Chapter 8: Phase transformation

Example 8.1 Page 236

In [2]:
#initiation of variable
from math import pi
Hf=-1.16*10**9  #  Latent heat of fusion in J/m^3 
Y=0.132  #   Surface energy in J/m^2
Tm=1064+273.0  # Melting point of gold in K  
T=1064+273-230.0  #  230 is supercoiling value in K 
a=0.413*10**-9  #  Unit Cell edge length in m 
n = 4.0 # Number of atoms in a FCC unit cell

#part A

print" Critical Radius is : %.2f nm" %(r/10**-9);
print" Activation free energy is : %.2e J" %G 
print "Answer in book is 9.64e-19 J. It is due to approximation at intermediate stage"

#part B
tot_uc = n*int(u_c) # Total no. of atoms per critical nucleus

print" Unit cells per paricle are : %d" %u_c;
print" Total no. of atoms per critical nucleus are : %d" %tot_uc;
 Critical Radius is : 1.32 nm
 Activation free energy is : 9.68e-19 J
Answer in book is 9.64e-19 J. It is due to approximation at intermediate stage
 Unit cells per paricle are : 137
 Total no. of atoms per critical nucleus are : 548

Example 8.2 Page 252

In [5]:
#initiation of variable
#part A
print " At 350C the isothermic reaction begins time",t1, "s and reaches completion of about 500s completion time"

print " In this case it takes about time",t2,"s for the reaction to begin and so, at 100s the specimen is 100% austenite"

print "In this case reaction begins after time",t3,"s and at about 20s 50% of reaction is complete"
 At 350C the isothermic reaction begins time 10 s and reaches completion of about 500s completion time
 In this case it takes about time 150 s for the reaction to begin and so, at 100s the specimen is 100% austenite
In this case reaction begins after time 7 s and at about 20s 50% of reaction is complete