3: Interference

Example number 3.1, Page number 71

In [4]:
#importing modules
from __future__ import division
import math

#Variable declaration
beta = 0.51;    #Fringe width(mm)
d = 2.2;        #Distance between the slits(mm)
D = 2;      #Distance between the slits and the screen(m)

beta = beta*10**-1;     #Fringe width(cm)
d = d*10**-1;    #Distance between the slits(cm)
D=D*10**2;    #Distance between the slits and the screen(cm)
lamda = beta*d/D;    #Wavelength of light(cm)
lamda = lamda*10**8;     #Wavelength of light(A)

print "The wavelength of light is",lamda, "angstrom"
The wavelength of light is 5610.0 angstrom

Example number 3.2, Page number 71

In [5]:
#importing modules
from __future__ import division
import math

#Variable declaration
lambda1 = 4250;    #First wavelength emitted by source of light(A)
lambda2 = 5050;    #Second wavelength emitted by source of light(A)
D = 1.5;    #Distance between the source and the screen(m)
d = 0.025;       #Distance between the slits(mm)
n = 3;    #Number of fringe from the centre

lambda1 = lambda1*10**-10;     #First wavelength emitted(m)
lambda2 = lambda2*10**-10;     #Second wavelength emitted(m)
d = d*10**-3;     #Distance between the slits(m)
x3 = n*lambda1*D/d;    #Position of third bright fringe due to lambda1(m)
x3_prime = n*lambda2*D/d;    #Position of third bright fringe due to lambda2(m)
x = x3_prime-x3;      #separation between the third bright fringe(m)
x = x*10**2;    #separation between the third bright fringe(cm)

print "The separation between the third bright fringe due to the two wavelengths is",x, "cm"
The separation between the third bright fringe due to the two wavelengths is 1.44 cm

Example number 3.3, Page number 71

In [6]:
#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
lamda = 5.5*10**-5;    #Wavelength emitted by source of light(cm)
n = 4;    #Number of fringes shifted
t = 3.9*10**-4;    #Thickness of the thin glass sheet(cm)

mew = (n*lamda/t)+1;    #Refractive index of the sheet of glass
mew = math.ceil(mew*10**4)/10**4;     #rounding off the value of v to 4 decimals

print "The refractive index of the sheet of glass is",mew
The refractive index of the sheet of glass is 1.5642

Example number 3.4, Page number 72

In [7]:
#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
lamda = 5893;    #Wavelength of monochromatic lihgt used(A)
n = 1;    #Number of fringe for the least thickness of the film
cosr = 1;    #for normal incidence
mew = 1.42;    #refractive index of the soap film

#As for constructive interference, 
#2*mew*t*cos(r) = (2*n-1)*lambda/2, solving for t
t = (2*n-1)*lamda/(4*mew*cosr);    #Thickness of the film that appears bright(A)
#As for destructive interference, 
#2*mu*t*cos(r) = n*lambda, solving for t
t1 = n*lamda/(2*mew*cosr);    #Thickness of the film that appears bright(A)

print "The thickness of the film that appears bright is",t, "angstrom"
print "The thickness of the film that appears dark is",t1, "angstrom"
The thickness of the film that appears bright is 1037.5 angstrom
The thickness of the film that appears dark is 2075.0 angstrom

Example number 3.5, Page number 72

In [12]:
#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
lamda = 5893;    #Wavelength of monochromatic lihgt used(A)
n = 10;    #Number of fringe that are found 
d = 1;     #Distance of 10 fringes(cm)

beta = d/n;    #Fringe width(cm)
lamda = lamda*10**-8;    #Wavelength of monochromatic lihgt used(cm)
theta = lamda/(2*beta);    #Angle of the wedge(rad)
theta = theta*10**4;
theta = math.ceil(theta*10**4)/10**4;     #rounding off the value of theta to 4 decimals

print "The angle of the wedge is",theta,"*10**-4 rad"
The angle of the wedge is 2.9465 *10**-4 rad

Example number 3.6, Page number 72

In [13]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
lamda = 5900;    #Wavelength of monochromatic lihgt used(A)
t = 0.010;    #Spacer thickness(mm)
l = 10;    #Wedge length(cm)

t = t*10**-1;    #Spacer thickness(cm)
theta = t/l;    #Angle of the wedge(rad)
lamda = lamda*10**-8;    #Wavelength of monochromatic lihgt used(cm)
beta = lamda/(2*theta);    #Fringe width(cm)

print "The separation between consecutive bright fringes is",beta, "cm"
The separation between consecutive bright fringes is 0.295 cm

Example number 3.7, Page number 72

In [14]:
#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
D4 = 0.4;    #Diameter of 4th dark ring(cm)
D12 = 0.7;    #Diameter of 12th dark ring(cm)

#We have (dn_plus_k**2)-Dn**2 = 4*k*R*lamda
#D12**2-D4**2 = 32*R*lamda and D20**2-D12**2 = 32*R*lamda for k = 8
#since RHS are equal, by equating the LHS we get D12**2-D4**2 = D20**2-D12**2
D20 = math.sqrt((2*D12**2)-D4**2);    #Diameter of 20th dark ring(cm)
D20 = math.ceil(D20*10**4)/10**4;     #rounding off the value of D20 to 4 decimals

print "The diameter of 20th dark ring is",D20, "cm"
The diameter of 20th dark ring is 0.9056 cm

Example number 3.8, Page number 73

In [15]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Dn = 0.30;    #Diameter of nth dark ring with air film(cm)
dn = 0.25;    #Diameter of nth dark ring with liquid film(cm)

mew = (Dn/dn)**2;    #Refractive index of the liquid

print "The refractive index of the liquid is", mew
The refractive index of the liquid is 1.44

Example number 3.9, Page number 73

In [16]:
#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
x = 0.002945;    #Distance through which movable mirror is shifted(cm)
N = 100;    #Number of fringes shifted

x = x*10**-2;    #Distance through which movable mirror is shifted(m)
lamda = 2*x/N;   #Wavelength of light(m)
lamda = lamda*10**10;    #Wavelength of light(A)

print "The wavelength of light is",lamda, "angstrom"
The wavelength of light is 5890.0 angstrom

Example number 3.10, Page number 73

In [17]:
#importing modules
import math

#Variable declaration
lambda1 = 5896;    #Wavelength of D1 line of sodium(A)
lambda2 = 5890;    #Wavelength of D2 line of sodium(A)

lamda = (lambda1+lambda2)/2;
x = (lamda**2)/(2*(lambda1-lambda2));    #Shift in movable mirror of Michelson Interferometer(A)
x = x*10**-7;           #Shift in movable mirror of Michelson Interferometer(mm)
x = math.ceil(x*10**4)/10**4;     #rounding off the value of D20 to 4 decimals

print "The shift in movable mirror is",x, "mm"
The shift in movable mirror is 0.2894 mm
In [ ]: