Chapter 23: Polymer Materials

Example 23.1, page no-625

In [5]:
#Sulphur required for final rubber product

import math
#Variable Declaration
p_wt=500                      # weight of final rubber product
w1= 32.0                      # atomic weight of sulphur
w2= 54.0                      # weight of monomer unit

s_req= math.floor(s_req*100)/100

print('Therefore, sulphur required for %d *10^3 kg of final  rubber product = %d * 10^-3 kg'%(p_wt,s_req*p_wt))
Therefore, sulphur required for 500 *10^3 kg of final  rubber product = 185 * 10^-3 kg

Example 23.2, page no-625

In [7]:
# Photon energy to break C C bond

import math
#Variable Declaration
E=370*10**3                  # energy of c-c bond j/mol
lam=3200*10**-10             # wavelength of UV light
h=6.626*10**-34              # Planck's constant
c=3*10**8                    # speed of light


print('\nE=%.1f*10^-19 J'%(E1*10**19))
print('\nThe Energy of c-c Bond = %.1f * 10^-19'%(Ec*10**19))
print('\n\nThe UV light photon energy is sufficient to break a C-C bond.\nTherefore, the polymer deteriorates under the influence of UV light')
E=6.2*10^-19 J

The Energy of c-c Bond = 6.1 * 10^-19

The UV light photon energy is sufficient to break a C-C bond.
Therefore, the polymer deteriorates under the influence of UV light