Chapter 13: Refrigeration and Cryogenics

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 13.1, Page number: 237

In [2]:
#Variable declaration:
LR = 7.5/12.0                           #Thickness of refractory (ft)
LI = 3.0/12.0                           #Thickness of insulation (ft)
LS = 0.25/12.0                          #Thickness of steel (ft)
kR = 0.75                               #Thermal conductivity of refractory
kI = 0.08                               #Thermal conductivity of insulation
kS = 26.0                               #Thermal conductivity of steel
TR = 2000.0                             #Average surface temperature of the inner face of the refractory (°F)
TS = 220.0                              #Average surface temperature of the outer face of the steel (°F)

DT = TR-TS                              #Temperature difference (°F)
Q = DT/(LR/kR+LI/kI+LS/kS)              #Heat loss (Btu/h.ft^2)(here representing Qdot/A)

print "The heat loss is :",round(Q)," Btu/h.ft^2 ."
The heat loss is : 450.0  Btu/h.ft^2 .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 13.2, Page number: 239

In [3]:
#Variable declaration:
LR = 7.5/12.0                           #Thickness of refractory (ft)
kR = 0.75                               #Thermal conductivity of refractory
TR = 2000.0                             #Average surface temperature of the inner face of the refractory (°F)
Q = 450.0                               #Heat loss (Btu/h.ft^2)

TI = TR - Q*(LR/kR)                     #Temperature of the boundary where the refractory meets the insulation (°F)

print "The temperature of the boundary where the refractory meets the insulation is :",round(TI)," °F ."
The temperature of the boundary where the refractory meets the insulation is : 1625.0  °F .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 13.3, Page number: 239

In [4]:
#Variable declaration:
QbyA = 70000.0                    #Total heat loss (Btu/h)
Q = 450.0                       #Heat loss (Btu/h.ft^2)

A = QbyA/Q                        #Area available for heat transfer (ft^2)

print "The area available for heat transfer is :",round(A,1)," ft^2 ."
The area available for heat transfer is : 155.6  ft^2 .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 13.9, Page number: 245

In [10]:
#Variable declaration:
h_out = 390.0                   #Enthalpy of the fluid that exits from the evaporator (kJ/kg)
h_in = 230.0                    #Enthalpy of the fluid that enters the unit (kJ/kg)

QC = h_out - h_in               #Heat absorbed by the evaporator (kJ/kg)

print "The heat absorbed by the evaporator is :",round(QC)," kJ/kg ."
The heat absorbed by the evaporator is : 160.0  kJ/kg .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 13.10, Page number: 246

In [11]:
#Variable declaration:
#From example 13.9:
TS = -10.0+273.0                    #Fluid’s saturation temperature expressed in Kelvin (K)
QC = 160.0                          #Heat absorbed by the evaporator (kJ/kg)

DS = QC/TS                          #Fluid’s change in entropy(kJ/kg.K)

print "The fluid's change in entropy across the evaporator is :",round(DS,2)," kJ/kg.K ."
The fluid's change in entropy across the evaporator is : 0.61  kJ/kg.K .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 13.11, Page number: 247

In [12]:
#Variable declaration:
#From figure 13.2:
h1 = 390.0                      #Fluid enthalpy on entering the compressor (kJ/kg)
h2 = 430.0                      #Fluid enthalpy on leaving the compressor (kJ/kg)
h3 = 230.0                      #Fluid enthalpy on leaving the condenser (kJ/kg)

QH = h2 - h3                    #Heat rejected from the condenser (kJ/kg)
W_in = h2 - h1                  #Change in enthalpy across the compressor (kJ/kg)
QC = QH - W_in                  #Heat absorbed by the evaporator (kJ/kg)

print "The heat absorbed by the evaporator of the refrigerator is :",round(QC)," kJ/kg ."
The heat absorbed by the evaporator of the refrigerator is : 160.0  kJ/kg .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 13.12, Page number: 248

In [13]:
#Variable declaration:
#From example 13.11:
W_in = 40.0                  #Change in enthalpy across the compressor (kJ/kg)
QC = 160.0                   #Heat absorbed by the evaporator (kJ/kg)

COP = QC/W_in               #Refrigerator’s C.O.P.

print "the refrigerator's C.O.P. is :",round(COP)," ."
the refrigerator's C.O.P. is : 4.0  .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 13.13, Page number: 250

In [14]:
#Variable declaration:
h1 = 548.0                          #Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the boiler (kJ/kg)
h2 = 3989.0                         #Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the turbine (kJ/kg)
h3 = 2491.0                         #Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the pump (kJ/kg)
QH = 2043.0                         #Heat rejected by the condenser (kJ/kg)

h4 = h3 - QH                        #Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the condenser (kJ/kg)
Qb = h2 - h1                        #Enthalpy change across the boiler (kJ/kg)

print "The enthalpy change across the boiler is :",round(Qb)," kJ/kg ."
The enthalpy change across the boiler is : 3441.0  kJ/kg .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 13.14, Page number: 251

In [15]:
#Variable declaration:
#From example 13.4:
h1 = 548.0                          #Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the boiler (kJ/kg)
h2 = 3989.0                         #Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the turbine (kJ/kg)
h3 = 2491.0                         #Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the pump (kJ/kg)
h4 = 448.0                          #Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the condenser (kJ/kg)
Qb = 3441.0                         #Enthalpy change across the boiler (kJ/kg)

Wt = h2 - h3                        #Work produced by the turbine (kJ/kg)
Wp = h1 - h4                        #Work used by the pump (kJ/kg)
W_net = Wt - Wp                     #Net work by subtracting the pump work from the turbine work (kJ/kg)
n_th = W_net/Qb                     #Thermal efficiency

print "The thermal efficiency is :",round(n_th*100,1)," % ."
The thermal efficiency is : 40.6  % .

ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 13.15, Page number: 252

In [16]:
#Variable declaration:
#From table 13.4:
x3 = 0.9575                         #Mass fraction vapour at point 3
h3 = 2491.0                         #Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the pump (kJ/kg)
s3 = 7.7630                         #Entropy at the entry and exit to the pump (kJ/kg.K)
s4 = 1.4410                         #Entropy at the entry and exit to the condenser (kJ/kg.K)
#From example13.14:
h4 = 448.0                          #Steam enthalpy at the entry and exit to the condenser (kJ/kg)

Q_out = h3 - h4                     #Heat rejected (kJ/kg)
DS = s3 - s4                        #Process change in entropy (kJ/kg)
T3 = Q_out/DS                       #Temperature at point 3 (K)

print "The temperature at point 3 is :",round(T3)," K ."
print "Or, the temperature at point 3 is :",round(T3-273)," °C ."
The temperature at point 3 is : 323.0  K .
Or, the temperature at point 3 is : 50.0  °C .