8: Partnership and Share

Example number 8.1, Page number 8.1

In [1]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
A=12000;     #investment of A and B(Rs)
P=1800;     #profit(Rs)
Pa=750;     #profit of A(Rs)

ratio=Pa/(P-Pa);     #ratio of investments
Ia=Pa*A/P;      #investment of A(Rs)

print "investment of A is",Ia,"Rs"
investment of A is 5000.0 Rs

Example number 8.2, Page number 8.2

In [2]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Ca=10000;    #capital of A(Rs)
na=12;    #number of years
nb=4;     #number of years
Cb=5000;    #capital of B(Rs)
P=2000;    #total profit(Rs)

r=a/b;     #ratio of profits
Pa=a*P/(a+b);     #profit share of A(Rs)

print "profit share of A is",Pa,"Rs"
profit share of A is 1500.0 Rs

Example number 8.3, Page number 8.2

In [3]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Ia=380;     #investment of A(Rs)
Ib=400;     #investment of B(Rs)
Ic=420;     #investment of C(Rs)
P=180;     #net profit(Rs)

I=Ia+Ib+Ic;     #total investment(Rs)
Pa=Ia*P/I;     #profit of A(Rs)
Pb=Ib*P/I;     #profit of B(Rs)
Pc=Ic*P/I;     #profit of C(Rs)

print "profit of A is",Pa,"Rs"
print "profit of B is",Pb,"Rs"
print "profit of C is",Pc,"Rs"
profit of A is 57.0 Rs
profit of B is 60.0 Rs
profit of C is 63.0 Rs

Example number 8.4, Page number 8.2

In [4]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Ca=320*4;    #contribution of A for 4 months(Rs)
Cb=510*3;    #contribution of B for 3 months(Rs)
Cc=270*5;    #contribution on C for 5 months(Rs)
P=208;     #net profit(Rs)

C=Ca+Cb+Cc;     #contribution of A,B,C(Rs)
Pa=Ca*P/C;     #profit of A(Rs)
Pb=Cb*P/C;     #profit of B(Rs)
Pc=Cc*P/C;     #profit of C(Rs)

print "profit of A is",Pa,"Rs"
print "profit of B is",Pb,"Rs"
print "profit of C is",Pc,"Rs"
profit of A is 64.0 Rs
profit of B is 76.5 Rs
profit of C is 67.5 Rs

Example number 8.5, Page number 8.2

In [5]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
C=8200;    #total capital(Rs)
Cb=(C-(b+a+a))/3;      #capital of B(Rs)
P=2460;     #total profit(Rs)

Pb=Cb*P/C;    #profit of B(Rs)

print "profit of B is",Pb,"Rs"
profit of B is 420.0 Rs

Example number 8.6, Page number 8.3

In [6]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
m=50;     #amount with each person(Rs)
mA=20;    #amount left with A(Rs)
mB=30;    #amount left with B(Rs)
mC=40;    #amount left with C(Rs)

Ms=m*3;     #total amount started with(Rs)
Mr=mA+mB+mC;    #total amount ending with(Rs)
M=Mr/3;        #amount each person must have(Rs)
Cm=mC-M;      #C must pay(Rs)

print "C must pay Rs",Cm,"to A"
C must pay Rs 10.0 to A

Example number 8.7, Page number 8.3

In [7]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
a=1290;    #amount(Rs)
A=3;    #value of A in the ratio A:B
B1=2;   #value of B in the ratio A:B 
B2=7;   #value of B in the ratio B:C
C1=4;   #value of C in the ratio B:C

#inorder to make the value of B in the ratios same, multiply by B2
C=C1*B1;     #new values of the ratio A:B:C
Sc=C*a/(A+B+C);    #share of C(Rs)

print "share of C is",Sc,"Rs"
share of C is 240.0 Rs

Example number 8.8, Page number 8.3

In [5]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
A=390;    #amount A receives(Rs)
Ap=10*12;    #profit for A(Rs)
Ia=3000;    #investment of A(Rs)
Ib=4000;    #investment of B(Rs)

