Chapter 23 : Paging and Wireless Data Networking

Example 1 : pg 863

In [1]:
# page no 863
# prob no 23.1
#calculate the no of pages transmitted
bit_rate = 512.;#ib bps
t=60.;#in sec
# preamble uses 576 bits
bits_total = bit_rate * t;
usable_bits = bits_total - preamble;
# each batch has one 32-bits synchronizing codeword and sixteen 32-bit address codewords for a total of 17*32=544bits. Therefore
bits_per_batch= 17.*32;
batches_per_min = usable_bits / bits_per_batch;
addr_per_min = batches_per_min*addr;
print 'The no of pages transmitted in one min are',round(addr_per_min)
The no of pages transmitted in one min are 887.0

Example 2 : pg 864

In [2]:
# page no 864
# prob no 23.2
#calculate the efficiency
# For the given FLEX system 
bit_rate = 6400.;#in bps
efficiency = bit_rate/Wc;
print 'The efficiency is',efficiency,'b/s/Hz'
The efficiency is 0.256 b/s/Hz

Example 3 : pg 871

In [3]:
# page no 871
# prob no 23.3
#calculate the min and max hopping rate
# for the Bluetooth system
print 'The minimum hopping rate is',fh_min,'Hz'
print 'The maximum hopping rate is ',fh_max,'Hz'
The minimum hopping rate is 320.0 Hz
The maximum hopping rate is  1600.0 Hz