Chapter 16: Extented Surfaces

Example 16.1 pgno: 521

In [10]:
print"\t example 16.1 \t"
print"\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \t"
import numpy
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot
from math import tanh
print"\t fin surface is : %.1f ft**2/lin ft \t",Af
print"\t bare tube surface is :  ft**2/lin ft \t",Ao
print"\t total outside surface :  ft**2/lin ft \t",A
print"\t total inside surface :  ft**2/lin ft \t",Ai
print"\t fin efficiencies \t"
b=0.0625; # ft
hf=4; # from table in solution
m=(5.24*(hf**(1/2))); # m=((hf*P)/(Kax))**(1/2), eq 16.8
n=(tanh(m*b))/(m*b); # efficiency , eq 16.26
print"\t hf      m      n \t "
print hf   
print m      
print n
# similarly efficiencies values are calculated at different hf values
print"\t weighted efficiency curve \t"
hfi=((n*Af)+(Ao))*(hf/Ai); # eq 16.34
print"\t hf      hfi \t "
print hf      
print hfi
# similarly efficiencies values are calculated at different hf values
hf=[4, 16, 36, 100, 400, 625, 900]; # from 2nd table in the solution
hfi=[35.4, 110.8, 193.5, 370, 935, 1295, 1700]; # from 2nd table in the solution
pyplot.xlabel('heat transfer coefficient to fin,Btu/(ft**2)*(hr)')
pyplot.ylabel('coefficient hf referred to the tube ID')
pyplot.title('weighted fin efficiency curve')	
	 example 16.1 	
	 approximate values are mentioned in the book 	
	 fin surface is : %.1f ft**2/lin ft 	2.5
	 bare tube surface is :  ft**2/lin ft 	0.0
	 total outside surface :  ft**2/lin ft 	2.5
	 total inside surface :  ft**2/lin ft 	0.277366666667
	 fin efficiencies 	
	 hf      m      n 	 
	 weighted efficiency curve 	
	 hf      hfi 	 

Example 16.2 pgno:525

In [11]:
print"\t example 16.2 \t"
print"\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \t"
Ts=302.; # F
w=15200.; # lb/hr
from math import log10
# The dropwise condensation of steam was promoted with oil.
print"\t annulus flow area : ft**2 \t",aa
print"\t wetted perimeter : ft \t",p
print"\t equivalent diameter : ft \t",De
print"\t heat load : Btu/hr \t",Q
delt1=Ts-t1; #F
delt2=Ts-t2; # F
print"\t delt1 is : F \t",delt1
print"\t delt2 is : F \t",delt2
print"\t LMTD is  F \t",LMTD
Ai=0.277; # ft**2/ft
n=20; # number of fins
print"\t Ui : Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",Ui
hi=3000; # assumed value for dropwise condensation of steam
print"\t hfi : Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",hfi
hf=120; # from fig 16.7 for hfi=418
mu=1.94; # lb/(ft*hr)
Z=2.34; # Z=((c*mu)/k)**(1/3)
jf=(hf*De/(Z*k)); # eq 16.36
print"\t jf : \t",jf
print"\t Ga : lb/(hr)*(ft**2) \t",Ga
print"\t Rea : \t",round(Rea)
# end
	 example 16.2 	
	 approximate values are mentioned in the book 	
	 annulus flow area : ft**2 	0.0391482454167
	 wetted perimeter : ft 	2.76875
	 equivalent diameter : ft 	0.0565572845749
	 heat load : Btu/hr 	270286.4
	 delt1 is : F 	151.0
	 delt2 is : F 	117.0
	 LMTD is  F 	133.427780969
	 Ui : Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	365.652178958
	 hfi : Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	416.40535396
	 jf : 	36.7135894676
	 Ga : lb/(hr)*(ft**2) 	388267.720257
	 Rea : 	11319.0

Example 16.3 pgno:530

In [12]:
print"\t example 16.3 \t"
print"\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \t"
T1=250.; # inlet hot fluid,F
T2=200.; # outlet hot fluid,F
t1=80.; # inlet cold fluid,F
t2=120.; # outlet cold fluid,F
W=18000; # lb/hr
w=11950; # lb/hr
from math import log10
