Chapter 17:Advanced Electdrical Controls For Fluid Power Systems

Example 17.1 pgno:610

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# Aim:To determine the system accuracy of electrohydraulic servo system
# Given:
# servo valve gain:
G_SV=0.15; #(in^3/s)/mA
# cylinder gain:
G_cyl=0.20; #in/in^3
# feedback transducer gain:
H=4; #V/in
# weight of load:
W=1000; #lb
# mass of load:
M=2.59; #lb.(s^2)/in
# volume of oil under compression:
V=50; #in^3
# system deadband:
SD=4; #mA
# bulk modulus of oil:
beta1=175000; #lb/in^2
# cylinder piston area:
A=5; #in^2# Solutions:
# natural frequency of the oil,
om_H=A*(((2*beta1)/(V*M))**0.5); #rad/s
# value of open-loop gain,
open_loop=om_H/3; #/s
# amplifier gain,
G_A=open_loop/(G_SV*G_cyl*H); #mA/V
# repeatable error,
RE=SD/(G_A*H); #in

# Results:
print"\n  Results:  "
print"\n The repeatable error of system is  in.",round(RE,5)

 The repeatable error of system is  in. 0.00138

Example 17.2 pgno:610

In [2]:
# Aim:To determine the system accuracy of in SI units
# Given:
# servo valve gain:
G_SV=2.46; #(cm**3/s)/mA
# cylinder gain:
G_cyl=0.031; #cm/cm**3
# feedback transducer gain:
H=4; #V/cm
# mass of load:
M=450; #kg
# volume of oil:
V=819; #cm**3
# system deadband:
SD=4; #mA
# bulk modulus of oil:
beta1=1200; #MPa
# cylinder piston area:
A=32.3; #cm**2
from math import ceil
# Solutions:
# natural frequency of the oil,
om_H=(A*10**-4)*(((2*beta1*10**6)/(V*10**-6*M))**0.5); #rad/s
# value of open-loop gain,
open_loop=om_H/3; #/s
# amplifier gain,
G_A=open_loop/(G_SV*G_cyl*H); #mA/V
# repeatable error,
RE=SD/(G_A*H); #cm
# rounding off the above answer,
RE=round(RE)+(round(ceil((RE-round(RE))*100000))/100000); #cm

# Results:
print"\n  Results:  "
print"\n The repeatable error of system is  cm.",RE

 The repeatable error of system is  cm. 0.00352

Chapter 17.3 pgno:612

In [3]:
# Aim:Refer Example 14-3 for Problem Description
# Given:
# servo valve current saturation:
I=300.; #mA
# amplifier gain:
G_A=724.; #mA/V
# feedback transducer gain:
H=4.; #V/in
# feedback transducer gain in metric units
H1=1.57; #V/cm# Solutions:
# tracking error,
TE=I/(G_A*H); #in
# tracking error,
TE1=I/(G_A*H1); #cm

# Results:
print"\n  Results:  "
print"\n The tracking error of system is  in.",round(TE,3)
print"\n The tracking error of system in SI Unit is  cm.",round(TE1,3)

 The tracking error of system is  in. 0.104

 The tracking error of system in SI Unit is  cm. 0.264
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