Chapter11-Reactor Licensing Safety and the Environment


In [1]:
## Example 11.1
import math

## Given data
h = 30.;                                     ## Height at which the effluent is relaesed
## Calculation of maxima location 
sigma_z = h/math.sqrt(2.);                        ## Vertical dispersion coefficient
## Using the plot given in Figure 11.12 for Type F condition
## The corresponding value with calculated maximum location is noted. 
h_max = 1900.;
## Result
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" \n The point of maximum concentration of non-radioactive effluent = ",h_max," m \n");
 The point of maximum concentration of non-radioactive effluent =  1900.00  m 


In [2]:
## Example 11.2
import math

## Given data
A = 2*10**3;                                 ## Amount of radioactivity release due to Xenon-133 in curie
t = 365.*24.*3600.;                            ## Time in seconds
Q_dash = A/t;                               ## Average emission rate of Xenon-133
h = 100.;                                    ## Location of radioactivity release through vent
v_bar = 1.;                                  ## Wind speed in m/sec
## Using the plot given in Figure 11.11 and 11.12 for Type F condition at 100 m
sigma_y = 275.;                              ## Horizontal dispersion coefficient
sigma_z = 46.;                               ## Vertical dispersion coefficient
chi = (Q_dash*math.exp(-h**2/(2.*sigma_z**2)))/(math.pi*v_bar*sigma_y*sigma_z);     ## Radionuclide concentration in terms of Ci/cm^3
## Using data from Table 11.3
Eg_bar = 0.03;                              ## Average gamma decay energy per disintegration in MeV
## Calculation 
H_dot = 0.262*chi*Eg_bar*t*10**3;            ## The units are in mrem/year
## Expressing the dose rate in SI units
H_dot_SI = 2.62*chi*Eg_bar*t*10**3;
## Result
print'%s %.2f %s %.2f %s '%(" \n The external gamma dose rate due to xenon release under type F condition = ",H_dot," mrem/year" or " ",H_dot_SI,"mSv/year \n");
 The external gamma dose rate due to xenon release under type F condition =  0.04  mrem/year 0.37 mSv/year 


In [3]:
## Example 11.3
import math

## Using data from Table 11.3
Eg_bar = 0.00211;                            ## Average gamma decay energy per disintegration in MeV
## Calculation
C_y = 0.262*Eg_bar;
## Result
print'%s %.2e %s'%(" \n The dose rate factor due to krypton exposure = ",C_y," rem*m^3/sec-Ci \n");
 The dose rate factor due to krypton exposure =  5.53e-04  rem*m^3/sec-Ci 


In [4]:
## Example 11.4
import math

## The results given in Example 11.2 are to be used in this problem
chi = 1.5*10**(-10);                             ## Radionuclide concentration in terms of Ci/cm^3
t = 365.*24.*3600.;                                ## Time in seconds
## Using data from Table 11.3
Ebeta_bar = 0.146;                              ## Average gamma decay energy per disintegration in MeV
f = 1.;                                          ## Experimentally detemined factor
## Calculation
H_dot = 0.229*Ebeta_bar*chi*f*t;
## Expressing the result in milli-rem
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" \n The external beta dose rate due to xenon exposure for a year = ",H_dot*10**3," mrem/year \n");
 The external beta dose rate due to xenon exposure for a year =  0.16  mrem/year 


In [5]:
## Example 11.5
import math

## Given data
A = 1.23;                                   ## Amount of radioactivity release due to I-131 in curie in one year
h = 30.;                                     ## Location of radioactivity release through vent in meter
v_bar = 1.2;                                ## Wind speed in m/sec
T_12 = 8.04;                                ## Half life of Iodine 131 in days
T_12b = 138.;                                ## Biological half life of Iodine 131 in days
zeta = 0.23;                                ## Fraction of core inventory in MeV 
q = 0.23;                                   ## Fraction of Iodine-131 in thyroid
M = 20.;                                     ## Mass of an adult thyroid in grams

