = E*c     #math.cost of energy loss in Rs.

# Results
print 'i)Consumer voltage is %3.1f Volts '%(Vc)
print 'ii)cost of energy loss is Rs %3.2f '%(C)
i)Consumer voltage is 200.0 Volts 
ii)cost of energy loss is Rs 640.00 

Example 15.2 Page No : 393

In [2]:
# Variables
Vi = 220.     #voltage in volts supplied by dynamo
Vo = 200.     #voltage in volts required for lighting
I = 40.     #current in Amperes

# Calculations
Pi = Vi*I     #power output of dynamo
Po = Vo*I     #power consumed for lighting
L = Pi-Po     #line losses
R = L/(I**2)     #resistance of lines math.since line losses = I**2*R
t = 10     #time in hrs
N = (Po*t)/1000     #no of units of consumed in B.O.T units
Nw = (L*t)/1000     #No of units wasted in B.O.T units

# Results
print 'i)Resistance of lines is  %3.1f Ohms '%(R)
print 'ii)No. of B.O.T units consumed in 10hrs is %3.2f B.O.T units'%(N)
print 'iii)No. of B.O.T units wasted in 10hrs is %3.2f B.O.T units'%(Nw)
i)Resistance of lines is  0.5 Ohms 
ii)No. of B.O.T units consumed in 10hrs is 80.00 B.O.T units
iii)No. of B.O.T units wasted in 10hrs is 8.00 B.O.T units

Example 15.3 Page No : 393

In [3]:
# Variables
M = 250000.     #weight of water lifted per hr in kg
h = 50.     #height in metres
g = 9.81     #gravitational const.
WD = M*h*g     #work done by pump per hr in watt-sec
P = WD/3600     #Power output of pump per sec in watts
V = 500.     #supply voltage in volts
Ep = 0.8     #efficiency of pump
Em = 0.9     #efficiency of motor

# Calculations
E = Em*Ep     #overall efficiency
I = P/(V*E)     #current in amperes

# Results
print 'Current drawn by the motor is %3.2f Amperes'%(I)
Current drawn by the motor is 94.62 Amperes

Example 15.4 Page No : 394

In [4]:
import math

# Variables
P = 10.     #Power developed by motor in H.P
N = 600.     #Speed of motor in rpm
#1HP = 735.5Nw-m/sec = 75kgm/sec
a = 75.
b = 735.5

# Calculations
#Torque in kg-m
Tkgm = (P*a*60)/(2*math.pi*N)     #math.since P = 2*pi*NT/60
#Torque in Nw-m
TNwm = (P*b*60)/(2*math.pi*N)     #math.since P = 2*pi*NT/60

# Results
print 'i)Torque in kg.meter is %3.2f kg-m '%(Tkgm)
print 'ii)Torque in Newton.meter is %3.2f Nw-m'%(TNwm)
i)Torque in kg.meter is 11.94 kg-m 
ii)Torque in Newton.meter is 117.06 Nw-m

Example 15.5 Page No : 395

In [5]:
# Variables
P = 25.     #Output of diesel engine in kW
s = 12500.     #calorific value of fuel oil in k-cal/kgm
e = 0.35     #overall efficiency of diesel set
P1 = P/e     #input energy required in 1 hour in kWh

# Calculations
P2 = P1*860     #input energy in kcal
m = P2/s     #mass of oil needed per hr in kgm
w = 1000     #weight of 1 ton of oil in kgm
Eg = (P*w)/m     #Energy generated by 1ton of oil in kWh

# Results
print 'i)Mass of oil required per hr is %3.3f kgm '%(m)
print 'ii)Eletrical energy generated per ton of fuel is %4.1f Kwh'%(Eg)
i)Mass of oil required per hr is 4.914 kgm 
ii)Eletrical energy generated per ton of fuel is 5087.2 Kwh

Example 15.10 Page No : 398

In [7]:
import math

# Variables
rho = 1.7*(10**-6)     #resistivity of copper in ohm-cm
l = 5     #length in metres
t = 0.005     #thickness in m
D = 0.08     #external diameter in m

# Calculations
d = D-(2*t)     #internal diameter in m
a = math.pi*(D**2-d**2)/4     #cross section area in cm**2
R = rho*l/a     #resistance of copper tube in ohm
R1 = R/(10**-4)     #resistance in micro-ohm