print"\t 1.for heat balance \t"
C=0.53; # Btu/(lb)*(F)
Q=((W)*(C)*(T1-T2)); # Btu/hr
print"\t total heat required for gas oil is :  Btu/hr \t",Q
c=1; # Btu/(lb)*(F)
Q=((w)*(c)*(t2-t1)); # Btu/hr
print"\t total heat required for water is :  Btu/hr \t",Q
delt1=T2-t1; #F
delt2=T1-t2; # F
print"\t delt1 is :  F \t",delt1
print"\t delt2 is :  F \t",delt2
print"\t LMTD is :%.0f F \t",LMTD
print"\t ratio of two local temperature difference is :  \t",X
Fc=0.47; # from fig.17
Tc=((T2)+((Fc)*(T1-T2))); # caloric temperature of hot fluid,F
print"\t caloric temperature of hot fluid is :  F \t",Tc
tc=((t1)+((Fc)*(t2-t1))); # caloric temperature of cold fluid,F
print"\t caloric temperature of cold fluid is :  F \t",tc
print"\t hot fluid:shell side,gas oil \t"
ID=3.068; # in, table 11
OD=1.9; # in, table 11
af=0.0175; # fin cross section,table 10
print"\t flow area is :  ft**2 \t",aa
print"\t wetted perimeter :  in \t",p
print"\t De :  ft \t",De
Ga=(W/aa); # mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft**2)
print"\t mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) \t",Ga
mu1=2.5*2.42; # at 224F,lb/(ft)*(hr), from fig.14
Rea=((De)*(Ga)/mu1); # reynolds number
print"\t reynolds number is :  \t",Rea
jf=18.4; # from fig.16.10
Z=0.25; # Z=k*((c)*(mu1)/k)**(1/3), fig 16
Hf=((jf)*(1/De)*(Z)); # Hf=(hf/phya),using eq.6.15,Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F)
print"\t individual heat transfer coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",Hf
print"\t cold fluid:inner tube side,water \t"
D=0.134; # ft
print"\t flow area is :  ft**2 \t",at
Gt=(w/(at)); # mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft**2)
print"\t mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) \t",Gt
print"\t V is :  fps \t",V
mu2=0.72*2.42; # at 99F,lb/(ft)*(hr)
Ret=((D)*(Gt)/mu2); # reynolds number
print"\t reynolds number is :  \t",Ret
hi=(970*0.82); # fig 25
print"\t hi :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",hi
print"\t calculation of tfw \t"
# Tc-tfw=40F assumption from fig 14
mufw=3.5; # cp, at 184F
print"\t phya is :  \t",phya # from fig.24
hf=(Hf)*(phya); # from eq.6.36
print"\t Correct hf to the surface at the OD is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",hf
print"\t Rf :  \t",Rf
hf1=(1/(Rdo+Rf)); # eq 16.37
print"\t hf1 :  \t",hf1
hfi1=255; # fig 16.9
hfi2=(hf1*5.76); # eq 16.38 and fig 16.9,((Af+Ao)/(Ai))=5.76 from previous prblm
print"\t hfi2 :  \t",hfi2
Rmetal=(hfi2-hfi1)/(hfi2*hfi1)# eq 16.39
print"\t Rmetal :  \t",Rmetal
phyt=1; # for cooling water
print"\t Ri :  \t",Ri
hi1=(1/(Rdi+Ri)); # eq 16.40
print"\t hi1 :  \t",hi1
UDi=(hi1*hfi1)/(hi1+hfi1); # eq 16.41
print"\t UDi :  \t",UDi
# To obtain the true flux the heat load must be divided by the actual heat-transfer surface.For a 1}2-in. IPS pipe there are 0.422 ft2/lin foot, from table 11
# trial
Ai=(Q/(UDi*LMTD)); # LMTD=delt
print"\t Ai :  ft**2 \t",Ai
print"\t length of pipe required :  lin ft \t",L
# Use two 20-ft hairpins = 80 lin ft
Ai1=(80*0.422); # ft**2
print"\t Q/Ai1 :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2) \t",r
print"\t annulus film :  \t",deltf
print"\t annulus dirt :  \t",deltdo
d=deltf+deltdo; # d=Tc-tfw
print"\t Tc-tfw :  \t",d
print"\t fin and tube metal :  \t",deltmetal
print"\t tube side dirt :  \t",deltdi
print"\t tubeside film :  \t",delti
print"\t total temperature drop :  F \t",Td
print"\t pressure drop  for annulus \t"
De1=0.0359; # ft
