Chapter 5: Crystal Imperfections

Exa 5.1

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.1 Variation of fraction of atoms in a solid 
 # with temperature Page-158 (2010)
#Variable declaration

E = 1.5;                              # Energy of the solid, electron-volt
T1 = 300;                               # First absolute temperature, K
T2 = 1500;                            # Second absolute temperature, K
k = 8.614*10**-5;              # Boltzmann constant, electron-volt/K


 # Now fraction of atoms = f_atom = n/N = math.exp(-E/(k*T)
f_atom_300 = math.exp(-E/(k*T1));   # Fraction of atoms in the solid at 300 K
f_atom_1000 = math.exp(-E/(k*T2));  # Fraction of atoms in the solid at 1000 K


print"\nThe fraction of atoms in the solid at 300 K, is :"
print round((f_atom_300*10**26),2)*10**-26
print"\nThe fraction of atoms in the solid at 1000 K, is :"
print round((f_atom_1000*10**6),2)*10**-6
The fraction of atoms in the solid at 300 K, is :

The fraction of atoms in the solid at 1000 K, is :

Exa 5.2

In [2]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.2 Vacancy formation in copper Page-159 (2010)
 #Variable declaration
E = 1;              # Energy of formation of vacancy in copper, electron-volt
T = 1356;                      # Melting point of copper, K
k = 8.614*10**-5;                # Boltzmann constant, electron-volt
N = 6.023*10**23;              # Avogadro's number


 # Now fraction of vacancies = f_vacancy = n/N = math.exp(-E/(k*T)
f = math.exp(-E/(k*T));        # Fraction of vacancies in the solid at 300 K
n = N*f;                           # Number of vacancy per mole
delta_d = n + N;          # Change in the density due to creation of vacancy
# Relative change in the density of copper due to vacancy formation
f_d = delta_d/N;


print"\nThe relative change in the density of copper due to"
print" vacancy formation (n+N)/N, is :",round(f_d,4),": 1"
The relative change in the density of copper due to
 vacancy formation (n+N)/N, is : 1.0002 : 1

Exa 5.3

In [3]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.3 Concentration of Schottky imperfections Page-159 (2010)
#Variable declaration

N = 6.023*10**23;                           # Avogadro's number
k = 8.614*10**-5;                         # Boltzmann's constant, eV/K
T1 = 27+273;              # First absolute temperature, K
T2 = 1000;                              # Second absolute temperature, K
d = 1*10**-10;      # Interatomic spacing assumed to be unit angstrom, m
# Concentration of Schottky defects in an fcc crystal at 300 K temperature
C_300 = 1*10**-10;


n = C_300*N;                    # Number of Schottky imperfections per mole
V = d**3;                           # Volume of the unit cube, metre cube
V_mole = V*N;# Volume occupied by one mole of atoms in fcc crystal, metre cube
V_per_defect = V_mole/n;                # Volume per defect, metre cube
a = (V_per_defect)**(1/3);      # Average separation between the defects, m
E_v = 23.03*k*T1;           # Energy of the solid, electron-volt
C_1000 = math.exp(-E_v/(k*T2));  # Schottky defect concentration at 1000 K


print"\nThe average separation between the defects, is :"
print round((a*10**7),1)*10**-7,"m"
print"\nThe expected concentration of Schottky defect at 1000 K, n/N, is :"
print  round((C_1000*10**2),2)*10**-3
The average separation between the defects, is :
2.2e-07 m

The expected concentration of Schottky defect at 1000 K, n/N, is :

Exa 5.4

In [4]:
from __future__ import division
import math
#PythonCodeEx5.4 Number of Schottky imperfections in NaCl crystalPage-160(2010)

#Variable declaration

N = 6.023*10**23;                           # Avogadro's number
k = 8.614*10**-5;                        # Boltzmann's constant, eV/K
T = 27+273;               # Absolute room temperature, K
Ep = 2;  # Energy required to remove a pair of Na+ and Cl- ions, electron-volt

