Chapter 04: Control Statements in C

Example 1 , Page number: CP-60

In [1]:
# Program to find the biggest of two numbers
# Variable declaration

a = 5
b = 8

print "Enter two numbers : %d" % a,b

# Calculation

big = a
if (b>big):
    big = b

print "Biggest number is ",big
Enter two numbers : 5 8
Biggest number is  8

Example 2 , Page number: CP-61

In [2]:
# Program to find biggest of three numbers
# Variable declaration

a = 5
b = 13
c = 8

print "Enter three numbers : %d" % a,b,c

# Calculate

big = a
if (b>big):
    big = b
if (c>big):
    big = c

print "Biggest number is",big
Enter three numbers : 5 13 8
Biggest number is 13

Example 3 , Page number: CP-63

In [3]:
# Program to find biggest of three numbers
# Variable declaration

a = 18
b = -5
c = 13
print "Enter three numbers : %d" % a,b,c

# Calculation to find biggest number

if (a>b):
        big = a
        big = c
        big = b
        big = c

print "Biggest number is",big
Enter three numbers : 18 -5 13
Biggest number is 18

Example 4 , Page number: CP-64

In [4]:
# Program to find the value of y 
# Variable declration

x = 0.42
n = 5

print "Enter value to x and n :" , x,n 

# Calculation

if (n==1):
    y = 1 + x
elif (n==2):
    y = 1 + x / n
elif (n==3):
    y = 1 + (x ** n)
    y = 1 + n * x

print "Value of y(x,n) = %0.2f" % y
Enter value to x and n : 0.42 5
Value of y(x,n) = 3.10

Example 5 , Page number: CP-66

In [5]:
# Program to find the value of y
# Variable declaration

x = 0.42
n = 5

print "Enter value to x and n :", x,n

# Calculation

# Switch case statements 
if n == 1: # case 1
    y = 1 + x
elif  n == 2: # case 2
    y = 1 + x / n
elif n == 3: # case 3
    y = 1 + (x ** n)
else: # default
    y = 1 + n * x

print "Value of y(x,n) = %0.2f" % y 
Enter value to x and n : 0.42 5
Value of y(x,n) = 3.10

Example 6 , Page number: CP-68

In [6]:
# Program to caculate the commission for sales representatives
# Variable declaration

sales = 4500

print "Sales amount ? :" , sales

# Calculation of commission

if (sales <= 500):
    comm = 0.05 * sales
elif (sales <= 2000):
    comm = 35 + 0.10 * (sales - 500)
elif (sales <= 5000):
    comm = 185 + 0.12 * (sales - 2000)
    comm = 0.125 * sales

print "Commission Amount Rs.%0.2f" % comm
Sales amount ? : 4500
Commission Amount Rs.485.00

Example 7 , Page number: CP-69

In [7]:
# Program to find roots of a quadratic equation
# Variable declaration

a = 1
b = 3
c = 2

print "Enter coefficients a, b, and c :", a,b,c

d = b * b - 4 * a * c

# Calculation of roots

if (d > 0):
    x1 = (-b + (d ** 0.5)) / (2 * a)
    x2 = (-b - (d ** 0.5)) / (2 * a)
    print "Roots are real and unequal "
    print x1,x2

elif(d == 0):
    x = -b / (2 * a)
    print "Roots are real and equal"
    print "%6.2f" % x

    print "No Real roots, roots are complex"

Enter coefficients a, b, and c : 1 3 2
Roots are real and unequal 
-1.0 -2.0

Example 8 , Page number: CP-70

In [8]:
# Program to print grade
# Variable declaration

avg_marks = 84

print "Average marks ?",avg_marks

# Calculation of grade

if (avg_marks >= 80) and (avg_marks <= 100):
    print "Honours"
elif (avg_marks >= 60) and (avg_marks <=79):
    print "First Division"
elif (avg_marks >= 50) and (avg_marks <= 59):
    print "Second Division"
    print "Fail"
Average marks ? 84

Example 9 , Page number: CP-70

In [10]:
# Program to calculate electirc charges for domestic consumers
# Variable declaration

units = 348

print "Enter consumed units :",units

# Calculation of electric charges

if (units <= 200):
    amt = 0.5 * units
elif (units <= 400):
    amt = 100 + 0.65 * (units - 200)
elif (units <= 600):
    amt = 230 + 0.8 * (units - 400)
    amt = 425 + 1.25 * (units - 600)
print "Amount to be paid Rs.%0.2f" % amt
Enter consumed units : 348

Amount to be paid Rs.196.20

Example 10 , Page number: CP-73

In [11]:
# Program to find the grade of steel samples
# Variable declaration

ts = 800
rh = 180
cc = 3

print "Enter tensile strength :",ts
print "Enter rockwell hardness :",rh
print "Enter carbon content :",cc

# Calculation of grade

if (ts >= 700):
    if (rh >= 200):
        if (cc <= 6):
            print "Grade is A"
            print "Grade is B" 
    elif (cc <= 6):
        print "Grade is C"
        print "Grade is E"      
elif (rh >= 200):
    if (cc <= 6):
            print "Grade is D"
            print "Grade is E"
elif (cc <= 6):
        print "Grade is E"
        print "Grade is F"
Enter tensile strength : 800
Enter rockwell hardness : 180
Enter carbon content : 3
Grade is C