Chapter 10: Columns

Example 10.01, Page number 638

In [1]:
import math
from sympy import symbols

#Variable declaration
L=2                                                                         # Length(m)
E=13*(pow(10,9))                                                            # Modulus of elasticity(GPa)   
Sall=12                                                                     # Stress(MPa)
FS=2.5                                                                      # Factor of safety(2.5)
Ld1=100                                                                     # Load force(kN)     
Ld2=200                                                                     # Load force(kN)  

#(a) For the 100-kN Load
Pcr=FS*Ld1*(1000.0)                                                           # Pressure(kN) 
I=(Pcr*(L**2))/(((math.pi)**2)*E)                                           # Moment of inertia(m**4)   
a1=round((I*12)**(1/4.0),1)                                                   # Side of square(mm)
S=(100)/((0.1)**2)                                                          # Normal stress in column(MPa) 

#(b) For the 200-kN Load 
Pcr=FS*(Ld2)*(1000.0)                                                         # Pressure(kN)
I=(Pcr*(L**2))/(((math.pi)**2)*E)                                           # Moment of inertia(m**4)
a=((I)*12)**(1/4.0)                                                           # Side of square(mm)
S=(200/(0.11695)**2)                                                        # Normal stress(MPa)
A=(200/12.0)*(pow(10,-3))                                                     # Area of cross section(m**2)
a2=(A)**(1/2.0)*(1000)                                                        # Side of square(mm)

print('Case(a): Size of cross section if the column is to safetly support 100 kN = %lf psi '%a1)
print('Case(b): Size of cross section if the column is to safetly support 200 kN = %.lf psi '%a2)
Case(a): Size of cross section if the column is to safetly support 100 kN = 0.100000 psi 
Case(b): Size of cross section if the column is to safetly support 200 kN = 129 psi 

SAMPLE PROBLEM 10.1, Page number 643

In [10]:
import math
from sympy import symbols

#Variable declaration
L=20                                                                             # Length of aluminium column(in)
E=10.1*(pow(10,6))                                                               # Modulus of elasticity(psi)
P=5                                                                              # Stress(kips) 
L=symbols('L')                                                                   # Variable declaration
Le=symbols('Le')                                                                 # Variable declaration  
Le=0.7*L                                                                         # Effective length of column
a=symbols('a')                                                                   # Variable declaration  
b=symbols('b')                                                                   # Variable declaration  
Scr=symbols('Scr')                                                               # Variable declaration
ry=(b)/(math.sqrt(12))                                                                # Radius of gyration 
FS=2.5                                                                           # Factor of safety

#Buckling in xy Plane
Ix=(1/12.0)*(a**3)*b                                                               # Moment of inertia
A=a*b                                                                            # Area of cross section
rz=(((1/12.0)*b*(a**3))/(a*b))**(1/2.0)                                                 # Radius of gyration
ESRxy=(Le)/(rz)                                                                  # Effective slenderness ratio 

#Buckling in xz Plane 
ESRxz=(Le)/(ry)                                                                  # Effective slenderness ratio

# Case(a) Most Efficient Design
Ans=((0.7*L)*(math.sqrt(12.0)))/((2.0*L)*(math.sqrt(12.0)))                                      # Most efficient design 

# Case(b) Design for Given Data.
Pcr=(FS)*(P)                                                                     # Pressure(kips)
a=0.35*b                                                                         # Distance 
A=a*b                                                                            # Area
Scr=(Pcr/A)                                                                      # Stress
b=(((12500)*((138.6)**2))/(0.35*10.1*(pow(10.0,6))*((math.pi)**2.0)))**(1/4.0)         # Distance(in)

print('Case(a): Ratio for most efficient design = %lf  '%Ans)
print('Case(b): Design for given data breadth = %lf in '%b)
print('Case(b): Design for given data length = %lf in '%(0.35*b))
Case(a): Ratio for most efficient design = 0.350000  
Case(b): Design for given data breadth = 1.619708 in 
Case(b): Design for given data length = 0.566898 in 

SAMPLE PROBLEM 10.2, Page number 654

In [5]:
import math
from sympy import symbols

#Variable declaration
E=(29*(pow(10,6)))                                                              # Modulus of elasticity(psi)
FS=2                                                                            # Factor of safety  
A=3.54                                                                          # Area of cross section(in**2) 
I=8.00                                                                          # Moment of inertia(in**4)
r=1.50                                                                          # Radius(in)
c=2.00                                                                          # Distance(in) 