#Calculation and Results

 # Now Concentration of imperfections in a crystal is given by
 # n/N = math.exp(-Ep/(2*k*T)), solving for n
# No. of Schottky imperfections present in NaCl crystal
n = N*math.exp(-Ep/(2*k*T));
print"\nNo. of Schottky imperfections present in NaCl crystal is :"
print round((n*10**-6),2)*10**6
V = 26.83;                    # Volume of one mole of the crystal, cm cube
n = n/V;              # Number per mole volume of the crystal, per cm cube
print"\nConcentration of Schottky imperfections present in NaCl crystal is :"
print round((n*10**-5),2)*10**5," per cm cube"
No. of Schottky imperfections present in NaCl crystal is :

Concentration of Schottky imperfections present in NaCl crystal is :
351000.0  per cm cube

Exa 5.5

In [5]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.5 Average energy required to create one 
 #Schottky defect in NaCl Page-160 (2010)
#Variable declaration

N = 6.023*10**23;                           # Avogadro's number
k = 8.614*10**-5;                           # Boltzmann's constant, eV/K
T = 27+273;                             # Absolute room temperature, K
r = 2.82*10**-10;             # Interatomic separation of NaCl cryastal, m
n = 5*10**+11;                 # Density of defects, per metre cube


 #Ep = 2;//Energy required to remove a pair of Na+ and Cl- ions, electron-volt
a = 2*r;                # Lattice parameter of unit cell of NaCl, m
V = a**3;                # Volume of the unit cell of sodium, metre cube
n_ip = 4;                      # Number of ion-pairs of NaCl 
N = n_ip/V;      # No. of ion-pairs in unit volume of an ideal NaCl crystal
 # Now n/N = math.exp(-Ep/(2*k*T)), solving for Ep
# Average energy required to create one Schottky defect, electron-volt
Ep = 2*k*T*math.log(N/n);


print"\nThe Average energy required to create one Schottky defect"
print" in NaCl crystal is :",round(Ep,2),"eV"
The Average energy required to create one Schottky defect
 in NaCl crystal is : 1.98 eV

Exa 5.6

In [6]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.6 Ratio of Frenkel defects at two different temperatures
# in an ionic crystal Page-161 (2010)

#Variable declaration

k = 8.614*10**-5;                           # Boltzmann's constant, eV/K
Ef = 1.4;          # Average energy required to create a Frenkel defect, eV
T1 = 300;                    # First absoluite temperature, K
T2 = 600;                               # Second absolute temperature, K


 # The concentration of Frenkel defect for given Ef 
 #and absolute temperature T is given by
 # n = A*math.exp(-Ef/(2*k*T)), per metre cube, so that
 # n1 = A*math.exp(-Ef/(2*k*T1)), per metre cube, and
 # n2 = A*math.exp(-Ef/(2*k*T2)), per metre cube, therefore,
 # n1/n2 = math.exp((-Ef/k)*(1/T1 - 1/T2)), the ratio of Frenkel defects is
n300_r_n600 = math.exp((-Ef/(2*k))*(1/T1 - 1/T2));# Frenkel defect ratio 


print"\nThe ratio of Frenkel defect, n300_r_n600, is :"
print round((n300_r_n600*10**6),2)*10**-6
The ratio of Frenkel defect, n300_r_n600, is :

Exa 5.7

In [7]:
from __future__ import division
import math
# Python Code Ex5.7 Dislocation density of bcc structure of iron Page-163(2010)

#Variable declaration

L = 0.15;                              # Length of the strip, m
t = 0.02;                            # Thickness of the iorn strip, m
r = 0.12;                # Radius of curvature of the bent, m
a = 2.81*10**-10;        # Lattice parameter of the bcc structure of iron, m


b = (3)**0.5*a/2;                        # Magnitude of Burger vector, m
 # For n positive edge dislocations
 # n*b = L*t/r, solving for n/(L*t)
 # n/(L*t) = 1/(r*b), Number of dislocation line piercing through 
 #a unit area of the plane of the paper, per metre square
# Dislocation density in bcc structure of iron, number per metre square
d = 1/(r*b);


print"\nThe dislocation density in bcc structure of iron :"
print round((d*10**-10),2)*10**10,"dislocations per Sq. m"
The dislocation density in bcc structure of iron :
34200000000.0 dislocations per Sq. m

