Chapter 9 - Statistical Mechanics

Example 2 - pg 525

In [1]:
#calculate the Absolute Entropy
#initialisation of variables
import math
T= 298.16 #K
M= 4.003 #gm
S= 2.3151 #cal mol^-1 deg^-1
R= 1.987 #cal/molK
S1= 2.5*R*math.log(T)+1.5*R*math.log(M)-S
print '%s %.3f %s' % (' Absolute Entropy=',S1,'cal mol^-1 deg^-1')
 Absolute Entropy= 30.122 cal mol^-1 deg^-1

Example 3 - pg 528

In [2]:
#calculate the heat required
#initialisation of variables
h= 6.624*10**-27#erg/sec
N= 6.023*10**23
c= 3*10**10 #m/sec
w= 2359.6 #cm**-1
T= 2000 #K
K= 1.380*10**-16
R= 1.987 #cal mol**-1 k**-1
x= h*c*w/(K*T)
y= 2.71**x
H= 3.5*R+(N*h*c*w/(T*4.184*10**7*(y-1)))
print '%s %.3f %s' % (' Heat=',H,'cal mol**-1 deg**-1')
 Heat= 7.715 cal mol**-1 deg**-1