Chapter3-Weight–Volume Relationships

Ex2-pg 60

In [2]:
import math
#evaluvate moist and dry density and void ratio and porosity and degree of saturation and volume of water in soil sample
##initialisation of variables
V= 1.2 ##m**3
M= 2350. ##Kg
w= 0.086
G= 2.71
W= 1000. ##kg/m**3
R= M/V
D= M/((1.+w)*V)
e= (G*W/D)-1.
n= e/(e+1.)
S= (w*G/e)*100.
v= (M-(M/(1.+w)))/W
print'%s %.1f %s'% ('moist density = ',R,' kg/m^3 ')
print'%s %.1f %s'% ('dry density = ',D,' kg/m^3 ')
print'%s %.3f %s'%  ('void ratio = ',e,' ')
print'%s %.3f %s'%  ('porosity = ',n,'')
print'%s %.3f %s'%  ('Degree of saturation = ',S,' ')
print'%s %.3f %s'%  ('volume of water in soil sample = ',v,' m^3 ')
moist density =  1958.3  kg/m^3 
dry density =  1803.3  kg/m^3 
void ratio =  0.503  
porosity =  0.335 
Degree of saturation =  46.349  
volume of water in soil sample =  0.186  m^3 

Ex3-pg 63

In [2]:
import math
#calcualte  mass of water to be added for full saturation
##initialisation of variables
n= 0.4
G= 2.68
w= 0.12
R= 1000. ##kg/m**3
V= 10. ##m**3
d= G*R*(1.-n)*(1.+w)
s= ((1.-n)*G+n)*R
M= s-d
m= M*V
print'%s %.1f %s'%('mass of water to be added for full saturation = ',m,' kg ')
mass of water to be added for full saturation =  2070.4  kg 


In [3]:
import math
#calculatesatuarated unit weight and specific gravity and void ratio 
##initialisation of variables
d= 16.19 ##kN/m**3
w= 0.23
W= 9.81 ##kN/m**3
R= d*(1.+w)
G= d/(W-d*w)
e= w*G
print'%s %.2f %s'%('satuarated unit weight = ',R,' kN/m^3 ')
print '%s %.2f %s'%('specific gravity = ',G,' ')
print'%s %.2f %s'% ('void ratio = ',e,' ')
satuarated unit weight =  19.91  kN/m^3 
specific gravity =  2.66  
void ratio =  0.61  


In [4]:
import math
#calculate relative density of compaction in percentage
##initialisation of variables
G= 2.68
w= 0.12
d= 1794.4 ##kg/m**3
W= 1000. ##kg/m**3
emax= 0.75
emin= 0.4
e= (G*W*(1.+w)/d)-1.
D= ((emax-e)/(emax-emin))*100.
print'%s %.1f %s'% ('relative density of compaction in percentage = ',D,' ')
relative density of compaction in percentage =  22.1