Chapter 14: Turbomachinery

Example 14.14-1, Page No:767

In [5]:
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

#Variable Deceleration
V_dot_cfm=range(0,1500,250) #Volumetric Flow rate in cubic feet per second
V_dot_mps=transpose(V_dot_cfm)/2118.83 #Volumetric flow rate in m^/s
rho_air=1.184 #Density of air in kg/m^3
rho_water=998 #Density of water in kg/m^3
Patm=101.3 #Atmospheric Pressure in kPa
v=1.562*10**-5 #Kinematic Viscosity in m^2/s
D=0.23 #Diameter in m
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
f=0.0209 #Friction coefficient from table
L=13.4 #Length in m
V=6.81 #Velocity of flow in m/s
alpha=1.05 #Constant
C=(1/0.0254) #Conversion factor

#Minor Loss Coefficients

Re=(4*V_dot_mps)/(v*pi*D)  #Reynolds Number

#Friction coefficient values from Moddy Chart

#Cross Sectional Area
A=(pi*D**2)/4 #Area of the pipe cross section in m^2

V1=transpose(V_dot_mps)/A #Velocity array in m/s
V=transpose(V1) #Velocity in m/s

#Minor Losses
Kl=ml_1+(5*ml_2)+ml_3 #Minor losses 

H_required=(alpha+(f*(L/D))+Kl)*(V**2/(2*g)) #Required net head in m of air

H_required_inches=H_required*(rho_air/rho_water)*C #Head Required in inches of water

H_av=[0.9,0.95,0.9,0.77,0.4,0] #Table values taken fro plotting

print "The Plot shows the variation of the head required and the head available as a function"
print "Of V_dot. The intersection point tells the operating point."

plt.ylabel('H,inches H2O')
The Plot shows the variation of the head required and the head available as a function
Of V_dot. The intersection point tells the operating point.

Example 14.14-2, Page No:770

In [4]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
rho=998 #Density in kg/m^3
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
V_dot=0.0233 #Volumetric flow rate in m^3/s
H_small=7.3 #Head in m
H_big=21.9 #Head in m
n_pump_small=0.7 #Efficiency of the pump in fraction small
n_pump_big=0.765 #Efficiency of pump in fraction big
bhp_small=(rho*g*V_dot*H)/n_pump_small #Required bhp in kW

#Similarly for 241.3mm impeller we get 6.53kW

print "The required bhp is",round(bhp_small,2),"W"
print "The required bhp is",round(bhp_big,2),"W"
print "Clearly the small one is better as it uses less power"
The required bhp is 2378.92 W
The required bhp is 6530.38 W
Clearly the small one is better as it uses less power

Example 14.14-4, Page No:780

In [6]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
n_dot=900 #Speed in rpm
V_closed=0.45 #Volume of motor oil in cm^3
n=0.5 #Number of rotations

V_dot=n_dot*(2*V_closed/n) #Volumetric Fow rate in cm^3/min

print "The volumetric Flow rate is",round(V_dot),"cm^3/min"
The volumetric Flow rate is 1620.0 cm^3/min

Example 14.14-5, Page No:784

In [12]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
n_dot=1750 #Speed in rpm
w=183.3 #Angular Speed in rad/s
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
alpha1=0 #Angle in degrees
alpha2=40 #Angle in degrees
b1=0.052 #Inlet blade width in m
b2=0.023 #Outlet blade width in m
V_dot=0.13 #Volumetric Flow rate in m^3/s
rho_water=1000 #Density of water in kg/m^3
rho_air=1.2 #Density of air in kg/m^3
r1=0.04 #Inlet radius in m
r2=0.08 #Outlet radius in m

V1_n=V_dot/(2*pi*r1*b1) #Normal Component of Velocity in m/s
V1=V1_n #Since Vt is zero Velocity in m/s
V2_n=V_dot/(2*pi*r2*b2) #Normal Component of velocity in m/s
V2_t=V2_n*tan((alpha2*pi)/180) #Tangential Component of velocity in m/s

#Applying the Bernoullis principle 
H=(w/g)*(r2*V2_t) #Net head in m
Hwater_column=H*(rho_air/rho_water)*1000 #Equivalent water column in mm of water

bhp=rho_air*g*V_dot*H #bhp required in W

print "The net Head produced is",round(Hwater_column),"mm of water"
print "The brake horsepower required is",round(bhp,1),"W"
The net Head produced is 17.0 mm of water
The brake horsepower required is 21.6 W