# Results
print 'Thus the resistance of copper tube is %3.2f micro-ohm'%(R1)
Thus the resistance of copper tube is 72.15 micro-ohm

Example 15.11 Page No : 399

In [8]:
# Variables
rho = 1.7*(10**-8)     #resistivity in ohm-m
K = 1/rho     #conductivity in mho/m

# Calculations
a = 0.125*(10**-4)     #cross sectional area of cable in m**2
l = 2000.     #length of cable in meters
G = K*a/l     #conducmath.tance

# Results
print 'Thus conductivity of cable is %e mho/metres '%(K)
print 'and conducmath.tance of cable is %3f mho'%(G)
Thus conductivity of cable is 5.882353e+07 mho/metres 
and conducmath.tance of cable is 0.367647 mho

Example 15.12 Page No : 399

In [9]:
# Variables
V = 0.05     #volume in m**3
l = 300     #length in m
R = 0.0306     #resistance of conductor in ohm

# Calculations
rho = R*V/(l**2)     #resistivity of conducting material

# Results
print 'Thus resistivity of conducting material is %e ohm-m'%(rho)
Thus resistivity of conducting material is 1.700000e-08 ohm-m

Example 15.13 Page No : 399

In [10]:
# Variables
rho = 0.67*(10**-6)     #resistivity in ohm-inch
m = 39.4     #1meter  =  39.4inch
m2 = 1525.     #1 meter2 = 1525 square inch

# Calculations
rhoc = rho*m/m2     #resistivity of copper in ohm/m**3
rho1 = rhoc/(10**-6)

# Results
print 'Thus resistivity of copper is %e ohm/m**3'%(rhoc)
print 'which is equal to %2.4f micro-ohm/m**3'%(rho1)
Thus resistivity of copper is 1.731016e-08 ohm/m**3
which is equal to 0.0173 micro-ohm/m**3

Example 15.14 Page No : 400

In [11]:
import math

# Variables
R1 = 0.12     #old conductor resistance in ohm
d1 = 15.     #diameter of old conductor in cm
d2 = 0.4*d1     #diameter of new conductor in cm

# Calculations
a1 = math.pi*(d1**2)/4     #area of cross section of old conductor
a2 = math.pi*(d2**2)/4     #area of cross section of new conductor
#R = rho*l/a = rho*V/a**2
#Henec R is proportional to 1/a**2
R2 = R1*((a1/a2)**2)     #resistance of new conductor

# Results
print 'Thus resistance of new conductor is %2.4f ohm'%(R2)
Thus resistance of new conductor is 4.6875 ohm

Example 15.15 Page No : 401

In [12]:
# Variables
lab = 10.     #la = 10*lb ratio of length of A to length of B.
Aab = 1./2     #Aa = 1/2*Ab ratio of area of A to area of B
RHOab = 1./2     #RHOa = 2*RHOb ratio of resistivity of A to resistivity of B
Ra = 2.     #resistance of A in ohm

# Calculations
Rb = (Ra*Aab)/(lab*RHOab)     #resistance of B in ohm
#Since Ra = RHOa*la/Aa and Rb = RHOb*lb/Ab so from ratio of two we get Rb

# Results
print 'Thus resistance of resistor B is %2.2f ohm'%(Rb)
Thus resistance of resistor B is 0.20 ohm

Example 15.16 Page No : 402

In [13]:
import math

# Variables
RHOo = 10.3*(10**-6)     #resistivity of platinum wire at 0 degree in ohm-cm
d = 0.0074     #diameter of platinum wire
a = math.pi*(d**2)/4     #area of cross section of platinum wire in sq cm
Ro = 4.     #resistance of wire in ohm

# Calculations
l = Ro*a/RHOo     #length of wire in cm
alphao = 0.0038
t = 100     #temp in degree C
R100 = Ro*(1+(alphao*t))

# Results
print 'Thus length of wire required is %3.2f cms'%(l)
print 'and Resistance of wire at 100 degreeC is %2.2f ohms'%(R100)
Thus length of wire required is 16.70 cms
and Resistance of wire at 100 degreeC is 5.52 ohms

Example 15.17 Page No : 403

In [14]:
# Variables
Ra = 1.     #resistance of A in ohm
lab = 20.     #ratio of length of A to length of B
Aab = 1./3     #ratio of area of A to area of B