print"\t reynolds number :  \t",Rea1
f=0.00036; # fig 16.10
s=0.82; #using fig.6
delPs=((f*(Ga**2)*(80))/(5.22*(10**10)*(De1)*(s)*(phya))); # using eq.7.44,psi
print"\t delPs is :  psi \t",round(delPs,1)
print"\t allowable delPa is 10 psi \t"
print"\t pressure drop  for inner pipe \t"
f=0.000192; # friction factor for reynolds number 65000, using fig.26
delPt=((f*(Gt**2)*(80))/(5.22*(10**10)*(0.134)*(s)*(1))); # using eq.7.45,psi
print"\t delPt is :  psi \t",round(delPt,1)
print"\t allowable delPa is 10 psi \t"
	 example 16.3 	
	 approximate values are mentioned in the book 	
	 1.for heat balance 	
	 total heat required for gas oil is :  Btu/hr 	477000.0
	 total heat required for water is :  Btu/hr 	478000.0
	 delt1 is :  F 	120.0
	 delt2 is :  F 	130.0
	 LMTD is :%.0f F 	125.073724087
	 ratio of two local temperature difference is :  	0.923076923077
	 caloric temperature of hot fluid is :  F 	223.5
	 caloric temperature of cold fluid is :  F 	98.8
	 hot fluid:shell side,gas oil 	
	 flow area is :  ft**2 	0.0287156933333
	 wetted perimeter :  in 	29.126
	 De :  ft 	0.0473238096546
	 mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) 	626834.943216
	 reynolds number is :  	4903.1764525
	 individual heat transfer coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	97.2026562015
	 cold fluid:inner tube side,water 	
	 flow area is :  ft**2 	0.01409546
	 mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) 	847790.707079
	 V is :  fps 	3.76795869813
	 reynolds number is :  	65199.6985471
	 hi :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	795.4
	 calculation of tfw 	
	 phya is :  	0.953986161765
	 Correct hf to the surface at the OD is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	92.729988903
	 Rf :  	0.0107839978396
	 hf1 :  	78.2227916919
	 hfi2 :  	450.563280145
	 Rmetal :  	0.00170212455807
	 Ri :  	0.00125722906714
	 hi1 :  	234.894572087
	 UDi :  	122.267359744
	 Ai :  ft**2 	31.2572870644
	 length of pipe required :  lin ft 	74.0694006266
	 Q/Ai1 :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2) 	14158.7677725
	 annulus film :  	31.4245931625
	 annulus dirt :  	4.9162388099
	 Tc-tfw :  	36.3408319724
	 fin and tube metal :  	24.0999863376
	 tube side dirt :  	42.4763033175
	 tubeside film :  	17.8008143984
	 total temperature drop :  F 	120.717936026
	 pressure drop  for annulus 	
	 reynolds number :  	3719.56602669
	 delPs is :  psi 	7.7
	 allowable delPa is 10 psi 	
	 pressure drop  for inner pipe 	
	 delPt is :  psi 	1.6
	 allowable delPa is 10 psi 	

Example 16.4 pgno:535

In [13]:
print"\t example 16.4 \t"
print"\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \t"
T1=250; # inlet hot fluid,F
T2=100; # outlet hot fluid,F
t1=80; # inlet cold fluid,F
t2=100; # outlet cold fluid,F
W=30000; # lb/hr
w=50500; # lb/hr
from math import log10
print"\t 1.for heat balance \t"
C=0.225; # Btu/(lb)*(F)
Q=((W)*(C)*(T1-T2)); # Btu/hr
print"\t total heat required for oxygwn is :  Btu/hr \t",Q
c=1; # Btu/(lb)*(F)
Q=((w)*(c)*(t2-t1)); # Btu/hr
print"\t total heat required for water is :  Btu/hr \t",Q
delt1=T2-t1; #F
delt2=T1-t2; # F
print"\t delt1 is :  F \t",delt1
print"\t delt2 is :  F \t",delt2
print"\t LMTD is : F \t",LMTD
print"\t R is :  \t",R
print"\t S is :  \t",S
print"\t FT is 0.87 \t"# from fig 18
delt=(0.87*LMTD); # F
print"\t delt is :  F \t",delt
Tc=(T2+T1)/(2); # caloric temperature of hot fluid,F
print"\t caloric temperature of hot fluid is :  F \t",Tc