Ba=A-Ap;    #balance profit of A(Rs)
Bb=Ba*Ib/Ia;     #balance profit of B(Rs)

print "balance profit of B is",Bb,"Rs"
balance profit of B is 360.0 Rs

Example number 8.9, Page number 8.3

In [8]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
BplusC=100;     #amount with B and C(Rs)
AplusC=150;      #amount with A and C(Rs)

B=AplusC-BplusC;     #amount with B(Rs)
ABC=AplusC+B;        #total amount of money(Rs)

print "total amount of money is",ABC,"Rs"
total amount of money is 200 Rs

Example number 8.10, Page number 8.4

In [9]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
A=760;    #amount(Rs)
Ar=4;     #part of A in ratio
Br=5;     #part of B in ratio
At=3;     #time for A(months)
AT=10-3;   #ending time(months)

MEI_A=(Ar*At)+(AT*Ar*At/Ar);    #monthly equivalent investment of A
MEI_B=(Br*At)+(AT*Br*Ar/Br);    #monthly equivalent investment of B
PA=MEI_A*A/(MEI_A+MEI_B);     #profit share of A(Rs)
PB=MEI_B*A/(MEI_A+MEI_B);     #profit share of B(Rs)

print "profit share of A is",PA,"Rs"
print "profit share of B is",PB,"Rs"
profit share of A is 330.0 Rs
profit share of B is 430.0 Rs

Example number 8.11, Page number 8.4

In [10]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Fd_A=27;     #floppy disks of A
Ad=19;    #number of days for A
Fd_B=21;  #floppy disks of B
Bd=17;    #number of days for B
Fd_C=24;  #floppy disks of C
Cd=23;    #number of days for C
am=23700;    #amount(Rs)

A=Fd_A*Ad;    #A's floppy days
B=Fd_B*Bd;    #B's floppy days
C=Fd_C*Cd;    #C's floppy days
PA=A*am/(A+B+C);    #payment for rent by A(Rs)
PB=B*am/(A+B+C);    #payment for rent by B(Rs)
PC=C*am/(A+B+C);    #payment for rent by C(Rs)

print "payment for rent by A is",PA,"Rs"
print "payment for rent by B is",PB,"Rs"
print "payment for rent by C is",PC,"Rs"
payment for rent by A is 8550.0 Rs
payment for rent by B is 5950.0 Rs
payment for rent by C is 9200.0 Rs

Example number 8.12, Page number 8.4

In [11]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
S=1000;     #share of A(Rs)
IA=8;     #investment of A(months)
IB=12;     #investment of B(months)

CA=(PA/PB)*S*(IB/(IA/2));        #capital of A(Rs)

print "capital of A is",CA,"Rs"
capital of A is 3000.0 Rs

Example number 8.13, Page number 8.5

In [12]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
Sa=4000;     #A's share(s)
Sb=5000;     #B's share(Rs)
Sc=6000;     #C's share(Rs)
r=1000;    #ratio fraction
p=75/100;  #profit percentage(%)
A=100;    #A gets less(Rs)

TP=((Sa/r)+(Sb/r)+(Sc/r))/p;     #total profit
As=(Sa/r)+(P*TP);         #share of A
Bs=Sb/r;         #share of B
Cs=Sc/r;         #share of C
Tp=TP*x;         #total profit(Rs)

print "total profit is",Tp,"Rs"
print "answer given in the book is wrong"
total profit is 1000.0 Rs
answer given in the book is wrong

Example number 8.14, Page number 8.5

In [13]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
AP40=1250;     #A's 40% profit(Rs)
BP40=850;      #B's 40% profit(Rs)
A=30;    #amount received more(Rs)
p=60/100;   #distributed profit(%)

R=(AP40+BP40)/(AP40-BP40);      #applying componendo dividendo
P=R*A/(1-p);         #total profit(Rs)

print "total profit is",P,"Rs"
total profit is 393.75 Rs

Example number 8.15, Page number 8.5

In [14]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable declaration
CA=1/6;       #capital of A
CB=1/3;       #capital of B
P=2300;     #total profit(Rs)

CC=1-CA-CB;    #capital of C
PA=CA*CA*12;   #A's profit
PB=CB*CB*12;   #B's profit
PC=CC*12;      #C's profit
SA=PA*P/(PA+PB+PC);       #share of A(Rs)

print "share of A is",SA,"Rs"
share of A is 100.0 Rs