# Calculations
#resistivity is same for both wires
Rb = Ra*(Aab/lab)     #resistance of wire B in ohm
#math.since Ra = rho*la/Aa and Rb = rho*lb/Ab so from ratio of both we get Rb

# Results
print 'Thus resistance of wire B is %2.4f omhs'%(Rb)
Thus resistance of wire B is 0.0167 omhs

Example 15.19 Page No : 405

In [15]:
# Variables
I1 = 2./(2+3)     #current across 2V battery in circuit EBD in A
Vbe = 3*I1     #voltage dropp across BE in V
I2 = 4./(5+3)     #current across 4V battery in circuit AFC in A

# Calculations
Vaf = 3*I2     #voltage dropp across AF in V
V = Vbe+4-Vaf     #sum of potential drops starting from E and ending at F

# Results
#V is the P.D. between E and F
print 'Thus the P.D. between E and F is %2.1f Volts'%(V)
Thus the P.D. between E and F is 3.7 Volts

Example 15.20 Page No : 405

In [16]:
# Calculations
#Let current in XA = I, in XY = I1, in AY = I-40, in YB = I-40+I1-60, in BX = I+I1-150.
#By Kirchhoff's second law, in circuit XAYA I-I1 = 20
# and in circuit XAYBX 25I+15I1 = 1950
I1 = (1950-500.)/(15.+25)     #in Amperes

# Results
print 'Thus the current in branch XY is I1 = %2.2f Amps'%(I1)
Thus the current in branch XY is I1 = 36.25 Amps

Example 15.21 Page No : 407

In [17]:
# Variables
A = 30.     #area of hysteresis material in cm**2
s1 = 0.4     #scale is 1cm = 0.4Wb/m**2
s2 = 400.     # and 1cm = 400AT/m

# Calculations
V = 1.2*(10**-3)
f = 50     #frequency in Hz
H = A*s1*s2     #hysteresis loss/m**3/cycle in joules
Hp = H*V*f     #hysteresis power loss in Watts

# Results
print 'Thus hysteresis power loss is %3.2f Watts'%(Hp)
Thus hysteresis power loss is 288.00 Watts

Example 15.22 Page No : 407

In [18]:
# Variables
d = 7500.     #density of iron in kg/m**3
w = 12.     #weight of iron in kgm

# Calculations
V = w/d     #volume of iron in m**3
f = 25.     #frequency in Hz
N = 3600.*f     #number of cycle per hour
A = 300     #area in joules/m**3
E = A*V*N     #Total energy loss per hour in joules

# Results
print 'Thus total energy loss per hour is %5.2f Joules'%(E)
Thus total energy loss per hour is 43200.00 Joules

Example 15.23 Page No : 407

In [19]:
# Variables
l = 0.5     #length of coil in meters
d = 0.1     #diameter of coil
N = 1500.     #no of turns of coil

# Calculations
a = math.pi*(d**2)/4     #cross sectional area of coil in m**2
Ur = 1     #relative permeability
Uo = 4*math.pi*(10**-7)     #permeability
I = 8     #current in A
L = ((N**2)*a*Uo*Ur)/l     #self inducmath.tance of coil in H
E = (1./2)*L*(I**2)     #Energy stored in Joules

# Results
print 'Thus Self Inducmath.tance of coil is %2.3f H'%(L)
print 'and Energy stored is %1.2f Joules'%(E)
Thus Self Inducmath.tance of coil is 0.044 H
and Energy stored is 1.42 Joules

Example 15.24 Page No : 408

In [20]:
# Variables
N = 600.     #number of turns on the coil
I = 2.     #current pasmath.sing through solenoid in A
l = 0.6     #length of solenoid in meter
H = N*I/l     #magnetic field at the centre in AT/m
Ur = 1.     #relative permeability

# Calculations
Uo = 4*math.pi*(10**-7)     #permeability
d = 0.025     #diameter in meters
a = math.pi*(d**2)/4     #cross sectional area of coil in m**2
phi = Uo*Ur*H*a     #flux in Wb

# Results
print 'Thus Magenetic field at centre is %3.2f AT/m'%(H)
print ' and Flux is %e Wb'%(phi)
Thus Magenetic field at centre is 2000.00 AT/m
 and Flux is 1.233701e-06 Wb

