Part B : Chapter 6 : Communication System

Example 6.1 Page no : 6.24

In [2]:
import math 

# Variables
theta1 = 30;				#degree(Angle of incedence)
n1 = 1.5;				#(refractive index for glass)
n2 = 1.36;				#(refractive index for ethyl alcohol)

# Calculations
theta2 = math.degrees(math.asin(n1*math.sin(math.radians(theta1))/n2));				#degree(Angle of refraction)

# Results
print "Angle of refraction(degree) : %.2f"%theta2
Angle of refraction(degree) : 33.47

Example 6.2 Page no : 6.35

In [3]:
# Variables
clusters = 10;				#no. of clusters
cells = 7;				#no. of cells in a cluster
channels = 10;				#no. of channels in a cell

# Calculations and Results
F = cells*channels;				#no. of full duplex channels/cluster
print "Number of channels per cluster : %.2f"%F

C = clusters*cells*channels;				#total no. of channels
print "Total channel capacity : %.2f"%C
Number of channels per cluster : 70.00
Total channel capacity : 700.00

Example 6.3 Page no : 6.37

In [4]:
# Variables
Asys = 1520.;				#km**2
Ch = 1140.;				#no. of channels
Acell = 4.;				#km**2
i = 3.;
j = 2.;				#For hexagon cells

# Calculations and Results
N = i**2+i*j+j**2;				#cells in a cluster
print "(a) No. of cells in a cluster : %.2f"%N

Acluster = N*Acell;				#km**2
cluster = Asys/Acluster;				#no. of clusters
print "(b) Number of clusters : %.2f"%cluster
print "(c) Area of each cellular cluster(km**2) : %.2f"%Acluster

C = cluster*Ch;				#system capacity
print "(d) Increased system capacity(No. of channels) : %.2f"%C

#Without frequency reuse :-
c_sys = Asys/Acell;				#No. of cell in a system
ch_cell = Ch/c_sys;				#No. of channels/cell
print "(e_i) Without frequency reuse, No. of channels/cell : %.2f"%ch_cell

#With frequency reuse :-
ch_cell = Ch/N;				#No. of channels/cell
print "(e_ii) With frequency reuse, No. of channels/cell : %.2f"%ch_cell
(a) No. of cells in a cluster : 19.00
(b) Number of clusters : 20.00
(c) Area of each cellular cluster(km**2) : 76.00
(d) Increased system capacity(No. of channels) : 22800.00
(e_i) Without frequency reuse, No. of channels/cell : 3.00
(e_ii) With frequency reuse, No. of channels/cell : 60.00