Example 14.14-6, Page No:786

In [17]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
r1=0.1 #Inlet Radius in m
r2=0.18 #Outlet radius in m
b1=0.05 #Inlet width in m
b2=0.03 #Outlet width in m
V_dot=0.25 #Volumetric Flow rate delivered in m^3/s
n=1720 #Speed of the impeller in rpm
rho=1226 #Density of the fluid in kg/m^3
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
H=14.5 #Head in m

#Required horse power
W_water_horsepower=rho*g*V_dot*H #Required Horse Power in W
W_dot_water_hp=W_water_horsepower/745.7 #Required Horse Power in hp

w=n*(2*pi/60) #Angular Speed in rad/s

beta1=(arctan((V_dot)/(2*pi*b1*w*r1**2)))*(180/pi) #Blade inlet angle in degrees

#Using elemetary analysis
V2_n=V_dot/(2*pi*r2*b2) #Normal Component of Velocity in m/s

V2_t=(g*H)/(w*r2) #Tangential Component of velocity in m/s

#Simplfying Calculation

beta2=arctan(V2_n/a)*(180/pi) #Angle in degrees

print "The angel beta1 is",round(beta1,2),"degrees"
print "The angle beta2 is",round(beta2,2),"degrees"
print "The horsepower required is",round(W_dot_water_hp,1),"hp"
The angel beta1 is 23.84 degrees
The angle beta2 is 14.73 degrees
The horsepower required is 58.5 hp

Example 14.14-7, Page No:792

In [10]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
D_propeller=0.34 #Overall Diameter of the propeller in m
alpha=14 #Angle of attack in degrees
n=1700 #Speed of the propeller in rpm
D_hub=0.055 #Diameter of the hub assembly in m
V=13.4 #Velocity of the plane in m/s

C=60/(2*pi) #Conversion factor
phi1=(arctan((V*C)/(n*D_hub*0.5)))*(180/pi) #Angle in degrees
theta1=alpha+phi1 #Pitch Angle at arbitrary radius  in degrees
phi2=(arctan((V*C)/(n*D_propeller*0.5)))*(180/pi) #Angle in degrees
theta2=alpha+phi2 #Pitch angle at the tip in degrees

print "The pitch angle at any radius is",round(theta1,1),"degrees"
print "The pitch angle at the tip is",round(theta2,1),"degrees"
The pitch angle at any radius is 83.9 degrees
The pitch angle at the tip is 37.9 degrees

Example 14.14-8,Page No:797

In [22]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
V_in=47.1 #Velocity at the inlet in m/s
beta_st=60 #trailing edge at Angle in degrees
n=1750 #Speed of the impeller in rpm
r=0.4 #Radius in m

V_st=V_in/cos((beta_st*pi)/180) #Velocity leaving the trail in m/s

u_theta=((n*2*pi)/60)*r #Tangential Velocity of rotor blades in m/s

beta_r1=(arctan((u_theta+V_in*tan((beta_st*pi)/180))/V_in))*(180/pi) #Angle of leading edge in degrees

beta_rt=(arctan(u_theta/V_in))*(180/pi) #Angle in degrees

print "The leading edge and trailing edge angles are",round(beta_r1,2),"degrees and",round(beta_rt,2),"degrees"
print "We select number like 13 15 and 17  rotor blades"
The leading edge and trailing edge angles are 73.09 degrees and 57.28 degrees
We select number like 13 15 and 17  rotor blades

Example 14.14-9, Page No:802

In [23]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
n=1170 #Speed of the pump in rpm
H=23.5 #Required head in ft
V_dot=320 #Gasoline pumped gallon/minute
Ratio=3.658*10**-4 #Nsp/Nsp_US ratio

Nsp_US=(n*V_dot**0.5)/(H**0.75) #Pump specific speed in US units
Nsp=Nsp_US*(Ratio) #Normalizes pump specific speed

print "The Nsp_US value is",round(Nsp_US,2),"and Nsp value is",round(Nsp,3),"which tells"
print "A centrifugal Pump is the best suitable one"
The Nsp_US value is 1960.92 and Nsp value is 0.717 which tells
A centrifugal Pump is the best suitable one

