10: Specialized Lists

Example 1: Page 185

In [1]:
def insert(key):	#insert, in order
	pNewLink = Link(key)	#make new link
	pPrevious = None	#start at first
	pCurrent = pFirst
	#until end of list,
	while pCurrent and key > pCurrent.dData:	#or key > current,
		pPrevious = pCurrent
		pCurrent = pCurrent.pNext	#got to next item
	if not pPrevious:	#at beginning of list
		pFirst = pNewLink	#first --> newlink
	else:	#not at begining
		pPrevious.pNext = pNewLink	#old prev --> newLink
	pNewLink.pNext = pCurrent	#newLink --> old current
#end insert()

Example 2: Page 186

In [2]:
#demonstrates sorted list
class Link:

	def __init__(self, dd):	#special method to create objects
	#with instances customized to a specific initial state
		self.dData = dd	#data item
		self.pNext = None	#next link in list
	def displayLink(self):	#display this link
		print self.dData,
#end class Link

class SortedList:

	def __init__(self):	#special method to create objects
	#with instances customized to a specific initial state

		#as private instance variables don't exist in Python,
		#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
		self._pFirst = None	#first link

	def __del__(self):	#destructor (deletes list)

	def isEmpty(self):	#true if no links
		return self._pFirst == None

	def insert(self, key):	#insert, in order
		pNewLink = Link(key)	#make new link
		pPrevious = None	#start at first
		pCurrent = self._pFirst
		#until end of list,
		while pCurrent and key > pCurrent.dData:	#or key > current,
			pPrevious = pCurrent
			pCurrent = pCurrent.pNext	#got to next item
		if not pPrevious:	#at beginning of list
			self._pFirst = pNewLink	#first --> newlink
		else:	#not at begining
			pPrevious.pNext = pNewLink	#old prev --> newLink
		pNewLink.pNext = pCurrent	#newLink --> old current
	#end insert()

	def remove(self):	#remove first link
		#(assumes non-empty list)
		pTemp = self._pFirst	#save first
		self._pFirst = self._pFirst.pNext	#new first-->next
		del pTemp	#delete old first link
	def displayList(self):
		print 'List (first-->last):',
		pCurrent = self._pFirst	#start at beginning of list
		while pCurrent:	#until end of list,
			pCurrent.displayLink()	#print data
			pCurrent = pCurrent.pNext	#move to next link
#end class SortedList

theSortedList = SortedList()	#create new list
theSortedList.insert(20)	#insert 2 items

theSortedList.displayList()	#display list (20, 40)

theSortedList.insert(10)	#insert 3 more items

theSortedList.displayList()	#display list
	#	(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
theSortedList.remove()	#remove smallest item

theSortedList.displayList()	#display list (20, 30, 40, 50)
List (first-->last): 20 40
List (first-->last): 10 20 30 40 50
List (first-->last): 20 30 40 50

Example 3: Page 190

In [3]:
#demonstrates sorted list used for sorting
from pylab import array
from random import randrange	#for random numbers

class Link:

	def __init__(self, dd):	#special method to create objects
	#with instances customized to a specific initial state
		self.dData = dd	#data item
		self.pNext = None	#next link in list

class SortedList:

	def __init__(self, linkArr, length):	#special method to create objects
	#with instances customized to a specific initial state

		#as private instance variables don't exist in Python,
		#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
		self._pFirst = None	#first item on list
		for j in xrange(length):	#copy array
			self.insert(linkArr[j])	#to list

	def insert(self, pArg):	#insert (in order)
		pPrevious = None	#start at first
		pCurrent = self._pFirst
		#until end of list,
		while pCurrent and pArg.dData > pCurrent.dData:	#or key > current,
			pPrevious = pCurrent
			pCurrent = pCurrent.pNext	#go to next item
		if not pPrevious:	#at beginning of list
			self._pFirst = pArg	#first --> k
		else:	#not at begining
			pPrevious.pNext = pArg	#old prev --> k
		pArg.pNext = pCurrent	#k --> old current
	#end insert()

	def remove(self):	#return & delete first link
		#(assumes non-empty list)
		pTemp = self._pFirst	#save first
		self._pFirst = self._pFirst.pNext	#delete first
		return pTemp	#return value
#end class SortedList

size = 10#array size
linkArray = array([None] * 10)	#array for links

for j in xrange(size):	#fill with links
	n = randrange(0, 100)	#random number (0 to 99)
	pNewLink = Link(n)	#make link
	linkArray[j] = pNewLink	#put link in array

print 'Unsorted array:',	#display array contents
for j in linkArray:
	print j.dData,

theSortedList = SortedList(linkArray, size)	#create new list

for j in xrange(size):	#links from list to array
	linkArray[j] = theSortedList.remove()

print 'Sorted Array:',	#display array contents
for j in linkArray:
	print j.dData,

del linkArray	#delete links
Unsorted array: 16 40 89 88 85 8 47 92 95 5
Sorted Array: 5 8 16 40 47 85 88 89 92 95

Example 4: Page 194

In [4]:
def insertFirst(dd):	#insert at front of list
	pNewLink = Link(dd)	#make new link

	if isEmpty():	#if empty list,
		pLast = pNewLink	#newLink <-- last
		pFirst.pPrevious = pNewLink	#newLink <-- old first
	pNewLink.pNext = pFirst	#newLink --> old first
	pFirst = pNewLink	#first --> newLink