## 1.
t = 365.*24.*3600.;                            ## Time in seconds
Q_dash = A/t;                               ## Average emission rate of Iodine-131
## Converting days into seconds by using 1 day = 86400 seconds
lambd = 0.693/(T_12*86400);                ## Decay constant of Iodine-131
lambda_b = 0.693/(T_12b*86400.);             ## Biological decay constant of Iodine-131
## Let the quantity chi*v_bar/Q_bar = x
## Using the plot given in Figure 11.13 for Type E condition at 2000 m
x = 6.*10**(-5);
## Solving for chi
chi = (x*Q_dash)/v_bar;
## As per the standards of International Commission on Radiolgical Protection (ICRP) 
B = 2.32*10**(-4);                           ## Normal breathing rate in m^3/sec
## Calculation
H_dot = (592.*B*zeta*q*chi)/(M*(lambd+lambda_b));
## Result
print'%s %.2e %s'%(" \n The equilibrium dose rate to an adult thyroid = ",H_dot,"sem/sec \n");

## 2.
## Calculation
H = H_dot*t;
## Expressing the result in milli-rem
## Result
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" \n The annual dose to an adult thyroid = ",H*10**3," mrem \n");
 The equilibrium dose rate to an adult thyroid =  6.71e-10 sem/sec 

 The annual dose to an adult thyroid =  21.16  mrem 


In [6]:
## Example 11.6
import math

## Given datah
E = 0.66;                                       ## Energy of gamma ray emitted by caesium in MeV
x = 100.;                                        ## Height of exposure in cm
## Using the data from Table II.5 for air at E = 0.66 MeV
mua_rho = 0.0294;                               ## The ratio of absorption coefficient to density of air in cm^2/g
## Using the data from Table II.4 for air at E = 0.66 MeV
mu_rho = 0.0775;                               ## The ratio of attenuation coefficient to density of air in cm^2/g
## Using standard value for density of air
rho = 1.293*10**(-3);
mu = mu_rho*rho;
mux = mu*x;
gamma = 0.57722;                                  ## Euler's constant
E1 = -gamma+math.log(1./mux)+mux;                       ## Conversion factor 
## Using parameter data from Table 11.16
C = 1.41;                                       ## A constant
beta = 0.0857;                                  ## A constant
## Calculation
H_dot_S = 3.39*10**(-2)*E*mua_rho*(E1+(C*math.exp(-(1.-beta)*mux)/(1.-beta)));
## Converting time in hours by 1 hour = 3600 seconds
## Result
print'%s %.2e %s %.2f %s '%(" \n The gamma ray dose rate conversion factor due to caesium-137 = ",H_dot_S," rem*m^2/sec-Ci" or " ",H_dot_S*3600,"rem*m^2/hour-Ci\n");
 The gamma ray dose rate conversion factor due to caesium-137 =  3.66e-03  rem*m^2/sec-Ci 13.18 rem*m^2/hour-Ci


In [7]:
## Example 11.7
import math

## Given data
C0 = 6.25*10**6;                              ## Amount of initial radioactivity release due to I-131 in curie
p = 0.1;                                    ## Leakage rate in percent
t0 = 2*3600.;                                ## Analysis time in seconds
v_bar = 1.;                                  ## Wind speed in m/sec

## 1.
lambdal = 0.01*p/86400.;                     ## Decay constant corresponding to leakage rate in seconds (1 day = 86400 seconds)
## Using the data from Example 11.5 for the half life of Iodine-131
T_12 = 8.04;                                ## Half life of Iodine 131 in days
lambdac = 0.693/(T_12*86400.);               ## Decay constant of Iodine-131 (I-131) in seconds
## Using data from Table 11.3
Eg_bar = 0.371;                             ## Average gamma decay energy per disintegration of I-131 in MeV
## Using the plot given in Figure 11.11 and 11.12 for Type F condition at 100 m
sigma_y = 21.;                               ## Horizontal dispersion coefficient
sigma_z = 70.;                               ## Vertical dispersion coefficient
## As lambdac*t << 1, 
## Calculation
H = (0.262*Eg_bar*lambdal*C0*t0)/(math.pi*v_bar*sigma_y*sigma_z);
## Result
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" \n The total external dose due to gamma ray exposure = ",H," rem\n")