Exa 5.8

In [8]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.8 Minimum dislocation density in aluminium Page-164 (2010)
#Variable declaration

b = 3*10**-10;                   # Magnitude of Burgers vector, m
r = 0.05;             # Radius of curvatur of the aluminium crystal, m


 # For n positive edge dislocations
 # n*b = L*t/r, solving for n/(L*t)
 # n/(L*t) = 1/(r*b), Number of dislocation line piercing through 
 #a unit area of the plane of the paper, per Sq.m
d = 1/(r*b);   # Minimum dislocation density in aluminium, number per Sq. m


print"\nThe minimum dislocation density in aluminium,"
print round((d*10**-10),1)*10**10,"dislocations per Sq. m"
The minimum dislocation density in aluminium,
67000000000.0 dislocations per Sq. m

Exa 5.9

In [9]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.9 Determining total force from its resolved component
# in a given direction: Page-168 (2010)

#Variable declaration

h1 = 1; k1 = -1; l1 = 0              # Miller indices for first set of planes
h2 = 1; k2 = 0; l2 = 0;              # Miller indices for second set of planes
F_100 = 130;         # Resolved component of force along [100] direction, N


cos_theta = w;# Cosine of angle between [1 -1 0] and [100] directions
 # As F/F_100 = cos_theta, solving for F
F_110 = F_100/cos_theta;          # Applied force along [1 -1 0] direction, N


print"\nThe applied force along [1-10] direction =",round(F_110,2),"N"
The applied force along [1-10] direction = 183.85 N

Exa 5.10

In [10]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.10 Determining resolved componet of shearing force 
 #in a given direction: Page-168 (2010)
#Variable declaration

h1 = 1; k1 = 1; l1 = 1        # Miller indices for first set of planes
h2 = 1; k2 = 1; l2 = 0;         # Miller indices for second set of planes
F_111 = 660;              # Shearing force along [111] direction, N


cos_theta = w;# Cosine of angle between [1 -1 0] and [100] directions
 # As F_110/F_111 = cos_theta, solving for F_110
# Resolved component of shearing force along [110] direction, N
F_110 = F_111*cos_theta;  

print"\nThe resolved component of shearing force along[110]direction,F_110 ="
print round(F_110,2),"N"
The resolved component of shearing force along[110]direction,F_110 =
538.89 N

Exa 5.11

In [11]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex5.11  Dependence  of  applied  stress  
 #on  the  slip  direction  of  a  copper:  Page-169  (2010)
#Variable declaration

# Critical shear stress for the <-110>{111} slip system, mega-pascal  (MPa)
tau_critical  =  1;
 #  For  directions  [001]  and  [-111]
h1  =  0;  k1  =  0;  l1  =  1 #  Miller  indices  for  first  set  of  planes
h2  =  -1;  k2 = 1;l2  =  1;#  Miller  indices  for  second  set  of  planes

