7: Wave and Quantum Mechanics

Example number 7.1, Page number 192

In [3]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
h = 6.625*10**-34;          #planck's constant(J sec)
m1 = 6*10**24;             #mass of earth(kg)
v1 = 3*10**4;              #orbital speed(m/sec)
m2 = 10**-30;              #mass of electron(kg)
v2 = 10**6;                #velocity of electron(m/sec)

lamdaE = h/(m1*v1);       #wavelength of a wave(m)
lamdae = h/(m2*v2);         #wavelength of electron(m)

print "wavelength of a wave is",round(lamdaE/1e-63,2),"*10**-63 m"
print "wavelength of electron is",lamdae,"m"
wavelength of a wave is 3.68 *10**-63 m
wavelength of electron is 6.625e-10 m

Example number 7.2, Page number 193

In [5]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
m = 1;        #mass of particle(g)
v = 100;       #velocity of particle(m/sec)
h = 6.625*10**-34;          #planck's constant(J sec)

m = m*10**-3;        #mass of particle(kg)
lamda = h/(m*v);      #wavelength of particle(m)

print "wavelength of particle is",lamda,"m"
wavelength of particle is 6.625e-33 m

Example number 7.3, Page number 193

In [8]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
V = 200;      #potential difference(V)

lamda = 12.28/math.sqrt(V);       #de Broglie wavelength(angstrom)
lamda = math.ceil(lamda*10**4)/10**4;   #rounding off to 4 decimals

print "de Broglie wavelength of electron is",lamda,"angstrom"
print "answer given in the book varies due to rounding off errors"
de Broglie wavelength of electron is 0.8684 angstrom
answer given in the book varies due to rounding off errors
In [ ]: