Chapter17-Dielectric Materials


In [1]:
## calculation of relative dielectric constant
l= 10.## length of capacitor in mm
b = 10. ## width of capacitor in mm
d = 2. ## distance of separation in mm
c = 1e-9 ## capacitance in farad
epsilon_0 = 8.85e-12 ## permittivity of free space
print("\n Example 17.1")
epsilon_r = c*d*1e-3/(epsilon_0*l*1e-3*b*1e-3)

print'%s %.2f %s '%("\n Relative dielectric constant is ",epsilon_r,"")
 Example 17.1

 Relative dielectric constant is  2259.89  


In [3]:
## calculate the polarization of a BaTio3 crystal
import math
Ti_shift= 0.06 ## shift of TI ion in angstrom
O_shift = 0.06 ## shift of oxygen ion of side face in angstrom
o_shift = 0.08 ##shift of oxygen ion of top and bottom faces in angstrom
O_charge  = 2. ## unit charge on oxygen ion of side face
o_charge  = 2. ## unit charge on oxygen ion of top and bottom faces
Ti_charge  = 4. ## unit charge on titanium ion 
n_O = 2. ## number of oxygen ion of side face
n_o = 1. ## number of oxygen ion of top and bottom face
n_Ti = 1. ## number of titanium ion 
e = 1.6e-19 ## amount of one unit charge in coulomb
print("\n Example 17.2")
p_Ti = n_Ti*Ti_charge *e*Ti_shift*1e-10
p_O = n_O*O_charge*e*O_shift*1e-10
p_o = n_o*o_charge*e*o_shift*1e-10
Total = p_Ti+p_O+p_o
P = Total/(4.03*3.98**2*1e-30)
print'%s %.2f %s '%("\n Polarization of BaTiO3 crystal is ",P," Cm^-2 ")
 Example 17.2

 Polarization of BaTiO3 crystal is  0.16  Cm^-2