#Calculation and Result

cos_phi  =  w;#  Cosine  of  angle  between  [001]  and  [-111]  directions
 #  For  directions  [001]  and  [101]
h1  =  0;  k1  =  0;  l1  =  1 #  Miller  indices  for  first  set  of  planes
h2  =  1;  k2  =  0; l2  =  1;#  Miller  indices  for  second  set  of  planes
cos_lambda  =  w;#  Cosine  of  angle  between  [001]  and  [101]  directions
#  Stress  along  [001]  direction,  newton  per  metre  square
sigma  =  tau_critical/(cos_phi*cos_lambda);
print "\nThe  stress  required  to  be  applied  along  [001]  direction "
print" to  produce  slip  in  the  [101]  direction  on  the (-111) plane = "
print round(sigma,2),"MPa"
 #  For  directions  [001]  and  [110]
h1  =  0;  k1  =  0;  l1  =  1 #  Miller  indices  for  first  set  of  planes
h2  =  1; k2  =  1;l2  =  0; #  Miller  indices  for  second  set  of  planes
cos_lambda  =  w;#  Cosine  of  angle  between  [001]  and  [110]  directions
if cos_lambda <> 0:
#  Stress  along  [001]  direction,  newton  per  metre  square
    print"\nThe  stress  required  to  be  applied  along  [001]  direction"  
    print"to  produce slip in the [110] direction  on  the(-111)  plane  = "
    print sigma,"MPa"
    print"\nSince  cos_lambda = 0, this implies that  slip  cannot  occur "
    print"in[110] direction when the stress is applied along [001] direction"

The  stress  required  to  be  applied  along  [001]  direction 
 to  produce  slip  in  the  [101]  direction  on  the (-111) plane = 
3.0 MPa

Since  cos_lambda = 0, this implies that  slip  cannot  occur 
in[110] direction when the stress is applied along [001] direction

Exa 5.12

In [12]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.12 Resolved stress in a direction from applied stress
# in some other direction of bcc iron: Page-169 (2010)

#Variable declaration

sigma = 123;  # Axial stress applied in the direction [110] of bcc iron, MPa
 # For directions [010] and [110]
h1 = 0; k1 = 1; l1 = 0        # Miller indices for first set of planes
h2 = 1; k2 = 1; l2 = 0;      # Miller indices for second set of planes


cos_phi = w;# Cosine of angle between [010] and [110] directions
 # For directions [110s] and [101]
h1 = 1; k1 = 0; l1 = 1               # Miller indices for first set of planes
h2 = 1; k2 = 1; l2 = 0;             # Miller indices for second set of planes
cos_lambda = w;# Cosine of angle between [110] and [101] directions
# Resolved shear stress in the [101] direction on the (010) plane, MPa
tau = sigma*cos_phi*cos_lambda;  

print"\nThe resolved shear stress in the [101] direction on the (010) plane ="
print round(tau,2),"MPa"
The resolved shear stress in the [101] direction on the (010) plane =
61.5 MPa

Exa 5.13

In [13]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.13 Determining critical resolved shear stress 
 #from applied stress in a given direction of aluminium: Page-170 (2010)
#Variable declaration

sigma_critical = 3.5; # Applied stress in the [1 -1 1] direction, MPa
 # For directions [111] and [1 -1 1]
h1 = 1; k1 = 1; l1 = 1; # Miller indices for first set of planes
h2 = 1; k2 = -1; l2 = 1; # Miller indices for second set of planes


# Cosine of angle between [111] and [1 -1 1] directions
cos_phi = w;
 # For directions [1 - 1 0] and [1 -1 1]
h1 = 1; k1 = -1; l1 = 0 # Miller indices for first set of planes
h2 = 1; k2 = -1; l2 = 1; # Miller indices for second set of planes
cos_lambda = w# Cosine of angle between [1 -1 0] and [1 -1 1] directions
# The critical resolved shear stress in the [1 -1 0] direction 
#on the (111) plane, MPa
tau_c = sigma_critical*cos_phi*cos_lambda;


print"\nThe critical resolved shear stress in the [1 -1 0] direction "
print"on the (111) plane = ",round(tau_c,2),"MPa"
The critical resolved shear stress in the [1 -1 0] direction 
on the (111) plane =  0.39 MPa

Exa 5.14

In [14]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.14 Determining the direction in which slip is 
 #initiated by the applied stress in zinc: Page-170 (2010)
#Variable declaration

sigma = 2.3;# Applied stress when the plastic deformation is first observed,MPa
#Angle which the normal to the basal plane makes with the tensile axis of zinc,
phi = 60 ;

