Chapter 1: Atoms in Crystals

Exa 1.1

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex1.1  Determine the number of edges in a quartz crystal;
 #if there are 18 faces and 14 angles in it.:  Page-2  (2010)
# Variable declaration 
f  =  18;            #  Number  of  faces  of  the  quartz  crystal
c  =  14;          #  Number  of  angles  in  the  quratz  crystal

# Calculations

 #  The  relationship  amongst  the  crystal  elements  can  be  
 #  expressed  by  the  following  formula:
 #        f  +  c  =  e  +  2;
 #  Solving  for  e  
e  =  f  +  c  -  2;

#  Result 

print "The number of edges of the quartz crystal is : ",e

The number of edges of the quartz crystal is :  30

Exa 1.2

In [4]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex1.2  Primitive  unit  cell:  Page-4  (2010)
 #Variable declaration
#  Lattice translation  vectors  along  X  and  Y  direction,  angstrom 
a  =  3
b  =  3
c_bar  =  3; #  Assumed  translation  vector  along  Z  direction,  angstrom

# Calculation

c  =  1.5*(a+b+c_bar);#Real translation vector along Z  direction,  angstrom
V_con  =  a**3;      #  Volume  of  conventional  unit  cell,  metre  cube
V_primitive  =  1/2*V_con; #  Volume  of  primitive  unit  cell,  metre  cube


print "If  is  the  body  centered  position  of  a  cubic  unit  cell" 
print"Defined  by  the  primitive  translation  vectors  a,b and c_bar.",  c

print "\nThe volume  of  conventional  unit  cell (angstrom  cube):",V_con  
print "\nThe volume  of primitive unit cell (angstrom  cube) :",  V_primitive

If  is  the  body  centered  position  of  a  cubic  unit  cell
Defined  by  the  primitive  translation  vectors  a,b and c_bar. 13.5

The volume  of  conventional  unit  cell (angstrom  cube): 27

The volume  of primitive unit cell (angstrom  cube) : 13.5

Exa 1.3

In [5]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex1.3  Calculate the number  of  atoms  per  unit  cell
# for an fcc lattice of copper crystal.  Page-9  (2010)

# Variable declaration 

a  =  3.60*10**(-10);                        #  Lattice  parameter,  m:
M  =  63.6;                     #  Atomic  weight,  gram  per  mole
d  =  8960*10**(+03)     #  Density  of  copper,  g  per  metre  cube
N  =  6.023*10**(+23);                   #  Avogadro's  No.


 #  Volume  of  the  unit  cell  is  given  by
 #  a**3  =  M*n/(N*d)
 #  Solving  for  n
n  =  a**3*d*N/M;      #  Number  of  lattice  points  per  unit  cell

#  Result

print"Number of atoms per unit cell for an fcc lattice of copper crystal is"
print round(n)

Number of atoms per unit cell for an fcc lattice of copper crystal is

Exa 1.4

In [6]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #Python CodeEx1.4 Calculate the lattice constant for a rock salt crystal
 #(density=2180 kg per cubic meter)assuming that it has fcc lattice.
 #Mol. wt of NaCl=58.5:  Page-9  (2010)
# Variable declaration 
M  =  58.5;           #  Atomic  weight  of  NaCl,  gram  per  mole
d  =  2180*10**03;   #  Density  of  rock  salt,  per  metre  cube
n  =  4; #No. of atoms per unit cell for an  fcc  lattice  of  NaCl  crystal
N  =  6.023*10**23;                          #  Avogadro's  No.


 #  Volume  of  the  unit  cell  is  given  by
 #  a**3  =  M*n/(N*d)
 #  Solving  for  a
a  =  (n*M/(d*N))**(1/3);  # Lattice  constant  of  unit  cell  of  NaCl

#  Result

print "Lattice constant for the rock salt(NaCl) crystal,in angstrom,is"
print round(a/10**(-10),2)

Lattice constant for the rock salt(NaCl) crystal,in angstrom,is

Exa 1.5

In [7]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex  1.5 Calculate the Density  of  diamond:  Page-9  (2010)
# Variable declaration 
a  =  3.57*10**-10;       #  Lattice  parameter  of  a  diamond  crystal
M  =  12*10**-03;      #  Atomic  weight  of  diamond,  kg  per  mole
n1  =  8;   #  No.  of  corner  atoms  in  the  diamond  cubic  unit  cell
n2  =  6; #No. of face centered  atoms  in  the  diamond  cubic  unit  cell
n3  =  4;         #  No.  of  atoms  completely  within  the  unit  cell
N  =  6.023*10**+23;                                #  Avogadro's  No.

