Chapter 8 : Third Law of Thermodynamics

Example 8.1 Page No : 138

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy

C_ps = 0.1;#Molal heat capacity of copper at 20 K
Ti = 0.0;#Initial temperature in K
Tf = 20.0;#melting point in K
Tb = 300.0;#boiling point in K

#To calculate the absolute entropy of copper at 300 K
#From equation 8.4(page no 164)
a = C_ps/(Tf**3);# a is the charateristic consmath.tant
C_p = [0.1,0.80,1.94,3.0,3.9,5.0];
#T1 = math.log(T);
T1 = [1.301,1.6021,1.7782,1.9031,2.000,2.1761];
plt.title("C_p vs T1")
# Area under the curve is given as
A = 7.82;
#From equation 8.5(page no 164)
S = (a*((Tf**3)/3))+A;
print "The absolute entropy of copper is %f Kcal/Kgmole"%(S);
The absolute entropy of copper is 7.853333 Kcal/Kgmole