#Calculation and Result

 # Function to find the value of resolved shear stress 
def stress(lamb):
  tau = sigma*math.cos(math.radians(phi))*math.cos(math.radians(lamb));
  return tau
# Angles which the three slip directions x1, x2 and x3 respectively
# makes with the tensile axis, degrees
lamb = [38,45,84];
t = [];          # Initialize a one-dimensional vector of three elements
for i in range(3):    
  # Calculate the value of resolved shear stress by calling stress function
  # Display resloved shear stress for each direction, MPa
  print "\ntau",i+1,"= ",round(t[i],2)," MPa"  

# Locate for the largest resolved stress value
big = t[0];
for i in range(1,3):
  if t[i] > big:
    big = t[i] # Set largest valuse of resolved stress if the condition meets
print"\nThe slip is initiated along direction x1 at tau_c=",round(big,2),"MPa"
tau 1 =  0.91  MPa

tau 2 =  0.81  MPa

tau 3 =  0.12  MPa

The slip is initiated along direction x1 at tau_c= 0.91 MPa


In [15]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.15 Determining applied tensile stress 
 #in a direction to initiate plastic deformation: Page-170 (2010)
#Variable declaration

tau_critical = 0.7;  # Critical resolved shear stress for fcc crystal, MPa
 # For directions [100] and [1 1 1]
h1 = 1; k1 = 0; l1 = 0;         # Miller indices for first set of planes
h2 = 1; k2 = 1; l2 = 1;         # Miller indices for second set of planes


# Cosine of angle between [100] and [1 1 1] directions
cos_phi = w;
 # For directions [1 0 0] and [1 -1 0]
h1 = 1; k1 = 0; l1 = 0               # Miller indices for first set of planes
h2 = 1; k2 = -1; l2 = 0;            # Miller indices for second set of planes
cos_lambda = w;# Cosine of angle between [1 0 0] and [1 -1 0] directions
# The critical resolved shear stress in the [1 -1 0] direction
# on the (1 1 1) plane, MPa
sigma_c = tau_critical/(cos_phi*cos_lambda);


print"\nThe critical resolved shear stress in the [1 -1 0] direction "
print "on the (1 1 1) plane = ",round(sigma_c,2)," MPa"
The critical resolved shear stress in the [1 -1 0] direction 
on the (1 1 1) plane =  2.1  MPa

Exa 5.16

In [16]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.16 Dislocation width in copper: Page-175 (2010)
#Variable declaration

a = 3.61e-010;                          # Lattice parameter of copper, m
#For simplicity, assume shear modulus of copper to be unity,netwon per metre sq
mu = 1;
  # Shear stress to initiate plastic deformation, newton per metre square
tau_PN = mu/1e+05;            
b = a/(2)**0.5;        # Burger vector magnitude for fcc crystal of copper, m
 # As stress necessary to move a dislocation in a crystal is given by 
 # tau_PN = mu*math.exp(-2*%math.pi*w/b), solving for w
w = b*math.log(mu/tau_PN)/(2*math.pi); # Width of the dislocation in copper, m


print"\nThe width of dislocation in copper =",round(w/(1*10**-10),2),"angstrom"
The width of dislocation in copper = 4.68 angstrom

Exa 5.17

In [17]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.17 Change in number of vacancies 
 #due to disloaction motion: Page-176 (2010)
#Variable declaration

l = 1e-03;              # Edge dislocation length of simple cubic crystal, m
d = 1e-06;                    # Distance of dislocation climb in, m
a = 3e-10;                         # Lattice parameter of scc, m


A = a**2;                # Area of the unit cell, metre square
A_affected = l*d;# Affected area when the dislocation climbs down, metre square
 # N.B.: Area of one unit cell in scc contributes one atom
N = A_affected/A;# Number of vacancies created within the affected area


print"\nThe number of vacancies lost or created =", round(N)
The number of vacancies lost or created = 11111111111.0

