Chapter 7 Conductivity

Example 7.1 , Page no:139

In [1]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
R= 10 #ohms
V= 5 #v
t= 20 #min

I= V/R
Q= I*t*60
E= Q*V

print"coloumbs of electricity will pass=",round(Q),"coloumbs";
print"energy expended=",round(E),"joules";
current= 1.0 amp
coloumbs of electricity will pass= 600.0 coloumbs
energy expended= 3000.0 joules

Example 7.2 , Page no:143

In [2]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
I= 50 #amp
t= 1 #hr
F= 96500 #amp-sec
mh= 1.01 #gms
mc= 35.46 #gms
ms= 107.88 #gms
mb= 79.9 #gms
mf= 55.85 #gms
V= 11.2 #lit
e= 8 #v

N= I*t*60*60/F
Mh= mh*N
Mc= mc*N
Ms= ms*N
Mb= mb*N
Mf= mf*N
v= N*V
E= e*I*60*60

print"quantity of hydrogen produced=",round(Mh,2),"gms";
print"quantity of chlorine produced=",round(Mc,2),"gms";
print"quantity of silver produced=",round(Ms,2),"gms";
print"quantity of bromine produced=",round(Mb,2),"gms";
print"quantity of ferrous ion  produced=",round(Mf,2),"gms";
print"Volume occupied by gases=",round(v,2),"lit";
print"energy expenditure=",round(E),"joules";
quantity of hydrogen produced= 1.88 gms
quantity of chlorine produced= 66.14 gms
quantity of silver produced= 201.23 gms
quantity of bromine produced= 149.04 gms
quantity of ferrous ion  produced= 104.18 gms
Volume occupied by gases= 20.89 lit
energy expenditure= 1440000.0 joules

Example 7.3 , Page no:144

In [3]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
i= 20 #amp
t= 50 #/min
F= 96500 #coloumb
we= 8 #gms
Mo= 32 #/gms
M= 27 #gms
n= 3

nf= i*t*60/F
V= we*22.4/Mo*nf
G= M/n
q= G*nf

print"volume of oxygen produced=",round(V,2),"lit";
print"quantity of aluminium produced=",round(q,2),"grams";
volume of oxygen produced= 3.48 lit
quantity of aluminium produced= 5.6 grams

Example 7.4 , Page no:148

In [4]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
L= 0.025 #ohms
k= 0.0112 #ohms

C= k/L

print"cell constant=",round(C,3);
cell constant= 0.448

Example 7.5 , Page no:150

In [5]:
import math
from __future__ import division

#initialisation of variables
m= 0.01 #M
CB= 235 #mm
R= 426.3 #ohms
M= 265 
C= 0.448

k= M*C/(R*CB)
A= k*1000/m

print"equivalent conductance=",round(A,1),"ohms";
equivalent conductance= 118.5 ohms