## 2.
## Using the data given in Example 11.5
B = 2.32*10**(-4);                           ## Normal breathing rate in m^3/sec
zeta = 0.23;                                ## Fraction of core inventory in MeV 
q = 0.23;                                   ## Fraction of Iodine-131 in thyroid
M = 20.;                                     ## Mass of an adult thyroid in grams
## Calculation
H_dot = (592.*B*zeta*q*lambdal*C0*t0)/(math.pi*v_bar*sigma_y*sigma_z*M);
## Converting the units from rem/sec to milli-rem/hour by multiplying by (1000*3600)
## Result
print'%s %.2e %s %.2f %s '%(" \n The dose rate to an adult thyroid after 2 hours = ",H_dot," rem/sec" or"",math.ceil(H_dot*(1000*3600))," mrem/hour\n");

## 3.
## Using the data given in Example 11.5
T_12 = 8.04;                                ## Half life of Iodine 131 in days
T_12b = 138.;                                ## Biological half life of Iodine 131 in days
lambd = 0.693/(T_12*86400.);                ## Decay constant of Iodine-131 in sec^(-1)
lambda_b = 0.693/(T_12b*86400.);             ## Biological decay constant of Iodine-131 in sec^(-1)
## Calculation
H = H_dot/(lambd+lambda_b);
## Result
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" \n The dose commitment to thyroid by Iodine-131 exposure after 2 hours = ",H," rem \n");
 The total external dose due to gamma ray exposure =  0.01  rem

 The dose rate to an adult thyroid after 2 hours =  4.10e-05  rem/sec 148.00  mrem/hour
 The dose commitment to thyroid by Iodine-131 exposure after 2 hours =  38.81  rem 


In [8]:
## Example 11.8
import math

## Given
E = 2.4;                                    ## Energy of gamma rays in MeV
r = 1000*100;                               ## Distance from the building where radiation is exposed in cm
t0 = 2*3600;                                ## Time of exposure in seconds
A = 3*10^7;                                 ## Amount of initial radioactivity release due to Kr-88 in curie
f = 0.4;                                    ## Fraction of disintegrations which release 2.4 MeV gamma rays
C0 = A*f;                                   ## Effective number of curies 
T_12 = 2.79;                                ## Half life of Iodine 131 in hours

lambd = 0.693/(T_12*3600.);                 ## Decay constant of Iodine-131 in sec^(-1)
## Using the result given in Example 11.7
lambdal = 1.16*10**(-8);                     ## Decay constant corresponding to fission prouduct release from building
lambdac = lambd+lambdal;                   ## Total decay constant in sec^(-1) 
## Using the data from Table II.4 for air at E = 2.4 MeV
mu_rho = 0.041;                             ## The attenuation coefficient in cm^2/g
## Using standard value for density of air in g/cm^3
rho = 1.293*10**(-3);
mu = mu_rho*rho;
## Using the data from Table II.5 for air at E = 2.4 MeV
mua_rho = 0.0227;                           ## The ratio of absorption coefficient to density of air in cm^2/g
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" \n Buildup factor is measured at ",mu*r,"");
## Using Berger's form in Problem 11.9 
B_p = 4.7;                                  ## Buildup factor due to a point source
## Calculation
H = (54.*C0*(1.-math.exp(-lambdac*t0))/lambdac)*(E*mua_rho*B_p*math.exp(-mu*r)/r**2);
## Result
print'%s %.2e %s'%(" \n The direct dose due to gamma ray exposure = ",H," rem \n")
## There is a slight deviation in the answer due to approximation of value in the textbook.
 Buildup factor is measured at  5.30 
 The direct dose due to gamma ray exposure =  3.91e-07  rem 


In [9]:
## Example 11.9
import math

## Given data
gammai = 0.0277;                            ## Fission yield of Iodine-131 in fraction
P = 3200.;                                   ## Thermal power of the plant in MW
## Calculation
alphai = 8.46*10**5*P*gammai;
## Result
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" \n The saturation activity of Iodine-131 during reactor operation = ",alphai," curie \n")