Example 14.14-10, Page No:804

In [24]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
wa=1 #Setting as unit speed

wb=2*wa #Speed 
bhp_ratio=(wb/wa)**3 #Ratio od required shaft power 

print "The ratio of required shaft power is",round(bhp_ratio)
The ratio of required shaft power is 8.0

Example 14.14-11, Page No:805

In [33]:
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

#Variable Decleration
D_A=0.06 #Diameter of pump A in m
n_A=1725 #Operating Speed in rpm
w_A=180.6 #Operating Angular Speed in rad/s
V_B_dot=2.4*10**-3 #Volumetric Flow rate in m^3/s
V_A_dot=5*10**-4 #Volumetric Flow rate in m^3/s
H_A=1.5 #Head in m
rho_water=998 #Density of water in kg/m^3
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
n_pump_A=0.81 #Efficiency of pump A in fraction
H_B=4.5 #Head in m
rho_B=1226 #Density of fluid in kg/m^3

bhp_A=(rho_water*g*V_A_dot*H_A)/n_pump_A #Required Power in W

C_Q=V_A_dot/(w_A*D_A**3) #Capacity Coefficient 

C_H=(g*H_A)/(w_A**2*D_A**2) #Head Coefficient

C_P=bhp_A/(rho_water*w_A**3*D_A**5) #Power Coefficient
V_dot1=range(100,800,100) #Volumetric flow rate in cm^3/s
H1=[180,185,175,170,150,95,54] #Head in cm
n_pump1=[32,54,70,79,81,66,38] #Efficiency of the pump in percentage
#BHP calculations

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.ylabel('H,cm and n in %')
ax2 = ax.twinx()

#Curve Fitted Data Yields

Db=((V_B_dot**2*CH_star)/(CQ_star**2*g*H_B))**0.25 #Design Diameter of pump B in m

w_B=V_B_dot/(CQ_star*Db**3) #Angular speed at B in rad/s

bhp_B=CP_star*rho_B*w_B**3*Db**5 #Required brake horse power in W

print "The required diameter of Pump is",round(Db,3),"m"
print "The required rotational speed is",round(w_B),"rad/s"
print "The required Brake Horse Power is",round(bhp_B),"W"

#Note: The graph might seem incorrect at the first sight. Check the scale of the plot.
The required diameter of Pump is 0.108 m
The required rotational speed is 168.0 rad/s
The required Brake Horse Power is 160.0 W

Example 14.14-12, Page No:819

In [18]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
rho=998 #Density of fluid in kg/m^3
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
V_dot=12.8 #Volumetric Flow rate in m^3/s
H_gross=325 #Gross Head in m
C=10**-6 #Conversion Factor
n_turbine=0.952 #Efficiency of turbine in fraction
n_generator=0.945 #Efficiency of generator in fraction
n_other=1-0.035 #Other efficieny in fraction
no=12 #Number of Turbines

W_dot=rho*g*V_dot*H_gross*C #Ideal Power produced in MW

W_electrical_dot=W_dot*n_turbine*n_other*n_generator #Actual Electric Power in mW

W_total=no*W_electrical_dot #Total Power produced in MW

print "The electrical power generated is",round(W_total),"MW"
#The answer differs due to decimal point accuracy
#Answer in the text has been rounded off and multiplied hence the inconsistency
The electrical power generated is 424.0 MW

Example 14.14-13, Page No:820

In [32]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
r2=2.5 #Inlet Radius in m
r1=1.77 #Outlet raius in m
b2=0.914 #Runner blade width at inlet in m
b1=2.62 #Runner blade width at outlet in m
n_dot=120 #Speed in rpm
w=12.57 #Rad/s
alpha1=10 #Angle in degrees
alpha2=33 #turning of flow in degrees
V_dot=599 #Volumetric Flow rate in m^3/s
H_gross=92.4 #Gross Head in m
C=10**-6 #Conversion Factor
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2

#Runner Inlet
V2_n=V_dot/(2*pi*r2*b2) #Normal Component of velocity in m/s
V2_t=V2_n*tan((alpha2*pi)/180) #Tangential Component in m/s
beta2=(arctan(V2_n/(w*r2-V2_t)))*(180/pi) #Runner leading edge angle in degrees