# Calculations

n  =  1/8*n1+1/2*n2+1*n3;#No.of atoms per unit cell for an fcc lattice of NaCl
 #  Volume  of  the  unit  cell  is  given  by
 #  a**3  =  M*n/(N*d)
 #  Solving  for  d
d  =  M*n/(N*a**3);          #  Density  of  diamond  cubic  unit  cell

 #  Result 
print "Density of diamond cubic unit cell,in kg per metre cube, is:",round(d)

Density of diamond cubic unit cell,in kg per metre cube, is: 3503.0

Exa 1.6

In [8]:
from __future__ import division
import math
#Python Code Ex1.6 Aluminium has an fcc structure.
#Its density is2.7x10^3 kg per metre cube.
# Calculating  Unit  cell  dimensions and the atomic diameter:  Page-9  (2010)

# Variable declaration 

d  =  2.7*10**+03;#Density of fcc structure of aluminium,kg  per  metre  cube
M  =  26.98*10**-03;#  Atomic  weight  of  aluminium,  kg  per  mole
n  =  4; #  No. of atoms per unit cell of fcc lattice structure  of  aluminium
N  =  6.023*10**+23;              #  Avogadro's  No.


 #  Volume  of  the  unit  cell  is  given  by
 #  a**3  =  M*n/(N*d)
 #  Solving  for  a
a  =  ((M*n)/(N*d))**(1/3); #  Lattice  parameter  of  alumitnium  unit  cell
 #  For  an  fcc  cryatal  lattice,  
 #  2**(1/2)  =  4R  =  2D
 #  Solving  for  D
D  =  (a/2**(1/2))        #  Diameter  of  aluminium  atom

#  Result

print"Lattice parameter of aluminium, in angstrom, is:",round(a/(1*10**-10),2)
print"Diameter of aluminium atom, in angstrom, is : ",round(D/(1*10**-10),2)

Lattice parameter of aluminium, in angstrom, is: 4.05
Diameter of aluminium atom, in angstrom, is :  2.86

Exa 1.17

In [9]:
from __future__ import division
import math
#Python Code Ex1.17 Calculate the Angle  between [111] and [001] 
# crystal  directions in a cubic crystal:  Page-23  (2010)

#Variable declaration

h1  =  1;k1  =  1;l1  =  1;    #  Miller  indices  of  first  set  of  planes
h2  =  0;k2  =  0;l2  =  1; #  Miller  indices  of  second  set  of  planes

# Calculations

 #  We  know  that
 #  Solving  for  theta
theta  =  math.acos(a);


print"\nThe  angle  between [",h1,k1,l1,"] and [",h2,k2,l2,"] directions" 
print"in  the  cubic  crystal,in  degrees,  is  :",round(theta*180/math.pi,2)

The  angle  between [ 1 1 1 ] and [ 0 0 1 ] directions
in  the  cubic  crystal,in  degrees,  is  : 54.74

Exa 1.18

In [10]:
from __future__ import division
import math
#Python Code Ex1.18 Angle between two directions of cubic crystal:Page-23(2010)

#Variable declaration

h1  =  1;  k1  =  1;  l1  =  1 #  Miller  indices  for  first  set  of  planes
h2  =  -1;  k2  =  -1;  l2  =  1;#Miller indices  for  second  set  of  planes

# Calculation

 #  We  know  that
#  Solving  for  theta

#  Result

print"\nThe angle between [",h1,k1,l1,"] and [",h2,k2,l2,"] directions" 
print" in the cubic crystal, in degrees,  is  :",round(theta*180/math.pi,2) 

The angle between [ 1 1 1 ] and [ -1 -1 1 ] directions
 in the cubic crystal, in degrees,  is  : 109.47

Exa 1.19

In [11]:
from __future__ import division
import math
#Python Code Ex1.19 Miller indices  of  the  crystal  plane:  Page-25  (2010)