## Using assumption 2 of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in calculation of radii of exclusion zone and Low Population Zone (LPZ)
## Due to core meltdown, 25 percent of iodine inventory is released and out of which 91 percent is in elemental form.
Fp = 0.25*0.91;                             ## Fraction of Iodine-131 released from the fuel into the reactor containment
## As entire iodine escapes through air
Fb = 1.;                                     ## Fraction of 'Fp' which remains airborne and is capable of escaping from the building
## Calculation
C0 = alphai*Fp*Fb;
## Result
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" \n The activity of Iodine-131 in elemental form due to core meltdown = ",C0," curie \n");
 The saturation activity of Iodine-131 during reactor operation =  74989440.00  curie 

 The activity of Iodine-131 in elemental form due to core meltdown =  17060097.60  curie 


In [10]:
## Example 11.10
import math

## Given data
P = 1000.;                                       ## Electrical power of the plant in Mwe
eta = 0.38;                                     ## Plant efficiency
P_th = P/eta;                                   ## Thermal power of the plant in MW
h = 100.;                                        ## Height of stack in metre
t = 24*365.;                                     ## The number of hours in a year
m0 = 13000.;                                     ## Amount of coal in the plant in Btu/lb
m0_ash = 0.09;                                  ## Fraction of ash in the coal

## 1.
E = P_th*t;                                     ## Energy released in a year in MW-hour
## Converting the units in Btu by using 1 MW-hour = 3.412*10^6 Btu
m = (E*3.412*10**6)/m0;
## Converting the units in g/year by using 1 lb/year = 453.59237 g/year
m = m*453.59237;
## Assuming the fly ash equipment has an efficiency of 97.5% of fly ash removal
eta_flyash = 0.025;                             ## Only (1-efficiency) is exhausted
m_ash = eta_flyash*m0_ash*m;
## A typical power plant contains 3pCi/g of each nuclide (Radium-226) in one year
A = 3*10**(-12);
## Calculation
A_total = A*m_ash;
## Result
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" \n Total activity of Radium-226 emitted = ",A_total," curie \n")

## 2.
v_bar = 1.;                                      ## Wind speed in m/sec
t = 24.*365.*3600.;                                ## Analysis time of one year equivalently in seconds
MPC = 3.*10**(-12.);                               ## Maximum Permissible Concentration in micro-curie/cm^3
Q_bar = A_total/t;                              ## Emission rate for one year in curie/year
## Let the quantity chi*v_bar/Q_bar = x
## Using the plot for Pasquill F, given in Fig. A.7, Pg no 413 from Slade, D. H., Editor, Meteorology and Atomic Energy-1968. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Report TID-24190, 1968.
x = 2.5*10**(-6.);                                ## Maximum value of x at 10^4 m 
## Solving for chi
chi = (x*Q_bar)/v_bar;
## Converting the units from Ci/m^3 to micro-curie/cm^3 by multiplying by 10^6/10^6  = 1
print'%s %.2e %s'%(" \n Concentration of Radium-226 present = ",chi," micro-curie/cm^3 \n")
## Let c be the comparison factor
## Calculation
c = MPC/chi;
## Result
print'%s %.2f %s'%(" \n On comparison, the total concentration of Radium-226 is ",c," times smaller than Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) \n")
## The comparison factor is slightly different from the value in the textbook. This is because of approximation used in the textbook.
 Total activity of Radium-226 emitted =  0.02  curie 

 Concentration of Radium-226 present =  1.47e-15  micro-curie/cm^3 

 On comparison, the total concentration of Radium-226 is  2042.83  times smaller than Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) 


In [11]:
## Example 11.11
import math

## Given data
Qy_bar = 1.04*10**(-2);                      ## Emission rate for one year in curie/year
## Let (chi/Q_bar) = d which is called 'Dilution factor'
d = 4*10**(-8);                              ## Dilution factor in year/cm^3
vd = 0.01;                                  ## Experimentally determined constant

## 1.
T_12 = 8.04;                                ## Half life of Iodine 131 in days
T_12f = 14;                                 ## First order half life of Iodine 131 in days
## Converting days into years by using 1 year = 365 days
lambd = 0.693/(T_12/365.);                  ## Decay constant of Iodine-131
lambdaf = 0.693/(T_12f/365.);                ## First order decay constant of Iodine-131
## Calculation
Cf = (Qy_bar*d*vd)/(lambd+lambdaf);
## Expressing the result in micro-curie 
Cf = Cf*10**6;
## Result
print'%s %.2e %s'%(" \n The activity of I-131 on the vegetation = ",Cf," micro-curie/m^2 \n");