# Effective Length
Le=2*(Lab)                                                                      # Effective length(in)
# Critical Load
Pcr=((((math.pi)**2)*E*(8.0))/(192.0)**2)/(1000.0)                                    # Critical load(kips)

#Case(a) Allowable Load and Stress
Pall=Pcr/FS                                                                     # Allowable load(kips)
S=Pall/A                                                                        # Allowable Stress(ksi)

#Case(b) Eccentric Load
ym=(0.75)*(2.252-1)                                                             # Distance(in)
Sm=(31.1/3.54)*(1+(0.667)*(2.252))                                              # Distance(in)

print('Case(a): Allowable load = %lf kips'%Pall)
print('Case(a): Allowable stress = %lf ksi '%S)
print('Case(b): The horizontal deflection of the top of the column = %lf in '%ym)
print('Case(b): Maximum normal stress in the column = %lf ksi '%Sm)
Case(a): Allowable load = 31.056698 kips
Case(a): Allowable stress = 8.773078 ksi 
Case(b): The horizontal deflection of the top of the column = 0.939000 in 
Case(b): Maximum normal stress in the column = 21.981585 ksi 

Example 10.02, Page number 664

In [11]:
import math
from sympy import symbols

#Variable declaration
A=1460*(pow(10,-6))                                                       # Area of cross section(m**2)
rx=41.7                                                                   # Radius of gyration(mm)
ry=14.6                                                                   # Radius of gyration(mm)
P=60*(pow(10,3))                                                          # Force(N)
E=200*(pow(10,9))                                                         # Modulus of elasticity(GPa)
L=symbols('L')                                                            # Variable Declaration
r=symbols('r')                                                            # Variable Declaration

Sall=(P/A)                                                                # Stress of all(Pa)
Scr=0.8778*((((math.pi)**2)*(E))/(L/r)**2)                                # Critical stress
Sall=Scr/1.67                                                             # Stress of all(Pa)
R1=((1.037*(pow(10,12)))/(1.41*(pow(10,6))))**(1/2)                       # Slenderness ratio
R1l=(4.71)*((200*(pow(10,9)))/(250*(pow(10,6))))**(1/2)                   # Slenderness ratio
L=158.8*(14.6*(pow(10,-3)))                                               # Choosing the smaller of the two radii of gyration

print('The longest unsupported length L = %lf m'%L)
The longest unsupported length L = 2.318480 m

SAMPLE PROBLEM 10.3, Page number 668

In [7]:
import math
from sympy import symbols

#Variable declaration
Sy=36                                                                       # Stress(ksi)
E=(29*(pow(10,6)))                                                          # Modulus of elasticity(psi)
A=11.5                                                                      # Area(in**2) 
FS=2                                                                        # Factor of safety

ratio=(4.71)*(E/(36*(pow(10,3))))                                           # Value of the slenderness ratio

#Case(a) Effective Length
Sr=(24*12)/(1.98)                                                           # Value of the slenderness ratio
Scr=((0.877)*((math.pi)**2)*(29*(pow(10,3))))/(145.5)**2                    # Value of the slenderness ratio
Sall=(Scr/1.67)                                                             # Allowable stress(ksi)
Pall1=Sall*A                                                                 # Pressure(kips)
#Case(b) Bracing at Midpoint C                                                 
#xz Plane
Elxz=(144)/(1.98)                                                           # Slenderness ratio
#yz Plane
Elyz=(288)/(4.27)                                                           # Slenderness ratio

Se=(((math.pi)**2)*(E))/(72.7)**2                                           # Stress(ksi)
Scr=(0.658)**(36/54.1)*(36)                                                 # Stress(ksi) 

Sall=(Scr)/(1.67)                                                           # Allowable load(ksi)
Pall2=Sall*A                                                                 # Force(ksi) 

print('Effective centric load P if the effective length of the column is 24 = %lf kips'%Pall1)
print('Effective centric load P if bracing is provided to prevent the movement of the midpoint C in the xz plane = %lf ksi'%Pall2)
Effective centric load P if the effective length of the column is 24 = 81.649348 kips
Effective centric load P if bracing is provided to prevent the movement of the midpoint C in the xz plane = 187.639873 ksi

SAMPLE PROBLEM 10.4, Page number 669

In [16]:
import math
from sympy import symbols

#Variable declaration
P=60                                                                                # Centric load(kN)
c=symbols('c')                                                                      # Variable declaration
I=((math.pi)/4.0)*(c**4)                                                              # Moment of inertia
A=(math.pi)*(c**2)                                                                  # Area of cross section 

r=(I/A)**(1/2.0)                                                                         # Radius