Example 5: Page 197

In [5]:
#demonstrates doubly-linked list

class Link:

	def __init__(self, dd):	#special method to create objects
	#with instances customized to a specific initial state
		self.dData = dd#data item
		self.pNext = None	#next link in list
		self.pPrevious = None	#previous link in list

	def displayLink(self):	#display this link
		print self.dData,

class DoublyLinkedList:
	def __init__(self):	#special method to create objects
	#with instances customized to a specific initial state

		#as private instance variables don't exist in Python,
		#hence using a convention: name prefixed with an underscore, to treat them as non-public part
		self._pFirst = None	#pointer to first item
		self._pLast = None	#pointer to last item

	def __del__(self):	#destructor (deletes list)

	def isEmpty(self):	#true if no links
		return self._pFirst == None

	def insertFirst(self, dd):	#insert at front of list
		pNewLink = Link(dd)	#make new link

		if self.isEmpty():	#if empty list,
			self._pLast = pNewLink	#newLink <-- last
			self._pFirst.pPrevious = pNewLink	#newLink <-- old first
		pNewLink.pNext = self._pFirst	#newLink --> old first
		self._pFirst = pNewLink	#first --> newLink

	def insertLast(self, dd):	#insert at end of list
		pNewLink = Link(dd)	#make new link

		if self.isEmpty():	#if empty list,
			self._pFirst = pNewLink	#first --> newLink
			self._pLast.pNext = pNewLink	#old last --> newLink
			pNewLink.pPrevious = self._pLast	#old last <-- newLink
		self._pLast = pNewLink	#newLink <-- last

	def removeFirst(self):	#remove first link
		pTemp = self._pFirst	#(assumes non-empty list)
		if not self._pFirst.pNext:	#if only one item
			self._pLast = None#none <-- last
			self._pFirst.pNext.pPrevious = None#none <-- old next
		self._pFirst = self._pFirst.pNext	#first --> old next
		del pTemp	#delete old first

	def removeLast(self):	#remove last link
		pTemp = self._pLast	#assumes non-empty list
		if not self._pFirst.pNext:	#if only one item
			self._pFirst = None#first --> none
			self._pLast.pPrevious.pNext = None#old previous --> none
		self._pLast = self._pLast.pPrevious	#old previous <-- last
		del pTemp	#delete old last

		#insert dd just after key
	def insertAfter(self, key, dd):
			#(assumes non-empty list)
		pCurrent = self._pFirst	#start at beginning
		while pCurrent.dData != key:	#until match is found,
			pCurrent = pCurrent.pNext	#move to next link
			if not pCurrent:
				return False	#didn't find it
		pNewLink = Link(dd)	#make new link

		if pCurrent == self._pLast:	#if last link,
			pNewLink.pNext = None#newLink --> none
			self._pLast = pNewLink	#newLink <-- last
		else:	#not last link,
			#newLink --> old next
			pNewLink.pNext = pCurrent.pNext
			#newLink <-- old next
			pCurrent.pNext.pPrevious = pNewLink
		pNewLink.pPrevious = pCurrent	#old current <-- newLink
		pCurrent.pNext = pNewLink	#old current --> newLink
		return True#found it, did insertion

	def removeKey(self, key):	#remove item w/ givem key
		#(assumes nn-empty list)
		pCurrent = self._pFirst	#start at beginning
		while pCurrent.dData != key:	#until match is found,
			pCurrent = pCurrent.pNext	#move to next link
			if not pCurrent:
				return False	#didn't find it
		if pCurrent == self._pFirst:	#found it; first item?
			self._pFirst = pCurrent.pNext	#first --> old next
		else:	#not first
			#old previous --> old next
			pCurrent.pPrevious.pNext = pCurrent.pNext

		if pCurrent == self._pLast:	#last item?
			self._pLast = pCurrent.pPrevious	#old previous <-- last
		else:	#not last
			#old previous <-- old next
			pCurrent.pNext.pPrevious = pCurrent.pPrevious
		del pCurrent	#delete item
		return True#successful deletion

	def displayForward(self):
		print 'List (first-->last):',
		pCurrent = self._pFirst	#start at beginning
		while pCurrent:	#until end of list,
			pCurrent.displayLink()	#display data
			pCurrent = pCurrent.pNext	#move to next link

	def displayBackward(self):
		print 'List (first-->last):',
		pCurrent = self._pLast	#start at end
		while pCurrent:	#until start of list,
			pCurrent.displayLink()	#display data
			pCurrent = pCurrent.pPrevious	#go to previous link
#end class DoublyLinkedList

theList = DoublyLinkedList()	#make a new list

theList.insertFirst(22)	#insert at front

theList.insertLast(11)	#insert at rear

theList.displayForward()	#display list forward
theList.displayBackward()	#display list backward

print 'Deleting first, last, and 11'
theList.removeFirst()	#remove first item
theList.removeLast()	#remove last item
theList.removeKey(11)	#remove item with key 11

theList.displayForward()	#display list forward

print 'Inserting 77 after 22, and 88 after 33'
theList.insertAfter(22, 77)	#insert 77 after 22
theList.insertAfter(33, 88)	#insert 88 after 33

theList.displayForward()	#display list forward
List (first-->last): 66 44 22 11 33 55
List (first-->last): 55 33 11 22 44 66
Deleting first, last, and 11
List (first-->last): 44 22 33
Inserting 77 after 22, and 88 after 33
List (first-->last): 44 22 77 33 88