Exa 5.18

In [18]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.18 Minimum number of dislocations 
 #in motion from shearing rate of copper: Page-176 (2010)
#Variable declaration

a = 3.61e-010;                          # Lattice parameter of copper, m
epsilon_dot = 10/60;         # Strain rate of plastic deformation, mm per sec
v_d = 1e+06;                          # Velocity of dislocation, mm per sec
V = 1e+03;                              # Volume of the crystal, mm cube
b = a*1e+03/(2)**0.5;# Burger vector magnitude for fcc crystal of copper, mm


 # Strain rate of plastic deformation is given by
 # epsilon_dot = rho*b*v_d, solving for rho
rho = epsilon_dot/(b*v_d); # Density of the mobile disloacations, per mm cube
N = round(rho*V);      # Number of dislocations in motion in the whole cube


print"\nThe number of dislocations in motion in the whole cube = ", N
The number of dislocations in motion in the whole cube =  653.0

Exa 5.19

In [19]:
from __future__ import division
import math
# Python Code Ex5.19 Elastic energy of line imperfection stored in Al:Page-178 

#Variable declaration

rho = 1e+010; # Dislocation density of Al, per metre square
mu = 25.94e+09; # Shear molulus of aluminium, newton per metre square
a = 4.05e-010; # Lattice parameter of aluminium, m


b = a/(2)**0.5; # Burger vector magnitude for fcc crystal of Al, m
# Elastic energy per unit length of the dislocation, joule per metre
E_bar = mu*b**2/2; 
E = E_bar*rho; # Elastic energy stored in the crystal, joule per metre cube


print"\nThe elastic energy stored in the crystal ="
print round(E,2),"joule per metre cube"
The elastic energy stored in the crystal =
10.64 joule per metre cube

Exa 5.20

In [20]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.20 Spacing between dislocations 
 #in a tilt boundary in fcc Ni: Page-187 (2010)
#Variable declaration

theta = 2; # Angle of tilt, degree
a = 3.52e-010; # Lattice parameter of Al, m

# Calculation

b = a/(2)**0.5; # Burger vector magnitude for fcc Ni, m
# The vertical spacing between two neighbouring edge dislocations, m
h = b/math.tan(math.radians(theta)); 


print"\nThe spacing between dislocations in a tilt boundary in fcc Ni ="
print  round(h/(1*10**-10),2),"angstrom"
The spacing between dislocations in a tilt boundary in fcc Ni =
71.28 angstrom

Exa 5.21

In [21]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex5.21  Determining  tilt  angle  from  dislocation  
 #spacing  in  the  boundary  of  Cu:  Page-188  (2010)

#Variable declaration

a  =  3.61e-010;              #  Lattice  parameter  of  Cu,  m
h  =  1.5e-06;#The  vertical  spacing  between  
#two  neighbouring  edge  dislocations,  m


b  =  a/(2)**0.5;      #  Burger  vector  magnitude  for  fcc  Cu,  m
tan_theta  =  math.atan(b/h);        #  tangent  of  tilt  angle  between 
# two  tilt  boundaries  of  Cu,  radian


print"\nThe  tilt  angle  between  two  tilt  boundaries  of  Cu  = "
print round(tan_theta,5),"radian"  
The  tilt  angle  between  two  tilt  boundaries  of  Cu  = 
0.00017 radian

Exa 5.22

In [22]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex5.22 Determining tilt angle from dislocation spacing
# in the boundary of Cu: Page-188 (2010)

#Variable declaration

b = 0.4e-09;                         # Burger vector magnitude for fcc Cu, m
h = 3.0e-06;#The vertical spacing between two neighbouring edge dislocations,m


 # tangent of tilt angle between two tilt boundaries of Cu, radian
tan_theta = math.atan(b/h);       


print"\nThe tilt angle between two tilt boundaries of Cu ="
print round((tan_theta*10**4),2)*10**-4,"radian"
The tilt angle between two tilt boundaries of Cu =
0.000133 radian