#Variable declaration

m  =  2;  n  =  3;  p  =  6; #Coefficients of  intercepts  along  three  axes


m_inv  =  1/m;                     #  Reciprocate  the  first  coefficient
n_inv  =  1/n;                     #  Reciprocate  the  second  coefficient
p_inv  =  1/p;                     #  Reciprocate  the  third  coefficient
mul_fact  =  (m*n*p)/6  #  Find  l.c.m.  of  m,n  and  p
m1  =  m_inv*mul_fact;             #  Clear  the  first  fraction
m2  =  n_inv*mul_fact;              #  Clear  the  second  fraction
m3  =  p_inv*mul_fact;                     #  Clear  the  third  fraction

 #  Result
print"\nThe  required  miller  indices  are  :  ",  m1,m2,m3

The  required  miller  indices  are  :   3.0 2.0 1.0

Exa 1.20

In [12]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex  1.20  Indices  of  lattice  plane:  Page-25  (2010)
# Variable declaration 
m  =  10000; #Coefficient of intercept along x-axis,
n  =  2;                 #  Coefficient  of  intercept  along  y-axis
p  =  1/2;                      #  Coefficient  of  intercept  along  z-axis

# Calculations

m_inv  =  1/m;                                  #  Reciprocate  m
n_inv  =  1/n;                               #  Reciprocate  n
p_inv  =  1/p;                           #  Reciprocate  p
mul_fact  =  n;                   #  multiplicative  factor
m1  =  m_inv*mul_fact;                 #  Clear  the  first  fraction
m2  =  n_inv*mul_fact;                        #  Clear  the  second  fraction
m3  =  p_inv*mul_fact;                     #  Clear  the  third  fraction


print"\nThe  required  miller  indices  are  :  ",  round(m1),m2,m3

The  required  miller  indices  are  :   0.0 1.0 4.0

Exa 1.21

In [13]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex  1.21  Length  of  the  intercepts:  Page-26  (2010)

# Variable declaration 
a  =  1.21*10**-10;      #  Lattice  parameter  of  the  unit  cell,  m        
b  =  1.84*10**-10;      #  Lattice  parameter  of  the  unit  cell,  m
c  =  1.97*10**-10;      #  Lattice  parameter  of  the  unit  cell,  m
p  =  1/2;               #  Reciprocal  of  miller  index  on  x-axis
q  =  1/3;               #  Reciprocal  of  miller  index  on  y-axis
r  =  1/(-1);            #  Reciprocal  of  miller  index  on  z-axis
l1  =  1.21*10**-10; #  Actual  length  of  the  intercept  along  x-axis,  m


mul_fact  =  l1/(p*a);   #  Calculate  multiplication  factor
l2  =  mul_fact*q*b;   #  Actual  length  of  the  interceptalong  y-axis,  m
l3  =  mul_fact*r*c;  #  Actual  length  of  the  intercept  along  z-axis,  m

 #  Result 
print"Length of the intercept along y-axis,in angstrom,is",round(l2/10**-10,2)
print"Length of the intercept along z-axis, in angstrom, is : ",l3/10**-10

Length of the intercept along y-axis,in angstrom,is 1.23
Length of the intercept along z-axis, in angstrom, is :  -3.94

Exa 1.22

In [14]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python  Code  
Ex  1.22  Determine the Miller  indices  of  lattice  plane that makes
 intercepts of 2,3,4,(in angstroms) on the
 coordinate axes of an orthorombic crystal with a:b:c=4:3:2 ,Page-26(2010)
# Variable declaration 

a  =  4                      #  Lattice  parameter  of  the  unit  cell        
b  =  3                      #  Lattice  parameter  of  the  unit  cell
c  =  2                      #  Lattice  parameter  of  the  unit  cell
l1  =  2                     #  Length  of  the  intercept  along  x-axis,  m
l2  =  3                     #  Length  of  the  intercept  along  y-axis,  m
l3  =  4                     #  Length  of  the  intercept  along  z-axis,  m

# Calculation

l  =  l1/a           #  Intercept  per  unit  translation  along  x-axis
m  =  l2/b           #  Intercept  per  unit  translation  along  y-axis
n  =  l3/c          #  Intercept  per  unit  translation  along  z-axis
r1  =  1/l          #  Reciprocal  of  l
r2  =  1/m          #  Reciprocal  of  m
r3  =  1/n         #  Reciprocal  of  n
m1  =  2*r1       #  miller  index  along  x-axis
m2  =  2*r2        #  miller  index  along  y-axis
m3  =  2*r3       #  miller  index  along  z-axis