tc=((t1)+(t2))/(2); # caloric temperature of cold fluid,F
print"\t caloric temperature of cold fluid is :  F \t",tc
print"\t hot fluid:shell side,oxygen \t"
ID=19.25; # in, table 11
OD=1; # in, table 11
print"\t flow area is :  ft**2 \t",As
print"\t wetted perimeter :  in \t",p
print"\t De :  ft \t",De
Gs=(W/As); # mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft**2)
print"\t mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) \t",Gs
mu1=0.0545; # at 175F,lb/(ft)*(hr), from fig.15
Res=((De)*(Gs)/mu1); # reynolds number
print"\t reynolds number is :  \t",Res
jH=59.5; # from fig.16.10a
Z=0.89; # Z=((c)*(mu1)/k)**(1/3), fig
hf=((jH)*(k/De)*(Z)); #using eq.6.15,Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F)
print"\t individual heat transfer coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",hf
hf1=(hdo*hf)/(hdo+hf); # eq 16.37
print"\t hf1 :  \t",hf1
hfi1=142; # fig 16.9
print"\t cold fluid:inner tube side,water \t"
at1=0.479; # table 10
at=((Nt*at1)/(144*n)); # total area,ft**2,from eq.7.48
print"\t flow area is :  ft**2 \t",at
D=0.0652; # ft
Gt=(w/(at)); # mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft**2)
print"\t mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) \t",Gt
print"\t V is :  fps \t",V
mu2=1.94; # at 90F,lb/(ft)*(hr)
Ret=((D)*(Gt)/mu2); # reynolds number
print"\t reynolds number is :  \t",Ret
hi=(940*0.96); # fig 25
print"\t hi :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",hi
print"\t hi1 :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",hi1
UDi=((hfi1)*(hi1)/(hi1+hfi1)); # eq 16.41,Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F)
print"\t overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",UDi
A2=0.2048; # actual surface supplied for each tube,ft**2,from table 10
A=(Nt*L*A2); # ft**2
print"\t total surface area is :  ft**2 \t",A
print"\t design overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",UDi1
print"\t excess fouling factor :  \t",Re
Ro=9.27; #Adding to the outside fouling factor
print"\t Rdo :  \t",Rdo1
print"\t hf2 :  \t",hf2
UDi2=((hfi2)*(hi1)/(hi1+hfi2)); # eq 16.41,Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F)
print"\t overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",UDi2
print"\t pressure drop  for annulus \t"
De1=0.0433; # ft
print"\t reynolds number :  \t",Res1
f=0.00025; # fig 16.10
delPs=((f*(Gs**2)*(L))/(5.22*(10**10)*(De1)*(s)*(1))); # using eq.7.44,psi
print"\t delPs is :  psi \t",round(delPs,1)
print"\t allowable delPa is 2 psi \t"
print"\t pressure drop  for inner pipe \t"
f=0.00021; # friction factor for reynolds number 29100, using fig.26
delPt=((f*(Gt**2)*(L)*(n))/(5.22*(10**10)*(0.0625)*(s)*(1))); # using eq.7.45,psi
print"\t delPt is :  psi \t",round(delPt)
print"\t allowable delPa is 10 psi \t"
	 example 16.4 	
	 approximate values are mentioned in the book 	
	 1.for heat balance 	
	 total heat required for oxygwn is :  Btu/hr 	1012500.0
	 total heat required for water is :  Btu/hr 	1010000
	 delt1 is :  F 	20
	 delt2 is :  F 	150
	 LMTD is : F 	66.8818722257
	 R is :  	7
	 S is :  	0
	 FT is 0.87 	
	 delt is :  F 	58.1872288364
	 caloric temperature of hot fluid is :  F 	175
	 caloric temperature of cold fluid is :  F 	90
	 hot fluid:shell side,oxygen 	
	 flow area is :  ft**2 	1.46834418403
	 wetted perimeter :  in 	1570.8
	 De :  ft 	0.0448691882056
	 mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) 	20431.1770539
	 reynolds number is :  	16820.7399724
	 individual heat transfer coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	20.6536497998
	 hf1 :  	19.4485963081
	 cold fluid:inner tube side,water 	
	 flow area is :  ft**2 	0.0582118055556
	 mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) 	867521.622428
	 V is :  fps 	3.85565165523
	 reynolds number is :  	29155.8813311
	 hi :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	902.4
	 hi1 :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	243.418213207
	 overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	89.6828045249
	 total surface area is :  ft**2 	229.376
	 design overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	75.673831631
	 excess fouling factor :  	0.00206419817483
	 Rdo :  	0.0221351170807
	 hf2 :  	14.1738000666
	 overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	77.1741091592
	 pressure drop  for annulus 	
	 reynolds number :  	16232.4764484
	 delPs is :  psi 	0.6
	 allowable delPa is 2 psi 	
	 pressure drop  for inner pipe 	
	 delPt is :  psi 	3.0
	 allowable delPa is 10 psi 	

Example 16.5 pgno:556

In [14]:
print"\t example 16.5 \t"
print"\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \t"
T1=250.; # inlet hot fluid,F
T2=200.; # outlet hot fluid,F
t1=150.; # inlet cold fluid,F
t2=190.; # outlet cold fluid,F
W=100000; # lb/hr
w=31200; # lb/hr\
from math import log10
print"\t 1.for heat balance \t"
C=0.25; # Btu/(lb)*(F)
Q=((W)*(C)*(T1-T2)); # Btu/hr
print"\t total heat required for air is :  Btu/hr \t",Q
c=1; # Btu/(lb)*(F)
Q=((w)*(c)*(t2-t1)); # Btu/hr
print"\t total heat required for water is :  Btu/hr \t",Q
delt1=T2-t1; #F
delt2=T1-t2; # F
print"\t delt1 is :  F \t",delt1
print"\t delt2 is :  F \t",delt2
print"\t LMTD is : F \t",LMTD
print"\t R is :  \t",R
print"\t S is :  \t",S
print"\t FT is 0.985 \t" # from fig 18
delt=(0.985*LMTD); # F
print"\t delt is :  F \t",delt
Tc=(T2+T1)/(2); # caloric temperature of hot fluid,F
print"\t caloric temperature of hot fluid is :  F \t",Tc
tc=((t1)+(t2))/(2); # caloric temperature of cold fluid,F
print"\t caloric temperature of cold fluid is :  F \t",tc
print"\t fin surface is :  in**2/lin ft \t",Af
print"\t bare tube surface is :  in**2/lin ft \t",Ao
print"\t total outside surface :  ft**2/lin ft \t",A
print"\t projected perimeter :  in/ft \t",p
De=(2*A/(3.14*p*12)); # eq 16.104
print"\t De :  ft \t",De
# 21 tubes may be fit in one :vertical bank (Fig. 16.19b) ,20 tubes in alternating banks for triangular pitch
As=((4**2*12**2)-(21*1*48)-((21)*(2*0.035*3*8*48/8)))/(144); # fig 16.19
print"\t flow area :  ft**2 \t",As
print"\t hot fluid:shell side,oxygen \t"
Gs=(W/As); # mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft**2)
print"\t mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) \t",Gs
mu1=0.052; # at 225F,lb/(ft)*(hr), from fig.15
Res=((De)*(Gs)/mu1); # reynolds number
print"\t reynolds number is :  \t",Res
jf=157; # from fig.16.18a
Z=0.89; # Z=((c)*(mu1)/k)**(1/3), fig
hf=((jf)*(k/De)*(Z)); #using eq.6.15,Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F)
print"\t individual heat transfer coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",hf
hf1=(hdo*hf)/(hdo+hf); # eq 16.37
print"\t hf1 :  \t",hf1
hfi1=142; # fig 16.9
print"\t cold fluid:inner tube side,water \t"
at1=0.546; # table 10
at=((Nt*at1)/(144*n)); # total area,ft**2,from eq.7.48
print"\t flow area is :  ft**2 \t",at
D=0.0695; # ft