## 2.
## The proportionality factor has a value 9*10^(-5) Ci/cm^3 of milk per Ci/m^2 of grass
## Calculation 
Cm = 9*10**(-5)*Cf;
## Result
print'%s %.2e %s'%(" \n The concentration of I-131 in the milk = ",Cm," micro-curie/m^2 \n");

## 3.
MPC = 3*10**(-7);                            ## Maximum Permissible Concentration in micro-curie/cm^3
## Calculation
H_dot = (2270.*Cm)/MPC;
## Result
print'%s %.2e %s'%(" \n The annual dose rate to an infant thyroid by consuming radiated milk = ",H_dot," mrem/year \n");
 The activity of I-131 on the vegetation =  8.40e-08  micro-curie/m^2 

 The concentration of I-131 in the milk =  7.56e-12  micro-curie/m^2 

 The annual dose rate to an infant thyroid by consuming radiated milk =  5.72e-02  mrem/year 


In [12]:
## Example 11.12
import math

## Given data
Qy_bar = 0.197;                             ## Emission rate for one year in micro-curie/year
## Let (chi/Q_bar) = d which is called 'Dilution factor'
d = 6.29*10**(-16);                          ## Dilution factor in year/cm^3
MPC_w = 6*10**(-5);                          ## Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) of iron in micro-curie/cm^3

Cw = Qy_bar*d;                              ## The concentration of Fe-59 
## For fish
Rs_fish = 110.;                             ## Consumption rate in g/day
## Using the data from Table 11.15 for saltwater concentration of fish for iron
CF_fish = 1800.;                            ## Concentration Factor of fish
Cs_fish = CF_fish*Cw;                       ## Activity of fish
H_dot_fish = (Cs_fish*Rs_fish*500.)/(MPC_w*2200.);    ## Dose rate for fish

## For mollusks
Rs_mollusk = 10.;                           ## Consumption rate in g/day
## Using the data from Table 11.15 for saltwater concentration of mollusk for iron
CF_mollusk = 7600.;                         ## Concentration Factor of mollusk
Cs_mollusk = CF_mollusk*Cw;                 ## Activity of mollusk
H_dot_mollusk = (Cs_mollusk*Rs_mollusk*500.)/(MPC_w*2200.);   ## Dose rate for mollusk

## For crustaceans
Rs_crustacean = 10.;                        ## Consumption rate in g/day
## Using the data from Table 11.15 for saltwater concentration of crustacean for iron
CF_crustacean = 2000.;                      ## Concentration Factor of crustacean
Cs_crustacean = CF_crustacean*Cw;           ## Activity of crustacean
H_dot_crustacean = (Cs_crustacean*Rs_crustacean*500.)/(MPC_w*2200.);  ## Dose rate for crustacean

## Calculation
H_dot = H_dot_fish+H_dot_mollusk+H_dot_crustacean;
## Result
print'%s %.2e %s'%(" \n The annual dose rate to GI tract by consuming fish = ",H_dot_fish," mrem/year");
print'%s %.2e %s'%(" \n The annual dose rate to GI tract by consuming mollusk = ",H_dot_mollusk," mrem/year");
print'%s %.2e %s'%(" \n The annual dose rate to GI tract by consuming crustaceans = ",H_dot_crustacean," mrem/year");
print'%s %.2e %s'%(" \n The annual dose rate to GI tract by consuming seafood = ",H_dot," mrem/year \n");
## The answer for annual dose rate to GI tract by consuming fish is wrong in the textbook. This is because the value of fish consumption rate is wrongly considered.
 The annual dose rate to GI tract by consuming fish =  9.29e-08  mrem/year
 The annual dose rate to GI tract by consuming mollusk =  3.57e-08  mrem/year
 The annual dose rate to GI tract by consuming crustaceans =  9.39e-09  mrem/year
 The annual dose rate to GI tract by consuming seafood =  1.38e-07  mrem/year