Example E01 : Pg 479

In [1]:
#  Example 12.1
#  Determine (a) Field circuit resistance (b) Field rheostat setting that will 
#  provide no load voltage of 140V (c) Armature voltage if the rheostat is set 
#  to 14.23 ohm (d) Field rheostat setting that will cause critical resistance 
#  (e) Armature voltage at 80 percent rated speed (f) Rheostat setting required 
#  to obtain no load armature voltage of 140V if shunt field is separately 
#  excited from a 120V DC source
#  Page No. 479
#  Given data
Ea=156.;               #  No load voltage
If=4.7;               #  Shunt field current
If140=2.35;           #  New field current at Ea=140V
Eanew=140;            #  No load voltage
Ifnew=3.2;            #  Field current corresponding to no load voltage
Ea1=0;                #  First arbitrary voltage
Ea2=100.;              #  Second arbitrary voltage
V=130.;                #  Intersection of I1 and I2
Rrheonew=14.42;       #  Rheostat set to new settings
Va=116.;               #  Intersection of field resistance line with the low 
                      #  speed magnetization curve
# (a) Field circuit resistance
Rf=Ea/If;      #  Field circuit resistance
#  (b) Field rheostat setting that will provide no load voltage of 140V
# (c) Armature voltage if the rheostat is set to 14.23 ohm
Rnew=Rf+Rrheonew;      #  New field resistance
If1=Ea1/(Rf+Rrheo);    #  Field current corresponding to first arbitrary voltage
If2=Ea2/(Rf+Rrheo);    #  Field current corresponding to second arbitrary voltage
#  (d) Field rheostat setting that will cause critical resistance 
Rcr=Eanew/If140;         #  Critical resistance
#  (e) Armature voltage at 80 percent rated speed
#  Ea80=0.80*Ea;
# (f) Rheostat setting required to obtain no load armature voltage of 140V if 
#  shunt field is separately excited from a 120V DC source
#  Display result on command window
print"Field circuit resistance =",Rf,"Ohm"
print"Field rheostat setting that will provide no load voltage of 140V =",Rrheo,"Ohm"
print"Armature voltage if the rheostat is set to 14.23 ohm =",V,"V"
print"Field rheostat setting that will cause critical resistance =",Rcr,"Ohm"
print"Armature voltage at 80 percent rated speed (V)=",Ea80
print"Rheostat setting required =",Rrheo1,"Ohm"
Field circuit resistance = 33.1914893617 Ohm
Field rheostat setting that will provide no load voltage of 140V = 10.5585106383 Ohm
Armature voltage if the rheostat is set to 14.23 ohm = 130.0 V
Field rheostat setting that will cause critical resistance = 59.5744680851 Ohm
Armature voltage at 80 percent rated speed (V)= 116
Rheostat setting required = 4.3085106383 Ohm

Example E02 : Pg 487

In [2]:
#  Example 12.2
#  Computation of (a) No load voltage (b) Voltage regulation
#  (c) Resistance setting of rheostat necessary to obtain rated voltage 
#  at rated conditions
#  Page No. 487
#  Given data
P=300000.;               #  Shunt generator power rating
VT=240.;                 #  Shunt generator voltage rating
Ra=0.00234;             #  Armature winding resistance
RIP=0.00080;            #  Resistance of interpole winding
Fnet=5100.;              #  Net mmf
Vnl=255.;                #  No load voltage
Vrated=240.;             #  Rated voltage
Nf=1020.;                #  Turns per pole
Vf=120.;                 #  Source that separately excites the generator
#  (a) No load voltage
Ia=P/VT;               #  Armature current
Ea=VT+Ia*(Ra+RIP);     #  Armature emf
#  (b) Voltage regulation
#  (c) Resistance setting of rheostat necessary to obtain rated voltage at rated conditions
Rrheo=(Vf/If)-Rf; #  Rheostat setting
#  Display result on command window
print"No load voltage =",Vnl,"V"
print"Voltage regulation =",VR,"Percent"
print"Resistance setting of rheostat necessary =",Rrheo,"Ohm"
No load voltage = 255.0 V
Voltage regulation = 6.25 Percent
Resistance setting of rheostat necessary = 2.996 Ohm

Example E03 : Pg 492

In [3]:
#  Example 12.3
#  Computation of (a) Induced emf at rated load (b) No load voltage
#  (c) Voltage regulation (d) What is the type of compounding?
#  Page No. 492
#  Given data
Pload=320000.;               #  Shunt generator power rating
Vrated=250.;                 #  Shunt generator voltage rating
Rf=20.2;                    #  Shunt resistance
Rrheo=7.70;                 #  Shunt field rheostat value
If=8.96;                    #  Field current
Iload=1280.;                 #  Load current
Ra=0.00817;                 #  Armature resistance
Rip=0.00238;                #  Resistance of interpole winding
Rse=0.00109;                #  Resistance of series winding
Nf=502.;                     #  Turns per pole
VNL=225.;                    #  No load voltage