#Runner Outlet
V1_n=V_dot/(2*pi*r1*b1) #Normal Component of velocity in m/s
V1_t=V1_n*tan((alpha1*pi)/180) #Tangential Component in m/s
beta1=(arctan(V1_n/(w*r1-V1_t)))*(180/pi) #Runner leading edge angle in degrees

#Using Euler Turbomachine Equation
W_shaft=rho*w*V_dot*(r2*V2_t-r1*V1_t)*C #Shaft output power in MW

H=W_shaft/(rho*g*V_dot*C) #Net Head in m

#Similiary repeat calculations for part(b) and part(c)
#Results are for only part a
print "The inlet runner blade angle is",round(beta2,1),"degrees"
print "The outlet runner blade angle is",round(beta1,1),"degrees"
print "The output power is",round(W_shaft),"MW"
print "The net head required is",round(H,1),"m"
The inlet runner blade angle is 84.1 degrees
The outlet runner blade angle is 47.8 degrees
The output power is 461.0 MW
The net head required is 78.6 m

Example 14.14-14, Page no:830

In [36]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
Cp=0.4 #Power Coefficient 
n_gearbox=0.85 #Efficiency in fraction
rho=1.204 #Density of air in kg/m^3
V=10 #Velocity of flow in m/s
D=12.5 #Diameter in m

W_dot_op=(n_gearbox*Cp*pi*rho*V**3*D**2)/8 #Work done in W

print "Electric Power produced is",round(W_dot_op),"W"
Electric Power produced is 25118.0 W

Example 14.14-15,Page No:832

In [54]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
D_A=2.05 #Diameter in m
n_A=120 #Speed in rpm
w_A=12.57 #Angular Speed in rad/s
V_A_dot=350 #Volumetric Flwo rate in m^3/s
H_A=7.5 #Head of water in m*10
H_B=10.4 #Head of water in m*10
bhp_A=242 #Brake Horse Power at A in MW
n_turbine_A=0.942 #Efficiency of turbine A
rho_A=998 #Density of water in kg/m^3

rho_B=rho_A #Density in kg/m^3
n_B=n_A #Speed at b in rpm
D_B=D_A*(a**0.5) #Diameter of the new pump in m
V_B_dot=V_A_dot*(n_B/n_A)*((D_B/D_A)**3) #Volumetric Flow rate at B in m^3/s
bhp_B=bhp_A*(rho_B/rho_A)*((n_B/n_A)**3)*((D_B/D_A)**5) #Brake Horse Power in MW

n_turbine=1-(1-n_turbine_A)*((D_A/D_B)**0.2) #Efficiency correction in fraction

print "The brake horse power is",round(bhp_B),"MW"
print "The diameter of the new turbine is",round(D_B,2),"m"
print "The volumetric Flow rate is",round(V_B_dot),"m^3/s"
print "The corrected efficiency is",round(n_turbine,3)
The brake horse power is 548.0 MW
The diameter of the new turbine is 2.41 m
The volumetric Flow rate is 572.0 m^3/s
The corrected efficiency is 0.944

Example 14.14-16, Page No:836

In [55]:
import math

#Variable Decleration
w_A=12.57 #Angular Speed in rad/s
rho_A=998 #Density of fluid in kg/m^3
g=9.81 #Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
H_A=75 #Head in m
bhp_A=242*10**6 #Brake Horse Power at A in W
H_B=104 #Head in m
bhp_B=548 *10**6 #Brake Horse Power at B in W

#For Turbine A
Nst_A=(w_A*bhp_A**0.5)/(rho_A**0.5*g**1.25*H_A**1.25) #Dimensionless specific speed at A

#For turbine B
w_B=w_A #Angular Speed in rad/s
rho_B=rho_A #Density of fluid in kg/m^3
Nst_B=(w_B*bhp_B**0.5)/(rho_B**0.5*g**1.25*H_B**1.25) #Dimensionless specific speed at B

Nst_US_A=43.46*Nst_B #Turbine specific speed in US units

print "The Turbine Specific Speed in US units is",round(Nst_US_A,1)
The Turbine Specific Speed in US units is 70.2