Chapter 14 Determination of hydroniumion Concentrations

Example 14.1 , Page no:308

In [1]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
E= 0.232 #v
R= 0.0592
p= 1 #atm
R1= 0.0296
P= 740 #atm

pH= E/R
pH1= (E-R1*math.log10(P/760))/R
e= pH1-pH

print"error in pH of solution=",round(e-0.002,3);
error in pH of solution= 0.004

Example 14.2 , Page no:312

In [2]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
e= 0.266 #v
R= 0.0592

pH= e/R

print"pH of the unkown solution=",round(pH,2);
pH of the unkown solution= 4.49

Example 14.3 , Page no:312

In [3]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
e= 0.323 #v
R= 0.0592
c= 0.001 #molar

pH= (e-R*math.log10(c))/R

print"pH of the unkown solution=",round(pH,2);
pH of the unkown solution= 8.46

Example 14.4 , Page no:312

In [4]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
E= 0.527 #v
T= 25 #C
R= 0.0592
e= -0.246 #v

pH= -(-E-e)/R

print"pH of the unkown solution=",round(pH,2);
pH of the unkown solution= 4.75

Example 14.5 , Page no:314

In [5]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
E= 0.034 #v
E1= -0.280 #v
E2= -0.699 #v
E3= 0.0592

pH= (E1-E-E2)/E3
pH1= (E-E2+E1)/E3

print"pH of the unkown solution=",round(pH,2);
print"pH of the unkown solution=",round(pH1,2);
pH of the unkown solution= 6.5
pH of the unkown solution= 7.65