Chapter 5 Metrology

Example 1 Page No:81

In [1]:
#Input data
MSR=3.2          #Main scale reading of cylindrical rod in cm
NCD=7            #Number of coinciding Vernier Scale division 
Lc=0.1*10**-3    #Least count of the instrument in mm

DOR=MSR+(NCD*Lc) #Diameter of the rod

print("Diameter of the rod= ",round(DOR,3),"cm")
Diameter of the rod=  3.201 cm

Example 2 Page No:82

In [2]:
#Input data
MSR=5.3             #Main scale reading of prismatic bar in cm
NCD=6               #Number of coinciding Vernier Scale division 
Lc=0.1*10**-3       #Least count of the instrument in mm 
Ne=(-0.2*10**-3)    #Instrument bears a nagative error in mm

Mlb=MSR+(NCD*Lc)    #Measured length of the bar in cm
Tlb=(Mlb-(Ne))      #True length of the bar in cm

print("Measured length of the bar= ",round(Mlb,3),"cm")
print("true length of the bar= ",round(Tlb,3),"cm")
Measured length of the bar=  5.301 cm
true length of the bar=  5.301 cm

Example 3 Page No:88

In [3]:
#Input data
import math
L=100         #Height of sine bar
theta=12.8    #angle in degree minut

b=Z*L         #Height required to setup in mm

print("Height required=",round(b,4),"mm")
Height required= 22.1548 mm