Example 15.25 Page No : 408

In [21]:
# Variables
Ur = 1.     #relative permeability
B = 1.257     #flux density in Wb/m**2

# Calculations
Uo = 4*math.pi*(10**-7)     #permeability
H = B/(Uo*Ur)     #magnetimath.sing force in AT/m
l = 0.004     #length of air gap in meter
AT = H*l     #AT required for the air gap

# Results
print 'Thus AT required for the air gap is %3.1f '%(AT)
Thus AT required for the air gap is 4001.2 

Example 15.26 Page No : 409

In [22]:
# Variables
D = 0.3     #diameter of anchor ring in m
l = math.pi*D     #length of iron ring in m
N = 400.     #number of turns on the iron ring
a = 0.0012     #area of cross section of iron path in m**2
Ur = 1000.     #relative permeability

# Calculations
Uo = 4*math.pi*(10**-7)     #permeability
I = 2     #current in A
phi = (N*I)/(l/(Uo*Ur*a))     #flux through iron path in WB
phi1 = phi/(10**-3)     #flux in mWb

# Results
print 'Thus flux through iron path is %2.2f mWb'%(phi1)
Thus flux through iron path is 1.28 mWb

Example 15.27 Page No : 409

In [23]:
# Variables
a = 0.01     #crosssectional area of ring in m**2
Uo = 4*(math.pi)*(10**-7)     #absolute permeability
lf = 1.25     #leakage factor
Ur = 400.     #permeability
N = 175.     #no of turns

# Calculations
phig = 0.8*(10**-3)     #flux through air gap in Wb
Bg = phig/a     #Flux density in air gap in Wb/m**2
Hg = Bg/Uo     #magnetimath.sing force in air gap in AT/m
Lg = 0.004     #length of air gap in m
ATg = Hg*Lg     #AT required for air gap in AT
phii = phig*lf     #flux through iron path in Wb
Bi = phii/a     #Flux density in iron path in Wb/m**2
Hi = Bi/(Uo*Ur)     #magnetimath.sing force in iron path in AT/m
Li = 1.5     #length of iron path in m
ATi = Hi*Li     #At required for iron path in AT
AT = ATi+ATg     #total AT required 
I = ATg/N     #Magnetimath.sing current required in A

# Results
print 'Thus the magnetimath.sing current required is %2.2f Amps'%(I)
Thus the magnetimath.sing current required is 1.46 Amps

Example 15.28 Page No : 411

In [24]:
# Variables
SI = 0.2     #steady current in A
t = 0.2     #time in sec
Q = SI*t     #charge given to condenser in Coulomb
V = 220.     #PD across condenser in Volts

# Calculations
C = Q/V     #Capacitance of condenser in F
C1 = C*(10**6)     #Capacitance in mircoF

# Results
print 'Thus the Charge of condenser is %2.2f Coulomb'%(Q)
print 'And the Capacitance of condenser is %3.2f microF'%(C1)
Thus the Charge of condenser is 0.04 Coulomb
And the Capacitance of condenser is 181.82 microF

Example 15.29 Page No : 411

In [25]:
# Variables
C = 2*(10**-6)     #capacitance of condenser in F
V = 10000     #PD across condenser in Volts

# Calculations
E = (1./2)*C*(V**2)     #energy stored in condenser in Joules
H = E/4.2     #heat produced in the wire in calories

# Results
print 'Thus heat produced in the wire is %2.2f calories'%(H)
Thus heat produced in the wire is 23.81 calories

Example 15.30 Page No : 411

In [26]:
# Variables
V = 15*(10**3)     #potential difference applied in V
A = 0.02     #surface area of plate in m**2
d = 0.001     #dismath.tance between plates in m
C = 4.5*(10**-10)     #Capacitance of capacitor in F
Ko = 8.854*(10**-12)     #consmath.tant

# Calculations
K = (C*d)/(Ko*A)     #dielectric consmath.tant
q = C*V     #charge on condenser in C
D = q/A     #Electric flux density in C/m**2

# Results
print 'Thus the Charge of condenser is %e Coulomb'%(q)
print 'And the electric flux density of condenser is %e microF'%(D)
Thus the Charge of condenser is 6.750000e-06 Coulomb
And the electric flux density of condenser is 3.375000e-04 microF