#  (a) Induced emf at rated load
Iload=Pload/Vrated;          #  Load current
If=Vrated/(Rf+Rrheo);        #  Field current
Ia=If+Iload;                 #  Armature current

#  (b) No load voltage

#  (c) Voltage regulation

#  Display result on command window
print"Induced emf at rated load =",Ea,"V"
print"No load voltage =",VNL,"V"
print"Voltage regulation =",VR,"Percent"
print"The machine is overcompounded"
Induced emf at rated load = 265.003501075 V
No load voltage = 225.0 V
Voltage regulation = -10.0 Percent
The machine is overcompounded

Example E04 : Pg 494

In [4]:
#  Example 12.4
#  Computation of (a) Required resistance of a noninductive diverter that will 
#  bypass 27 percent of the total armature current(b) Power rating of the 
#  diverter
#  Page No. 494
#  Given data
Rs=0.00306;               #  Shunt generator resistance rating
Is=0.73;                  #  Shunt generator current rating
Id1=0.27;                 #  Armature winding resistance
Pload=170000.;             #  Load of power
VT=250.;                   #  Shunt generator voltage rating
Id2=680.;                  #  No load voltage
Rd=0.27;                  #  Resistance drop

#  (a) Required resistance of a noninductive diverter that will bypass 
#  27 percent of the total armature current

#  (b) Power rating of the diverter

# Display result on command window
print"Required resistance of a noninductive diverter = %0.5f Ohm ",Rd
print"Power rating of the diverter =",Pd,"W "
Required resistance of a noninductive diverter = %0.5f Ohm  0.00827333333333
Power rating of the diverter = 278.8854624 W 

Example E05 : Pg 500

In [5]:
#  Example 12.5
#  Computation of (a) New bus voltage (b) Current supplied by each generator
# Page No. 500
#  Given data
p1=300000.;               #  Rated power in generator A
p2=400000.;               #  Rated power in generator B
v=250.;                   #  Rated voltage in machine
p3=350000.;               #  Rated power in generator C

#  (a) New bus voltage

IArated=p1/v;               #  Rated current in generator A
IBrated=p2/v;               #  Rated current in generator B
IBorig=p3/v;                #  Original bus current
IbDelta=Ibnew-IBorig;       #  Current difference
DelVbus=IbDelta/(160.+128.);  #  Voltage difference

#  (b) Current supplied by each generator
DelIA=160.*DelVbus;          #  Generator A current difference
DelIB=128.*DelVbus;          #  Generator A current difference
Vbus=v-DelVbus;             #  Voltage across the bus
IA=700.+DelIA;               #  Current in generator A
IB=700.+DelIB;               #  Current in generator B

Loading= (IA-IArated)*100./IArated;

#  Display result on command window
print"New bus voltage =",DelVbus,"V"
print"Current supplied by generator A =",IA,"A"
print"Current supplied by generator B =",IB,"A"
print"Macine A is overloaded by",Loading,"Percent"
New bus voltage = 3.81944444444 V
Current supplied by generator A = 1311.11111111 A
Current supplied by generator B = 1188.88888889 A
Macine A is overloaded by 9.25925925926 Percent

Example E06 : Pg 502

In [6]:
#  Example 12.6
#  Determine (a) The increment increase in load on each machine if an 
#  additional 400 A load is connected to the bus (b) Current carried 
#  by each machine
#  Page No. 502
#  Given data
p1=100000.;                #  Rated power in generator A
p2=300000.;                #  Rated power in generator B
v=250.;                    #  Rated voltage in machine
p3=30000.;                 #  Rated power in generator C
Ibnew=400.;                #  New bus current

#  (a) The increment increase in load on each machine if an additional 400 A 
#  load is connected to the bus

IArated=p1/v;                      #  Rated current in generator A
IBrated=p2/v;                      #  Rated current in generator B
Ib=p3/v;                           #  Original bus current
DelVbus=Ibnew/(40.+120.);            #  Change in bus current

#  (b) Current carried by each machine

IA=I1+DelIA;                #  Current in generator A
IB=I2+DelIB;                #  Current in generator B

#  Display result on command window
print"The increment increase in load on machine A =",DelIA,"A"
print"The increment increase in load on machine B =",DelIB,"A"
print"Current carried by machine A =",IA,"A"
print"Current carried by machine B =",IB,"A"
The increment increase in load on machine A = 100.0 A
The increment increase in load on machine B = 300.0 A
Current carried by machine A = 300.0 A
Current carried by machine B = 800.0 A