#  Result
print"The  required  miller  indices  of  the  plane  are  :",  m1,  m2,  m3

The  required  miller  indices  of  the  plane  are  : 4.0 2.0 1.0

Exa 1.23

In [15]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex  1.23  Indices  of  tetragonal  lattice:  Page-26  (2010)
 #  For  a  tetragonal  system  we  have  a  =  b
# Variable declaration  
a  =  1;           #  Lattice  parameter  of  the  unit  cell  along  x-axis        
b  =  1;           #  Lattice  parameter  of  the  unit  cell  along  y-axis
c  =  1.5;        #  Lattice  parameter  of  the  unit  cell  along  z-axis
l1  =  3;      #  Length  of  the  intercept  along  x-axis,  angstrom
l2  =  4;      #  Length  of  the  intercept  along  y-axis,  angstrom
l3  =  3;       #  Length  of  the  intercept  along  z-axis,  angstrom


l  =  l1/a;     #  Intercept  per  unit  translation  along  x-axis
m  =  l2/b;    #  Intercept  per  unit  translation  along  y-axis
n  =  l3/c;  #  Intercept  per  unit  translation  along  z-axis
r1  =  1/l;        #  Reciprocal  of  l
r2  =  1/m;       #  Reciprocal  of  m
r3  =  1/n;       #  Reciprocal  of  n
mul_fact  = (l*m*n)/2
m1  =  mul_fact*r1;                  #  miller  index  along  x-axis
m2  =  mul_fact*r2;                  #  miller  index  along  y-axis
m3  =  mul_fact*r3;                 #  miller  index  along  z-axis


print "The  required  miller  indices  of  the  plane  are  :",  m1,  m2,  m3
The  required  miller  indices  of  the  plane  are  : 4.0 3.0 6.0

Exa 1.24

In [16]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #Python Code Ex 1.24 Miller-Bravias indices for Miller indices:Page-29 (2010)
 #Function declaration and calculations
def  f(h,k):
    i  =  -(h  +  k);
    return i
# Variable declaration 
h1  =  1;  k1  =  1;  l1  =  0  ;      #  First  set  of  Miller  indices
h2  =  1;  k2  =  -1;  l2  =  0;      #  Second  set  of  miller  indices
h3  =  3;  k3  =  4;  l3  =  5;      #  Third  set  of  miller  indices
h4  =  3;  k4  =  -4;  l4  =  5;    #  Fourth  set  of  miller  indices


print"\nThe Miller-Bravias indices corresponding to  " 
print" the miller indices(",h1,  k1,  l1,"), = (", h1,  k1,  f(h1,k1),  l1,")"   
print"\nThe Miller-Bravias indices  corresponding  to  "
print "the  miller  indices(",h2,  k2,  l2,"),= (", h2,  k2,  f(h2,k2),  l2,")"
print"\nThe Miller-Bravias indices  corresponding  to  " 
print"the  miller  indices (",h3,  k3,  l3,"),=(", h3,  k3,  f(h3,k3),  l3,")"
print"\nThe Miller-Bravias indices  corresponding  to " 
print" the  miller  indices(",h4,  k4,  l4,"),=(", h4,  k4,  f(h4,k4),  l4,")"

The Miller-Bravias indices corresponding to  
 the miller indices( 1 1 0 ), = ( 1 1 -2 0 )

The Miller-Bravias indices  corresponding  to  
the  miller  indices( 1 -1 0 ),= ( 1 -1 0 0 )

The Miller-Bravias indices  corresponding  to  
the  miller  indices ( 3 4 5 ),=( 3 4 -7 5 )

The Miller-Bravias indices  corresponding  to 
 the  miller  indices( 3 -4 5 ),=( 3 -4 1 5 )

Exa 1.25

In [17]:
from __future__ import division
import math
#Python Code Ex 1.25 Miller Bravias indices of lattice planes:Page-30  (2010)

