Chapter 19 : Television

Example 1 : pg 703

In [2]:
# page no 703
# prob no 19.1
#calculate the level of video signals
# In the given problem,a video signal has 50% of the maximum luminance level
#A black setup level of  7.5 IRE represents zero luminance,and 100 IRE is max brightness.
#Therefore the range from min to max luminnance has 100-7.5=92.5 units.
#Therefore the level is
IRE = 7.5 + (0.5 * 92.5)
print 'Level of video signals in IRE units',IRE,'IRE units'
Level of video signals in IRE units 53.75 IRE units

Example 2 : pg 704

In [3]:
# page no 704
# prob no 19.2
#calculate the horizontal, vertical blanking occupies
# part a) horizontal blanking
# Horizontal blanking occupies approximately 10 us of the 63.5 us duration of each line,
Hztl_blnk = 10 / 63.5 * 100
#calculations and results
print 'Horizontal blanking occupies',round(Hztl_blnk,2),'%','of the signal'
# part b) vertical blanking
# Vertical blanking occupies approximately 21 lines per field or 42 lines per
# frame.  A frame has 525 lines altogether,so
Vert_blnk = 42. / 525 * 100
print 'vertical blanking occupies',Vert_blnk,'%','of the signal'
# part c) active signal
# since 8% of the time is lost in vertical blanking, 92% of the time is
# involved in the tansmission of the active lines.
act_vid = (100 - Hztl_blnk) * (100 - Vert_blnk) / 100
print 'The active video is',round(act_vid,2),'%'
Horizontal blanking occupies 15.75 % of the signal
vertical blanking occupies 8.0 % of the signal
The active video is 77.51 %

Example 3 : pg 707

In [4]:
# page no 707
# prob no 19.3
#calculate the horizontal resolution
# A typical low-cost monochrome receiver has a video bandwidth of 3MHz
B = 3.# bandwidth in MHz
# The horizontal resolution in lines is given as
L_h = B * 80
print 'The horizontal resolution in lines is',L_h,'lines'
The horizontal resolution in lines is 240.0 lines

Example 4 : pg 709

In [5]:
# page no 709
# prob no 19.4
#calculate the components of signal
# A RGB video signal has normalized values as
#calculations and results
#The luminance signal is given as
print 'The luminance signal is',Y
#The in-phase component of the color signal is given as
print 'The in-phase component of the color signal is',I
#The quadrature component of the color signal is given as
print 'The quadrature component of the color signal is',Q
The luminance signal is 0.384
The in-phase component of the color signal is -0.248
The quadrature component of the color signal is 0.082

Example 5 : pg 712

In [6]:
# page no 712
# prob no 19.5
#refer table 19.1
#calculate the max transmitter power
# The proportion in the table are voltage levels and have to be squared to get power.
# for black setup the voltage level is given as
v = 0.675
#Therefore the power level as a fraction of the maximum transmitter power is
P_black_setup = v ** 2 * 100
print P_black_setup,'%','of the maximum transmitter power is  used to transmit a black setup'
45.5625 % of the maximum transmitter power is  used to transmit a black setup

Example 6 : pg 728

In [7]:
# page no 728
# prob no 19.6
# refer fig 19.27 of the page no 729
#calculate the output and input in all cases
from math import log10
# from fig, we can write down the values directly as given
In1 = 100 * 10 ** -3#expressed in mV
                    #calculations and results
In1_dBmV = 20 * log10(In1 / 1)
print 'The input of Amp 1 is',In1_dBmV,'dBmV'
# this above calculated signal is applied to the input of the first
# amplifier,i.e.  head-end signal processing
G1 = 40# gain of Amp 1 expressed in dB
       # o/p level of Amp 1 is
Out1 = In1_dBmV + G1
print 'The output of Amp 1 is',Out1,'dBmV'
L = 15#expressed in dB
# The input level of Amp 2 is
In2_dBmV = Out1 - L
print 'The input of Amp 2 is',In2_dBmV,'dBmV'
G2 = 25#gain of Amp2 expressed in dB
# o/p level of Amp 2 is
Out2 = In2_dBmV + G2
print 'The output of Amp 2 is',Out2,'dBmV'
L1 = 10# loss in cable
L2 = 12#loss in directional coupler
# The input level of Amp 3 is
In3_dBmV = Out2 - L1 - L2
print 'The input of Amp 3 is',In3_dBmV,'dBmV'
G3 = 20#gain of Amp3 expressed in dB
Out3 = In3_dBmV + G3
print 'The output of Amp 3 is',Out3,'dBmV'
# There is further 3dB cable loss and 20dB loss in the tap
L3 = 3.#loss in cable
L4 = 20.# loss in tap
#signal strength at the tap is
Vdrop_dBmV = Out3 - L3 - L4
V_drop = 10 ** (Vdrop_dBmV / 20)# expressed in mV
print 'Signal strength at subscriber tap is',round(V_drop,3),'mV'
# Calculation of power into 75 ohm
R = 75.#expressed in ohm
Pdrop = (V_drop * 10 ** -3) ** 2 / R
Pdrop_dBm = 10 * log10(Pdrop / 10 ** -3)
print 'The power at the end is',round(Pdrop_dBm,3),'dBm'
The input of Amp 1 is -20.0 dBmV
The output of Amp 1 is 20.0 dBmV
The input of Amp 2 is 5.0 dBmV
The output of Amp 2 is 30.0 dBmV
The input of Amp 3 is 8.0 dBmV
The output of Amp 3 is 28.0 dBmV
Signal strength at subscriber tap is 1.778 mV
The power at the end is -43.751 dBm

Example 7 : pg 731

In [8]:
# page no 731
# prob no 19.7
#calculate bit rate and interference
# In given problem a TV receiver is tuned to channel 6.
#All modern Rx uses a picture IF of 45.75 MHz with high-side injection of the signal into the cable.
# The picture carrier of channel 6 is at a frequency of 83.25MHz,so
ch = 6
Fc = 83.25# expressed in MHz
IF = 45.75#expressed in MHz
Nh = 640.
Nv = 480# resolution of digital video signal as 640*480 pixels
Rf = 30.#frame rate expressed in Hz
m = 8.# bits per sample
f_lo = Fc + IF
a = f_lo + ch / 2
b = f_lo - ch / 2
# By using the product of Horizontal & vertical resolution, no of luminance
# pixels per frame are
Npl = Nh * Nv
# since each of the color signals has one-fourth the total no of luma pixels
Npt = 1.5 * Npl
#therefore bit rate is given as
fb = Npt * m * Rf
print 'The interference would in',a,'MHz','to',b,'MHz','band'
print 'The bit rate for the signal is',fb,'bps'
The interference would in 132.0 MHz to 126.0 MHz band
The bit rate for the signal is 110592000.0 bps