
Example 9.1,Page 472

In [1]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan, cos
from numpy import *
h=200.0 #ft
gam=64.0 #lb per cu ft

P=h*gam/144.0 #pressure

print "Pressure in psi",round(P,3)
88.889 Pressure in psi

Example 9.2,Page 472

In [2]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
from numpy import *
P=20.0 #psi
gam=62.4 #lb per cu ft

h=P*144/gam #height

print "height in ft",round(h,3)
46.154 height in ft

Example 9.3,Page 472

In [3]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
from numpy import *
h=3.0/12.0 #ft
gam=62.4 #lb per cu ft
gam2=0.075 #lb per cu ft

P=h*gam #pressure
h2=P/gam2 #height

print "Air height required in ft of air",round(h2,3)
Air height required in ft of air 208.0

Example 9.4,Page 477

In [7]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
from numpy import *
dif=4.0 #in
gam=62.4 #lb per cu ft
density=13.6 #g/cc

pv=dif*1/12 *density*gam/144 - dif/12 *gam/144 #pressure
hv=pv*144/gam #height

print "velocity pressure in psi",round(pv,3)
print " velocity head in ft of water ",round(hv,3)
velocity pressure in psi 1.82
 velocity head in ft of water  4.2

Example 9.5,Page 479

In [8]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
from numpy import *
dif=4.0 #in
gam=62.4 #lb per cu ft
gam2=0.08 #lb per cu ft

pv=dif*1/12 *gam/144 #pressure
hv=pv*144/gam2 #height

print "velocity pressure in psi",round(pv,3)
print " velocity head in ft of water ",round(hv,3)
velocity pressure in psi 0.144
 velocity head in ft of water  260.0

Example 9.6,Page 482

In [1]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan,sqrt
from numpy import *
hw=3.0/12 #ft
gam1=62.4 #lb/ft^3
gam2=0.07 #lb/ft^3
g=32.2 #ft/s^2

p=hw*gam1 #pressure
hg=p/gam2 #height
V=sqrt(2*g*hg) #velocity

print "velocity of gas in fps",round(V,3)
velocity of gas in fps 119.8

Example 9.7,Page 485

In [11]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
from numpy import *
h=4.0 #in
den=13.6 #g/cc
A1=12 #sq in
gam=62.4 #lb/ft^3
g=32.2 #ft/s^2

ms=A2*V2/(v2*144) #mass flow rate

print "Flow rate of water in lb/sec",round(ms,3)
Flow rate of water in lb/sec 9.561

Example 9.8,Page 488

In [1]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
from numpy import *
mdot=8000.0 #lb/min
A1=1.0 #sq ft
A2=3.0/4 #sq ft
P2=50.0 #psi
P1=10.0 #psi
gam=62.4 #lb/ft^3
y2=-2.0 #ft
y1=-4.0 #ft
g=32.2 #ft/s^2

V1=mdot*v/A1 /60.0 #velocity
V2=mdot*v/A2 /60.0 #velocity
ht= (y2-y1) + (V2**2 -V1**2)/(2*g) + (P2-P1)*144/gam #height
Hhp=mdot*ht/33000.0 #horsepower
Php=Hhp/eff #horsepower

print "Capacity in gpm",round(cap,3)
print " Total dynamic head in ft",round(ht,3)
print " Hydraulic horsepower in hp",round(Hhp,3)
print " pump horsepower in hp",round(Php,3)
Capacity in gpm 960.384
 Total dynamic head in ft 94.363
 Hydraulic hp in hp 22.876
 pump horsepower in hp 32.68

Example 9.9,Page 491

In [12]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
from numpy import *
z=12.0 #ft
gam1=62.4 #lb/ft^3
P2=100.0 #psia
P1=-10.0 #psia
mm=10000.0 #lb/min

p2g=P2*144/(gam2) +z #pressure
p1g=P1*144*0.491/(gam2) #pressure
ht=p2g-p1g #height
Hhp=mm*ht/33000 #horsepower

print "Total dynamic head in ft of oil",round(ht,3)
print " Hydraulic horsepower in hp",round(Hhp,3)
Total dynamic head in ft of oil 314.625
 Hydraulic hp in hp 95.341

Example 9.10,Page 510

In [3]:
# Initialization of Variable
from math import pi
from math import atan
from numpy import *

hr=sr**2 #ratio
capr=sr #ratio
hpr=sr**3 #ratio

print "head is ",round(hr,3),"times the original"
print " capacity is ",round(capr,3),"times the original"
print " power is",round(hpr,3),"times the original"
head is  4.0 times the original
 capacity is  2.0 times the original
 power is 8.0 times the original