#Case(a) Length of 750 mm

#Case(b) Length of 300 mm
c=11.95                                                                             # Radius(mm)

Sr=((300)*(2))/(11.95)                                                              # Slenderness ratio
d2=(2*c)/(1000.0)                                                                     # Required diamter(mm)

print('The smallest diameter rod that can be used to support the centric load P=60 kN if L=750 mm = %lf '%d1)
print('The smallest diameter rod that can be used to support the centric load P=60 kN if L=300 mm = %lf '%d2)
The smallest diameter rod that can be used to support the centric load P=60 kN if L=750 mm = 0.036628 
The smallest diameter rod that can be used to support the centric load P=60 kN if L=300 mm = 0.023900 

Example 10.04, Page number 676

In [19]:
import math
from sympy import symbols,solve

#Variable declaration
L=28                                                                           # Effective length(in)

A=2**2                                                                         # Area of cross ection(in**2)
I=(1/12.0)*(2**4)                                                                # Moment of inertia(in**4)
r=(I/A)**(1/2.0)                                                                 # Radius(in)
R1=(28/0.5774)                                                                 # Ratio
Sall=(30.9-(0.229*48.5))                                                       # Stress for the aluminum column(ksi)  
P=solve((P/4.0)+((P*0.8*1)/(1.333))-19.79,P)                                     # Maximum load that can be safely applied(kips)

print('The maximum load that can be safely applied is = %lf kips'%P[0])
The maximum load that can be safely applied is = 23.278244 kips

Example 10.05, Page number 677

In [26]:
import math
from sympy import symbols,solve

#Variable declaration
Sallcentric=19.79                                                              # Stress all centric(ksi) 
Sallbending=24                                                                 # Stress all bending(ksi)

P=solve((P/4.0)/(19.79) + ((P*0.8*1)/(1.333*24))-1,P)

print('The maximum load that can be safely applied is = %lf kips'%P[0])
The maximum load that can be safely applied is = 26.568262 kips

SAMPLE PROBLEM 10.5, Page number 678

In [28]:
import math
from sympy import symbols,solve

#Variable declaration
E=200                                                                           # Modulus of elasticity(GPa)
Sy=250                                                                          # Stress(MPa)
P=symbols('P')                                                                  # Variable declaration

Sall=162.2/1.67                                                                 # Allowable stress(MPa)

P=solve(P*((1/(9.42*(pow(10,-3))))+(0.200/(1.050*(pow(10,-3)))))-97.1,P)        # Largest load P(kN)

print('The largest allowable load P is thus = %lf kN'%(P[0]*1000))
The largest allowable load P is thus = 327.340184 kN

SAMPLE PROBLEM 10.6, Page number 678

In [29]:
import math
from sympy import symbols,solve

#Variable declaration
E=200                                                                           # Modulus of elasticity(GPa)
Sy=150                                                                          # Stress(MPa)
P=symbols('P')                                                                  # Variable declaration

P=solve(P*((1/(97.1*9.42*(pow(10,3))))+(0.200/(150*1.050*(pow(10,3)))))-1,P)    # Largest allowable load(kN)

print('The largest allowable load P is thus = %lf kN'%(P[0]/1000))              
The largest allowable load P is thus = 423.169834 kN

SAMPLE PROBLEM 10.7, Page number 679

In [30]:
import math
from sympy import symbols,solve

#Variable declaration
A=symbols('A')                                                                # Variable declaration                                                                       
E=29*(pow(10,6))                                                              # Modulus of elasticity(psi) 
Sy=36                                                                         # Stress(ksi) 
SR=133.7                                                                      # Slenderness ratio
Scr=22.5                                                                      # Slenderness ratio

A=solve(22-(85/A)-((425*4)/(A*(pow(3.5,2)))),A)                               # Area of cross section(in**2) 

#Trial 1: W8*35
#Allowable Bending Stress
Sall=22                                                                       # Allowable bending stress(ksi) 
#Allowable Concentric Stress
Ratio1=(8.25/13.46)+(13.62/22.0)                                                # Allowable concentric stress(ksi) 
#Since 1.232 > 1.000, the requirement expressed by the interaction formula is not satisfied; we must select a larger trial shape.

#Trial 2: W8*48
Ratio2=(6.03/13.76)+(9.82/22.0)                                                 # Allowable concentric stress(ksi)
#The W8*48 shape is satisfactory but may be unnecessarily large

#Trial 3: W8*40
#Following again the same procedure, we find that the interaction formula is not satisfied.

print ('Selection of Shape. The shape to be used is W8*48')
Selection of Shape. The shape to be used is W8*48