15: Non Destructive Testing

Example number 15.1, Page number 412

In [3]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
t=0.1*10**-2;   #thickness of piezo electric crystal(m)
E=80*10**9;     #Young's modulus of crystal(pa)
d=2654;     #density of material of crystal(Kgm^-3)

f=1/(2*t)*math.sqrt(E/d);     #The frequency to which a piezo electric oscillator circuit should be turned(Hz)

print "The frequency to which a piezo electric oscillator circuit should be turned is",round(f/10**6,4),"*10**6 Hz"
The frequency to which a piezo electric oscillator circuit should be turned is 2.7451 *10**6 Hz