Chapter 08 : Load Flow Solutions And Control

Example 8.1, Page No 200

In [1]:
import math
#initialisation of variables
P = 100e6
V = 138e3
#From Table 8.1
R_12 = 0.042
R_15 = 0.031
R_23 = 0.031
R_34 = 0.084
R_25 = 0.053
R_45 = 0.063
X_12 = 0.168
X_15 = 0.126
X_23 = 0.126
X_34 = 0.336
X_25 = 0.210
X_45 = 0.252
#From Table 8.2
V1 = 1.04
V2 = 1
V3 = 1.02
V4 = 1
V5 = 1
P_2 = 115e6

Y_21=- 1/complex(R_12,X_12)
print( "Y21 = {0:.2f}".format(abs(Y_21.real)))
print("Angle = %.2f v " %(math.degrees(math.atan2(Y_21.imag,Y_21.real))*180/math.pi))
print( "Y23 = {0:.2f}".format(abs(Y_23.real)))
print("Angle = %.2f v " %(math.degrees(math.atan2(Y_23.imag,Y_23.real))*180/math.pi))

Y_21mag = abs(Y_21)
Y_21ang = math.degrees(math.atan2(Y_21.imag,Y_21.real))
Y_23mag = abs(Y_23)
Y_23ang = math.degrees(math.atan2(Y_23.imag,Y_23.real))
Y_22 = - Y_21 - Y_23
Y_24 = 0
Y_25 = 0
P0_2calc = (V2 * V1 * Y_21mag * math.cos(Y_21ang)) - (V2 * V2 * Y_21mag * math.cos(Y_21ang)) - (V2 * V2 * Y_23mag * math.cos(Y_23ang)) + (V2 * V3 * Y_23mag * math.cos(Y_23ang))
P_2scheduled = - P_2 / P
print(" Scheduled power into the network at bus 2 is %.2f per unit" %P_2scheduled)
delta_P0_2 = P_2scheduled - P0_2calc
delP_2_3 = - V2 * V3 * Y_23mag * math.sin(Y_23ang)

print("Difference between calculated value and scheduled value = %.4f per unit" %delta_P0_2)
print("The value of the second element in the first row of the Jacobian = %.4f per unit " %delP_2_3)
Y21 = 1.40
Angle = 5960.84 v 
Y23 = 1.84
Angle = 5948.57 v 
 Scheduled power into the network at bus 2 is -1.15 per unit
Difference between calculated value and scheduled value = -0.7817 per unit
The value of the second element in the first row of the Jacobian = 1.1708 per unit 

Example 8.2, Page No 210

In [2]:
import math
#initialisation of variables
Zth = complex(0.2)
Xg = complex(1)
Vt = 0.97
I = complex(0.8,-0.2)
Vt_b =1

S = Vt * I
Eg = Vt + Xg * I
print(" P = %.3f per unit \n Q = %.3f per unit" %(S.real,S.imag))
print( "Eg = {0:.2f}".format(abs(Eg.real)))
print("Angle = %.2f per unit " %(math.degrees(math.atan2(Eg.imag,Eg.real))))

Eth = Vt - Zth * I
delta = math.degrees(math.asin(S.real*abs(Zth)/(abs(Eth)* Vt_b)))
print( "Eth = {0:.2f}".format(abs(Eth.real)))
print("Angle = %.2f per unit " %(math.degrees(math.atan2(Eth.imag,Eth.real))))

print(" Phase angle of Vt = %.2f " %(delta))
ang = (math.degrees(math.atan2(Eth.imag,Eth.real))+ delta)
Vt_b1 = Vt_b*complex(math.cos(ang*math.pi/180),math.sin(ang*math.pi/180))
I_b = (Vt_b1 - Eth) / Zth
print( "I_b = {0:.2f}".format(abs(I_b.real)))
print("Angle = %.2f per unit " %(math.degrees(math.atan2(I_b.imag,I_b.real))))
Eg_b = Vt_b1 + Xg * I_b
S_b = Vt_b1 * I_b
print(" P = %.3f per unit  \nQ = %.3f per unit" %(S.real,S.imag))
print( "Eg = {0:.2f}".format(abs(Eg.real)))
print("Angle = %.2f per unit " %(math.degrees(math.atan2(Eg.imag,Eg.real))))
 P = 0.776 per unit 
 Q = -0.194 per unit
Eg = 1.77
Angle = -6.45 per unit 
Eth = 0.81
Angle = 2.83 per unit 
 Phase angle of Vt = 11.03 
I_b = 0.80
Angle = 51.12 per unit 
 P = 0.776 per unit  
Q = -0.194 per unit
Eg = 1.77
Angle = -6.45 per unit 

Example 8.3, Page No 218

In [3]:
import math
#initialisation of variables
Z = complex(0.8,0.6)
V2 = 1
Z_Ta = complex(0.1)
Z_Tb = complex(0.1)
I2 = - V2 / Z
Y21_Ta = - 1/Z_Ta
Y22_Ta = 1/Z_Ta

print('For transformer Ta Y21 and Y22 in per unit is')
Y21_Tb = - (1/Z_Ta) / a
Y22_Tb = (1/Z_Ta) / a**2
print('For transformer Tb Y21 and Y22 in per unit is')
Y21 = Y21_Ta + Y21_Tb
Y22 = Y22_Ta + Y22_Tb
print('For the two transformers in parallel')
print('Y21 in per unit')
print('Y22 in per unit')
V1 = (I2 - Y22 * V2) / Y21
print('V1 in per unit')
V_1_2 = V1 - V2
print('Difference between V1 and V2 in per unit')
I_Ta = V_1_2 * Y22_Ta
I_Tb_a1 = -I2 - I_Ta
S_Ta = V2 * I_Ta
S_Tb = V2 * I_Tb_a1

print('Complex power transmitted from the two transformers to the load')
print('From transformer Ta in per unit')
print('From transformer Tb in per unit')
For transformer Ta Y21 and Y22 in per unit is
For transformer Tb Y21 and Y22 in per unit is
For the two transformers in parallel
Y21 in per unit
Y22 in per unit
V1 in per unit
Difference between V1 and V2 in per unit
Complex power transmitted from the two transformers to the load
From transformer Ta in per unit
From transformer Tb in per unit

Example 8.4 Page No 221

In [4]:
import math
#initialisation of variables
Z = complex(0.8,0.6)
V2 = 1
Z_Ta = complex(0.1)
Z_Tb = complex(0.1)
Z1_Tb = complex(0.1)
Z2_Tb = complex(0.1)
I2 = - V2 / Z
Y21_Ta = - 1/Z_Ta
Y22_Ta = 1/Z_Ta
Y21_Tb = Y21_Ta/a
Y22_Tb = Y22_Ta/(abs(a))**2
print( "Y21 = {0:.2f}".format(abs(Y21.real)))
print("Angle = %.2f per unit " %(math.degrees(math.atan2(Y21.imag,Y21.real))*180/math.pi))
print(" Y21 = " )
Y21 = Y21_Ta + Y21_Tb
Y22 = Y22_Ta + Y22_Tb
print('For the two transformers in parallel')
print(Y21,'Y21 in per unit')
print(Y22,'Y21 in per unit')
V1 = (I2 - Y22 * V2) / Y21
print(V1,'V1 in per unit =')
V_1_2 = V1 - V2
print(V_1_2,'Difference between V1 and V2 in per unit')
I_Ta = V_1_2 * Y22_Ta
I_Tb_a1 = -I2 - I_Ta
S_Ta = V2 * I_Ta
S_Tb = V2 * I_Tb_a1
print('Complex power transmitted from the two transformers to the load')
print(S_Ta,'From transformer Ta in per unit')
print(S_Tb,'From transformer Tb in per unit')
V = a - V2
I = I2/2
I_circ = V / (Z1_Tb + Z2_Tb)
I_Ta_1 = - I - I_circ
I_Tb_1 = -I + I_circ
S_Ta_1 = V2 * I_Ta_1
S_Tb_1 = V2 * I_Tb_1
print('Complex power transmitted from the two transformers to the load')
print(S_Ta_1,'From transformer Ta in per unit')
print(S_Tb_1,'From transformer Tb in per unit')
Y21 = 19.52
Angle = 10313.24 per unit 
 Y21 = 
For the two transformers in parallel
((-19.98629534754574+0.5233595624294384j), 'Y21 in per unit')
((19.999999999999996+0j), 'Y21 in per unit')
((1.0407855776470751-0.002766641568045591j), 'V1 in per unit =')
((0.04078557764707513-0.002766641568045591j), 'Difference between V1 and V2 in per unit')
Complex power transmitted from the two transformers to the load
((0.40785577647075133-0.027666415680455907j), 'From transformer Ta in per unit')
((0.3921442235292487-0.572333584319544j), 'From transformer Tb in per unit')
Complex power transmitted from the two transformers to the load
((0.40685232622713086-0.5616797812147191j), 'From transformer Ta in per unit')
((0.3931476737728692-0.0383202187852808j), 'From transformer Tb in per unit')