Example 15.31 Page No : 412

In [27]:
# Variables
m = 0.6     #mass of water in kgm
S = 4200.     #specific heat of water
T1 = 100.     #temperature in degreeC
T2 = 10.     #temperature in degreeC
t = 5*60.     #time in sec
V = 230.     #Supply voltage in Volts

# Calculations
H = m*S*(T1-T2)     #Heat required to raise the temp of water from 0 to 100 degree. in J
e = 0.78     #efficiency of kettle
Ei = H/e     #Energy input in Joules
Ei1 = Ei/(100*3600)     #Energy input in kWh
W = Ei/t     #Rating of kettle in watts
R = (V*V)/W     #Resistance of heating element in ohms

# Results
print 'Thus Resistance of heating element is %2.1f ohms'%(R)
Thus Resistance of heating element is 54.6 ohms

Example 15.32 Page No : 413

In [28]:
# Variables
m1 = 120.     #mass of water to be heated in kg
m2 = 20.     #mass of copper math.tank in kg
S1 = 1.     #specific heat of water
S2 = 0.095     #specific heat of copper
T1 = 10.     #temp in degreeC
T2 = 60.     #temp in degreeC

# Calculations
H = (m1*S1*(T2-T1))+(m2*S2*(T2-T1))     #heat required to raise the temp of water  and math.tank in kcal
H1 = H*4200     #heat required in Joules
e = 0.8     #thermal efficiency
E = H1/e     #Energy input in joules
E1 = E/(1000*3600)     #energy input in kWh
r = 3     #rating of heater in kW
t = E1/r     #time taken in hours

# Results
print 'Thus the time taken to raise the temp is %2.3f hours'%(t)
Thus the time taken to raise the temp is 2.963 hours

Example 15.33 Page No : 414

In [29]:
import math

# Variables
rho = 5*(10**-5)     #specific resistance for steel in ohm-cm
U = 1.     #relative permeability
d = 0.15     #depth of penetration in cm

# Calculations
f = (rho*(10**9))/(U*d*d*4*(math.pi**2))     #frequency required in cycles per sec
f1 = f/1000     #frquency in k.cycles/sec

# Results
print 'Thus the frequency required is %3.3f k.cycles/sec'%(f1)
Thus the frequency required is 56.290 k.cycles/sec

Example 15.34 Page No : 414

In [30]:
import math

# Variables
v = 50.*20*2     #Volume of board to be heated in cm**3
Mw = 0.56     #weight of wood in gm/cm**3
m = Mw*v/1000     #mass of wood in kgm
S = 0.35     #specific heat of wood
t = 15./60     #time in hrs
f = 30*(10**6)     #frequency in cycles/sec
t2 = 150.;t1 = 30.     #temp in degreeC
H = m*S*(t2-t1)     #heat required to raise the temp in kcal
Hw = H*1000/860     #heat required in kW

# Calculations
P = Hw/t     #power required in Watts
e = 0.5     #efficiency of dielectric heating process
Pi = P/e     #power input required in Watts
Ko = 8.854*(10**-12)     #absolute permittivity
K = 5     #relative permittivity
A = 0.5*0.2     #area in m
i = 0.02
C = Ko*K*A/i     #capacitance of parallel plate capacitor in F
Xc = 1/(2*math.pi*f*C)     #capacitive reacmath.tance in ohms
cosx = 0.05
tanx = 19.97
R = Xc*tanx     #resistance
V = math.sqrt(Pi*R)     #voltage in volts
Ic = V/Xc     #current through the board in Amps

# Results
print 'Thus the power required is %2.1f Watts'%(Pi)
print 'And Voltage across the board is %3.2f volts'%(V)
print 'And the current through the board is %2.3f Amps'%(Ic)
Thus the power required is 437.6 Watts
And Voltage across the board is 457.64 volts
And the current through the board is 19.095 Amps

Example 15.35 Page No : 416

In [31]:
# Variables
m = 2.     #quantity of aluminium to be melted in kg
t1 = 15.
t2 = 660.     #temp in degreeC
S = 0.212     #specific heat of aluminium
L = 78.8     #latent heat of aluminium in kcal/kg

