Chapter 10:Strain Transformation

EXample 10.1 Page No 491

In [4]:
ep_x = 500       #Normal Strain
ep_y = -300      #Normal Strain
gamma_xy = 200   #Shear Strain

import math
theta = 30*(math.pi/180)
theta = theta*-1
ep_x_new = ((ep_x+ep_y)/2) + ((ep_x - ep_y)/2)*math.cos(2*theta) + (gamma_xy/2)*math.sin(2*theta)
gamma_xy_new = -((ep_x - ep_y)/2)*math.sin(2*theta) + (gamma_xy/2)*math.cos(2*theta)
gamma_xy_new = 2*gamma_xy_new
phi = 60*(math.pi/180)
ep_y_new = (ep_x+ep_y)/2 + ((ep_x - ep_y)/2)*math.cos(2*phi) + (gamma_xy/2)*math.sin(2*phi)

print'The equivalent strain acting on the element  oriented at 30 degrees clockwise = ',round(ep_y_new,1),"*10**-6"
print'The equivalent shear strain acting on the element        = ',round(gamma_xy_new,0),"10**-6"
The equivalent strain acting on the element in the y plain oriented at 30 degrees clockwise =  -13.4 *10**-6
The equivalent shear strain acting on the element        =  793.0 10**-6

EXample 10.2 Page No 492

In [39]:
ep_x = -350.0    #(*10**-6) Normal Strain
ep_y = 200.0      #*(10**-6) Normal Strain
gamma_xy = 80.0   #*(10**-6) Shear Strain

#Orientation of the element
import math
tan_thetap = (gamma_xy)/(ep_x - ep_y)
thetap1 =math.atan(tan_thetap)*180/3.14+180

#Principal Strains
k = (ep_x + ep_y)/2
l = (ep_x - ep_y)/2
tou = gamma_xy/2
R = math.sqrt( (l)**2 + tou**2)
ep1 = R + k
ep2 = k -R 
ep_x1 = k + l*math.cos(2*-4.14*3.14/180.0)+ tou*math.sin(2*-4.14*3.14/180.0)

print'The orientation of the element in the positive counterclockwise direction =  ',round(thetap,1),"degree"
print'The principal strains are      ',round(ep1,0),"*10**-6   and  ",round(ep2,0),"*10**-6"
print'The principal strain in the new x direction is ',round(ep_x1,0),"*10**-6"
The orientation of the element in the positive counterclockwise direction =   85.9 degree
The principal strains are       203.0 *10**-6   and   -353.0 *10**-6
The principal strain in the new x direction is  -353.0 *10**-6

EXample 10.3 Page No 493

In [42]:
ep_x = -350     #(*10**-6) Normal Strain
ep_y = 200.0      #*(10**-6) Normal Strain
gamma_xy = 80.0   #*(10**-6) Shear Strain

#Orientation of the element
import math
tan_thetap = -(ep_x - ep_y)/(gamma_xy)
thetap1 = math.atan(tan_thetap)*180/3.14+180

#Maximum in-plane shear strain
l = (ep_x - ep_y)/2
tou = gamma_xy/2
R = sqrt( l**2 + tou**2)
max_inplane_strain = 2*R
gamma_xy_1 = (-l*math.sin(2*thetap1)+ tou*math.cos(2*thetap1))*2
strain_avg = (ep_x + ep_y)/2
thetap1 = thetap1*(180/math.pi)
thetap2 = (90 + thetap1)

print'The orientation of the element            =',round(thetap,0,),"degre"
print'The maximum in-plane shear strain         = ',round(max_inplane_strain,0),"*10**-6"
print'The average strain                        =',strain_avg,"*10**-6"
The orientation of the element            = 131.0 degre
The maximum in-plane shear strain         =  556.0 *10**-6
The average strain                        = -75.0 *10**-6

EXample 10.4 Page No 496

In [52]:
ep_x = 250.0        #(*10**-6) Normal Strain
ep_y = -150.0       #*(10**-6) Normal Strain
gamma_xy = 120.0     #*(10**-6) Shear Strain