# Function declaration and Calculations 

def  fh(H,K):
    h  =  (2*H  -  K)/3;        
    return h

def  fk(H,K):
    k  =  (2*K  -  H)/3;
    return k

def  f(h,k):
    i  =  -(h  +  k);
    return i

def  fl(L):
    l  =  L;
    return l
# Variable declaration     

H1  =  1;  K1  =  0;  L1  =  0  ;         #  First  set  of  Miller  indices
H2  =  0;  K2  =  1;  L2  =  0;          #  Second  set  of  miller  indices
H3  =  1;  K3  =  1;  L3  =  0;          #  Third  set  of  miller  indices

h1  =  fh(H1,K1)*3;                           #  Call  function  fh
k1  =  fk(H1,K1)*3;                           #  Call  function  fk
l1  =  fl(L1)*3;                              #  Call  function  fl
i1  =  f(h1,k1);                              #  Call  function  
h2  =  fh(H2,K2)*3;                           #  Call  function  fh
k2  =  fk(H2,K2)*3;                           #  Call  function  fk
l2  =  fl(L2)*3;                              #  Call  function  l2
i2  =  f(h2,k2);                              #  Call  function  f
h3  =  fh(H3,K3)*3;                           #  Call  function  fh
k3  =  fk(H3,K3)*3;                           #  Call  function  fk
l3  =  fl(L3)*3;                              #  Call  function  l3
i3  =  f(h3,k3);                              #  Call  function  f

# Result

print"\nThe  Miller Bravias indices of [",H1,K1,L1,"]  are  [",h1,k1,i1,l1,"]"
print"\nThe  Miller Bravias indices of [",H2,K2,L2,"]  are  [",h2,k2,i2,l2,"]"
print"\nThe  Miller Bravias indices of [",H3,K3,L3,"]  are  [",h3,k3,i3,l3,"]"
The  Miller Bravias indices of [ 1 0 0 ]  are  [ 2.0 -1.0 -1.0 0 ]

The  Miller Bravias indices of [ 0 1 0 ]  are  [ -1.0 2.0 -1.0 0 ]

The  Miller Bravias indices of [ 1 1 0 ]  are  [ 1.0 1.0 -2.0 0 ]

Exa 1.26

In [18]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex  1.26  The distance between consecutive(111) planes
#in a cubic crystal is 2 angstrom.Determine the Lattice parameter.Page-33(2010)

# Variable declaration 

h  =  1;  k  =  1;  l  =  1;#Miller Indices for planes  in  a  cubic  crystal
d  =  2*10**-10;                            #  Interplanar  spacing,  m


 #  For  cubic  crystals,  the  interplanar  spacing  is  given  by
 #  d  =  a/(h**2+k**2+l**2)**1/2;
 #  Solving  for  a
a  =  (h**2+k**2+l**2)**(1/2)*d;#lattice  parameter  of  cubic  crystal,  m 


print "The lattice parameter of the cubic crystal," 
print" in angstrom, is :",round(a/10**(-10),2)
The lattice parameter of the cubic crystal,
 in angstrom, is : 3.46

Exa 1.27

In [19]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code  Ex  1.27  Interplanar  spacing between consecutive (101) planes 
 #in  tetragonal  crystal:  Page-33  (2010)
# Variable declaration  
h  =  1;       #  Miller  Indices  for  planes  in  a  cubic  crystal
k  =  0;
l  =  1;   
a  =  2.42*10**-10;#Lattice  parameters  of a tetragonal crystal,  each  in  m
b = 2.42*10**-10;  
c = 1.74*10**-10;


#  The  interplanar  spacing  for  cubic  crystal,  m    
d  =  ((h**2+k**2)/a**2  +  l**2/c**2)**(-1/2);

#  Result

print "The interplanar spacing between consecutive (101) planes ," 
print "in angstrom, is :",round(d/(1*10**-10),2)

The interplanar spacing between consecutive (101) planes ,
in angstrom, is : 1.41

Exa 1.28

In [20]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex  1.28 Interplanar spacing in cubic crystal: Page-36 (2010)

# Variable declaration 
h  =  3;  k  =  2;  l  =  1;#  Miller Indices for planes in  a cubic  crystal
a  =  4.21*10**-10;                            #  Interatomic  spacing,  m

d  =  a/(h**2+k**2+l**2)**(1/2);#The interplanar spacing for cubic crystals, m

#  Result
print "The interplanar spacing between consecutive (321) planes :"
print" in angstrom, is :",round(d/(1*10**-10),2)

The interplanar spacing between consecutive (321) planes :
 in angstrom, is : 1.13