# Calculations
H = (m*S*(t2-t1))+(m*L)     #total heat required to melt Al in kcal
i = 5     #input to furnace in kW
E = i*(1000*10*60)     #Energy input to furnace in watt-sec
E1 = E/4180     #energy input in kcal
e = H*100/E1     #efficiency of furnace

# Results
print 'Thus the efficiency of furnace is %2.3f percent'%(e)
Thus the efficiency of furnace is 60.123 percent

Example 15.36 Page No : 417

In [32]:
# Variables
O = 5*735.5     #output of motor in W
e = 0.85     #efficiency of motor
c = 2.     #math.cost of energy per unit in Rs

# Calculations
I = O/e     #input of motor in Watts
t = 4     #time in hrs
E = I*t/1000     #energy consumed in kWh
C = c*E     #math.cost of umath.sing the motor in Rs

# Results
print 'Thus the math.cost of umath.sing the motor is %2.3f Rs'%(C)
Thus the math.cost of umath.sing the motor is 34.612 Rs

Example 15.37 Page No : 417

In [33]:
# Variables
I = 2.5*(10**-3)     #current in Amp
t = 30*(10**-3)     #time in sec
Q = I*t     #charge pasmath.sing through the person in Coulumbs

# Calculations
e = 1.602*(10**-19)     #charge of 1 electron in C
N = Q/e     #no of electrons pasmath.sing through the person 

# Results
print 'Thus the no of electrons pasmath.sing through the person is %e electrons'%(N)
Thus the no of electrons pasmath.sing through the person is 4.681648e+14 electrons

Example 15.38 Page No : 417

In [34]:
# Variables
#(a)Finding resistance between 2 ends
l = 1     #length in m
a = 2.5*(10**-2)*0.05*(10**-2)     #area of cross section in m**2
rho = 1.724*(10**-8)     #specific resistance of copper in ohm-m

# Calculations
R = rho*l/a     #resistance of the strip in ohm
#(b) Finding resistance between 2 faces
l1 = 0.05*(10**-2)     #length in m
a1 = 2.5*(10**-2)*1     #area of cross section in m**2
R1 = rho*l1/a1     #resistance in ohm

# Results
print 'Thus the resistance of the strip is %e ohms '%(R)
print 'And the resistance between the faces is %e ohms'%(R1)
Thus the resistance of the strip is 1.379200e-03 ohms 
And the resistance between the faces is 3.448000e-10 ohms

Example 15.39 Page No : 418

In [35]:
# Variables
m = 2.     #weight of water to be heated in kg
t2 = 98.
t1 = 15.     #temp in degreeC
s = 1.     #specific heat of water
V = 200.     #voltage in volts

# Calculations
H = m*s*(t2-t1)     #energy required to raise the temp of water in kcal
H1 = H*4200     #energy in Watt-sec or Joules
e = 0.85     #efficiency of kettle
E = H1/e     #energy input required in watt-sec
E1 = E/(1000*3600)     #energy input in kWh
c = 35.     #math.cost per unit in paise
C = c*E1     #ocst of energy used in paise
t = 10./60     #time in hrs
W = E1*1000/t     #wattage of kettle in watts
R = V*V/W     #resistance of heating element in ohms

# Results
print 'Thus the resistance of heating element is %2.0f ohms'%(R)
print 'And the math.cost of energy used is %2.0f paisa'%(C)
Thus the resistance of heating element is 29 ohms
And the math.cost of energy used is  8 paisa

Example 15.40 Page No : 418

In [1]:
import math

# Variables
phi = 70000./(10**8)     #flux to be set up in Wb math.since 10**8lines  = 1Wb
d = 0.03     #diameter in m
a = math.pi*d*d/4     #area of cross section in m**2
B = phi/a     #flux density in Wb/m**2
Lg = 0.002     #length of air gap in m
Ls = (math.pi*0.2)-Lg     #length of steel path
Uo = 4*math.pi*(10**-7)     #absolute permitivity
Ur = 800.     #relative permitivity of steel

# Calculations
Hg = B/Uo
Hs = B/(Uo*Ur)
AT = (Hg*Lg)+(Hs*Ls)     #total ampere turns required 
N = 500.     # no of turns
I = AT/N     #exciting current in amps

# Results
print 'Thus the value of exciting current is %2.3f A'%(I)
Thus the value of exciting current is 4.386 A