#Construction of the circle
import math
strain_avg = (ep_x + ep_y)/2
tou = gamma_xy/2
R = sqrt((ep_x - strain_avg)**2 + (tou**2))
#Principal Strains
ep1 = (strain_avg + R)
ep2 = (strain_avg - R)
tan_thetap = (tou)/(ep_x - strain_avg)
thetap1 = (math.atan(tan_thetap))/2.0
thetap1 = thetap1*(180/math.pi)

print'The principal strains are    =  ',round(ep1,0),"*10**-6    and   ",round(ep2,0),"*10**-6"
print'The orientation of the element  = ',round(thetap1,2),"degree"
The principal strains are    =   259.0 *10**-6    and    -159.0 *10**-6
The orientation of the element  =  8.35 degree

EXample 10.5 Page No 497

In [56]:
ep_x = 250     #(*10**-6) Normal Strain
ep_y = -150    #*(10**-6) Normal Strain
gamma_xy = 120 #*(10**-6) Shear Strain

#Orientation of the element
thetas = 90 - 2*8.35
thetas1 = thetas/2
#Maximum in-plane shear strain
l = (ep_x - ep_y)/2
tou = gamma_xy/2
R = sqrt( l**2 + tou**2)
max_inplane_strain = 2*R
strain_avg = (ep_x + ep_y)/2

print'The orientation of the element    ',thetas1,"degree"
print'The maximum in-plane shear strain',round(max_inplane_strain,0),"*10**-6"
print'The average strain    = ',strain_avg,"*10**-6"
The orientation of the element     36.65 degree
The maximum in-plane shear strain 418.0 *10**-6
The average strain    =  50 *10**-6

EXample 10.6 Page No 498

In [62]:
ep_x = -300       #(*10**-6) Normal Strain
ep_y = -100       #*(10**-6) Normal Strain
gamma_xy = 100     #*(10**-6) Shear Strain
theta = 20 #degrees

#Construction of the circle
import math
strain_avg = (ep_x+ ep_y)/2.0
tou = gamma_xy/2.0
R = sqrt((-ep_x + strain_avg)**2 + tou**2)
#Strains on Inclined Element
theta1 = 2*theta
phi = math.atan((tou)/(-ep_x +strain_avg))
phi = phi*(180/math.pi)
psi = theta1 - phi
psi = psi*(math.pi/180)
ep_x1 = -(-strain_avg+ R*math.cos(psi))
gamma_xy1 = -(R*math.sin(psi))*2
ep_y1 = -(-strain_avg - R*math.cos(psi))

print'The normal strain in the new x direction       = ',round(ep_x1,0),"10**-6"
print'The normal strain in the new y direction       =  ',round(ep_y1,1),"10**-6"
print'The shear strain in the new xy direction       =  ',round(gamma_xy1,0),"10**-6"
The normal strain in the new x direction       =  -309.0 10**-6
The normal strain in the new y direction       =   -91.3 10**-6
The shear strain in the new xy direction       =   -52.0 10**-6

EXample 10.7 Page No 503

In [66]:
ep_x = -400         #(*10**-6) Normal Strain
ep_y = 200          #*(10**-6) Normal Strain
gamma_xy = 150      #*(10**-6) Shear Strain

#Maximum in-plane Shear Strain
strain_avg = (ep_x+ ep_y)/2
tou = gamma_xy/2
R = sqrt((-ep_x + strain_avg)**2 + tou**2) 
strain_max = strain_avg + R
strain_min = strain_avg - R
max_shear_strain = strain_max - strain_min
#Absolute Maximum Shear Strain
abs_max_shear = max_shear_strain

print'The maximum in-plane shear strain= ',round(max_shear_strain,0),"10**-6"
print'The absolute maximum shear strain  ',round(abs_max_shear,0),"10**-6"
The maximum in-plane shear strain=  618.0 10**-6
The absolute maximum shear strain   618.0 10**-6

EXample 10.8 Page No 505

In [76]:
import math
ep_a = 60.0    #(*10**-6) Normal Strain
ep_b = 135.0   #*(10**-6) Normal Strain
ep_c = 264.0   #*(10**-6) Normal Strain
theta_a = 0
theta_b = 60*(math.pi/180)
theta_c = 120*(math.pi/180)

a1 = (math.cos(theta_a))**2
b1 = (math.sin(theta_a))**2
c1 = math.cos(theta_a)*math.sin(theta_a)
a2 = (math.cos(theta_b))**2
b2 = (math.sin(theta_b))**2
c2 = math.cos(theta_b)*math.sin(theta_b)
a3 = (math.cos(theta_c))**2
b3 = (math.sin(theta_c))**2
c3 = math.cos(theta_c)*math.sin(theta_c)