Gt=(w/(at)); # mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft**2)
print"\t mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) \t",Gt
print"\t V is :  fps \t",V
mu2=0.895; # at 170F,lb/(ft)*(hr)
Ret=((D)*(Gt)/mu2); # reynolds number
print"\t reynolds number is :  \t",Ret
hi=(710*0.94); # fig 25
print"\t hi :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",hi
hi1=(hdi*hi)/(hdi+hi); # 16.40
print"\t hi1 :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",hi1
k1=60; # table 3 , for brass
# yb=0.00146 ft
print"\t X : \t",X
nf=0.91; # from fig 16.13a , by comparing X value
Ai=0.218; # ft**2/ft
hfi2=((nf*Af/144)+(Ao/144))*(hf1/Ai); # eq 16.34
print"\t hfi2 :  \t",hfi2
UDi=((hfi2)*(hi1)/(hi1+hfi2)); # eq 16.41,Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F)
print"\t overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) \t",UDi
A=(21*4*Ai); # ft**2
print"\t inside surface per bank is :  ft**2 \t",A
print"\t Ai1 :  ft**2 \t",Ai1
print"\t number of banks :  \t",Nb
Vn=(4*4*1.95/12)-(41*3.14*1*4/(2*4*144))-((41*3.14*0.035*8*4/(144*2*4))*(1.75**2-1**2)); # fig 16.19b
print"\t net free volume :  ft**3 \t",Vn
print"\t frictional surface :  ft**2 \t",Af1
print"\t pressure drop  for annulus \t"
De1=(4*Vn/Af1); # ft
print"\t De1 :  ft \t",De1
print"\t reynolds number :  \t",Res1
f=0.0024; # fig 16.18b
R1=0.538; # R1=(De1/ST)**(0.4)
R2=1; # R2=(SL/ST)**0.6
print"\t delPs is :  psi \t",delPs
print"\t pressure drop  for inner pipe \t"
f=0.0002; # friction factor for reynolds number 30400, using fig.26
delPt=((f*(Gt**2)*(L)*(Nb))/(5.22*(10**10)*(0.0695)*(s)*(1))); # using eq.7.45,psi
print"\t delPt is :  psi \t",round(delPt,2)
	 example 16.5 	
	 approximate values are mentioned in the book 	
	 1.for heat balance 	
	 total heat required for air is :  Btu/hr 	1250000.0
	 total heat required for water is :  Btu/hr 	1248000.0
	 delt1 is :  F 	50.0
	 delt2 is :  F 	60.0
	 LMTD is : F 	54.9097962457
	 R is :  	1.25
	 S is :  	0.4
	 FT is 0.985 	
	 delt is :  F 	54.086149302
	 caloric temperature of hot fluid is :  F 	225.0
	 caloric temperature of cold fluid is :  F 	170.0
	 fin surface is :  in**2/lin ft 	310.86
	 bare tube surface is :  in**2/lin ft 	27.1296
	 total outside surface :  ft**2/lin ft 	337.9896
	 projected perimeter :  in/ft 	161.28
	 De :  ft 	0.111235119048
	 flow area :  ft**2 	7.53
	 hot fluid:shell side,oxygen 	
	 mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) 	13280.2124834
	 reynolds number is :  	28408.1926263
	 individual heat transfer coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	22.9878748896
	 hf1 :  	21.5048242607
	 cold fluid:inner tube side,water 	
	 flow area is :  ft**2 	0.079625
	 mass velocity is :  lb/(hr)*(ft**2) 	391836.734694
	 V is :  fps 	1.74149659864
	 reynolds number is :  	30427.5453198
	 hi :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	667.4
	 hi1 :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	222.303643994
	 X : 	0.03125
	 hfi2 :  	212.371237248
	 overall coefficient is :  Btu/(hr)*(ft**2)*(F) 	108.611980947
	 inside surface per bank is :  ft**2 	18.312
	 Ai1 :  ft**2 	212.447090593
	 number of banks :  	11.6015230774
	 net free volume :  ft**3 	1.89483559028
	 frictional surface :  ft**2 	191.88
	 pressure drop  for annulus 	
	 De1 :  ft 	0.0395004292324
	 reynolds number :  	10087.9633345
	 delPs is :  psi 	0.232069401484
	 pressure drop  for inner pipe 	
	 delPt is :  psi 	0.39