Chapter 1: Integrated circuit fabrication

Example 1.1, Page No:23

In [3]:
#Variable Declaration:
Rs=200.0         #Sheet resistance of p-type diffusion in ohm/square
R=5000.0         #Resistance in ohm

luponw= R/Rs     #calculating  dimentions of pattern 

print('L upon W =%d'%luponw)
print('\n5kohm resistor can be fabricated by using a pattern of %d mil*1mil'%luponw)
L upon W =25

5kohm resistor can be fabricated by using a pattern of 25 mil*1mil

Example 1.2, Page No:23

In [4]:
#Variable Declaration:
Rs=30.0         #Sheet resistance of p-type diffusion in ohm/square
R=1000.0        #resistance in ohm

luponw=R/Rs     #calculating  dimentions of pattern 

print('L upon W =100/3')
print('\n1kohm resistor can be fabricated by using a pattern of 100 mil* 3 mil')
L upon W =100/3

1kohm resistor can be fabricated by using a pattern of 100 mil* 3 mil