ep_x = 60       #*10**-6
ep_y = 246      #*10**-6
gamma_xy = -149 #*10**-6
strain_avg = (ep_x + ep_y )/2.0
tou = gamma_xy/2.0
R = sqrt((-ep_x + strain_avg)**2 + tou**2) 
ep1 = strain_avg + R
ep2 = strain_avg - R
tan_thetap =math.atan(-tou/(-ep_x + strain_avg))
thetap = tan_thetap/2.0
thetap2 = thetap*(180/math.pi)

print'The maximum in-plane principal strains are',round(ep1,0),"*10**-6   and   ",round(ep2,1),"*10**-6"
print'The angle of orientation  ',round(thetap2,1),"degree"
The maximum in-plane principal strains are 272.0 *10**-6   and    33.8 *10**-6
The angle of orientation   19.3 degree

EXample 10.9 Page No 512

In [79]:
E_st = 200*10**9    #GPa
nu_st = 0.3         #Poisson's ratio
ep1 = 272 *10**-6
ep2 = 33.8 *10**-6

#Solving for the equations
sigma2= 25.4

print'The principal stresses at point A are   ',sigma1,"MPa and " ,sigma2,"Mpa"
The principal stresses at point A are    62 MPa and  25.4 Mpa

EXample 10.10 Page No 514

In [88]:
a = 300.0     #mm
b = 50.0     #mm
t = 20.0     #mm
E_cu = 120*10**3 #MPa
nu_cu = 0.34     # Poisson's ratio
#By inspection
sigma_x = 800    #MPa
sigma_y = -500.0   #MPa
tou_xy = 0
sigma_z = 0

#By Hooke's Law
ep_x = (sigma_x/E_cu) - (nu_cu/E_cu)*(sigma_y + sigma_z)
ep_y = (sigma_y/E_cu) - (nu_cu/E_cu)*(sigma_x + sigma_z)
ep_z = (sigma_z/E_cu) - (nu_cu/E_cu)*(sigma_y + sigma_x)
#New lengths
a_dash = a + ep_x*a
b_dash = b + ep_y*b
t_dash = t + ep_z*t

print'The new length     = ',round(a_dash,1),"mm"
print 'The new nas base is',round(b_dash,1),"mm"
print'The new thickness  = ',round(t_dash,2),"mm"
The new length     =  300.4 mm
The new nas base is 49.7 mm
The new thickness  =  19.98 mm

EXample 10.11 Page No 515

In [92]:
p = 20     #psi, pressure
E = 600    #psi, pressure
nu = 0.45
#the given dimension are:
a = 4     #in
b = 2     #  in
c = 3     #in

sigma_x = -p
sigma_y = -p
sigma_z = -p
e = ((1-2*nu)/E)*(sigma_x + sigma_y + sigma_z)
#Change in Length
ep = (sigma_x - nu*(sigma_y + sigma_z))/E
del_a = ep*a
del_b = ep*b
del_c = ep*c

print'The change in length a      = ',round(del_a,4),"inch"
print'The change in length b      = ',round(del_b,4),"inch"
print'The change in length c      = ',round(del_c,4),"inch"
The change in length a      =  -0.0133 inch
The change in length b      =  -0.0067 inch
The change in length c      =  -0.01 inch

EXample 10.12 Page No 526

In [99]:
T = 400      #lbft, tourqe
sigma_ult = 20000 #psi

import math
x = T*12/(math.pi/2)

print'The smallest radius of the solid cast iron shaft  ',round(r,3),"inch"
The smallest radius of the solid cast iron shaft   0.535 inch

EXample 10.13 Page No 527

In [14]:
import math
sigmay=36         #ksi, stress
r = 0.5           #cm
sigma_yield = 360 #MPa, yield stress
T = 3.25          #kN/cm
A= (math.pi*r**2)
P = 15            #kN
J = (math.pi/2.0)*(r**4)
sigma_y_sqr = sigma_yield**2

sigma_x = -(P/A)
sigma_y = 0
tou_xy = (T*r)/J
k = (sigma_x + sigma_y)/2.0
R = sqrt(k**2 + (tou_xy**2))
sigma1 = k+R
sigma2 = k-R
l = sigma1 - sigma2
#Maximum Shear Stress Theory
if x>sigmay:
    print"Shear failure of material will occur"
if y<sigmay**2:
    print"Failure will not occur"
        print"it will occur"
Shear failure of material will occur
Failure will not occur