Chapter 10: Free Electrons in Crystals

Exa 10.1

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
import math
# PythonEx10.1 Particle Moving in One-Dimensional Potential Well:Page-328(2010)

#Variable declaration

a = 10**-3;                #Separation between the walls of the well, m
m = 10**-9;                            # Mass of the dust particle, kg
t = 100;            # Average time for successive collisons with the wall, s
h = 6.626*10**-34;            # Plank's constant, Js


v = a/t;          # Velocity of the particle inside the potential well, m/s
E = 1/2*m*v**2;                          # Kinetic energy of the particle, J
 # For one-dimensional potential well, the energy eigen value is given by
 #            E = h**2*n**2/(8*m*a**2)
 # Solving for n 
# Quantum number corresponding to the energy eigen value E
n =((8*m*a**2*E)/h**2)**0.5


print "The quantum number described by this motion is:"
print round((n*10**-16),2)*10**16
The quantum number described by this motion is:

Exa 10.2

In [2]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex 10.2 Motion of a ground state Electron 
 #in a 3-D Potential Well: Page-329 (2010)
#Variable declaration

a = 0.5*10**-10;            # length of the potential box, m
h = 6.626*10**-34;                       # Plank's Constant, Js
m = 9.1*10**-31;                         # Mass of an Electron, kg
 # In 3-D, the three quantum numbers nx, ny and nz each will have 
 #value equal to 1 for lowest energy state
nx = 1;                         # Quantum number corresponding to x-direction
ny = 1;                      # Quantum number corresponding to y-direction 
nz = 1;                      # Quantum number corresponding to z-direction


EG = h**2*(nx**2+ny**2+nz**2)/(8*m*a**2);# Energy eigen value for 3-D potential,
EeV = EG/(1.6*10**-19);                      # Convert energy from joule to eV


print "The lowest energy of an electron confined to move "
print"in a 3D-potential box, in eV, is : ",round(EeV,2)
The lowest energy of an electron confined to move 
in a 3D-potential box, in eV, is :  452.31

Exa 10.3

In [3]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex 10.3 Motion of an Electron excited next to 
 #the ground state in a 3-D Potential Well: Page-329 (2010)
#Variable declaration

a = 1*10**-10;                  # length of the cubic potential box, m
h = 6.626*10**-34;                       # Plank's Constant, Js
m = 9.1*10**-31;                   # Mass of an Electron, kg
k = 1.38*10**-23;              # Boltzmann Constant, J/mol-K
 # In 3-D, the three quantum numbers nx, ny and nz will have values 
 #1, 1 and 2 respectively for first excited energy state 
nx = 1;                   # Quantum number corresponding to x-direction
ny = 1;               # Quantum number corresponding to y-direction 
nz = 2;                 # Quantum number corresponding to z-direction


  # Energy eigen value for 3-D potential for first excited state, J
EE = h**2*(nx**2+ny**2+nz**2)/(8*m*a**2);    
 # As EE(next to the lowest) = 3/2 (k/T), where T is the absolute temperature
 # Solving for T 
#Absolute temperature at which energy next to the lowest energy state 
T = 2/3*1/k*EE;  
EeV = EE/(1.6*10**-19);             # Convert energy from joule to eV


print "The first excited state energy of the electron confined " 
print"to move in a 3D-potential box, in eV, is : ",round(EeV,2)
print "The temperature at which the average energy becomes equal to "
print"first excited state energy, in K, is : ",round(T,2)
The first excited state energy of the electron confined 
to move in a 3D-potential box, in eV, is :  226.15
The temperature at which the average energy becomes equal to 
first excited state energy, in K, is :  1748044.12

Exa 10.4

In [4]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code  Ex  10.4  Degeneracy  of  Energy  Level:  Page-332  (2010)
#Variable declaration and Calculation

 #  Function  to  find  the  factorial  of  a  number
def  fact(num):
    f  =  1;
    for i in range(1,num+1):
        f  =  f*i;
    return f
 #  Fucntion  to  determine  degenerate  energy  states
def  degno(a, b, c):
    for c in range(3):
        if ash[c]==0:
    if sm==3:  # check if all the values are same
        degeneracy = 3;
        degstates = fact(3)/fact(degeneracy); #calculate degenerate states
        return degstates
    if sm==1:      # check if any two values are equal
        degeneracy = 2;
        degstates = fact(3)/fact(degeneracy); #calculate degenerate states
        return degstates
    if sm==0:    # check if all the values are different
        degeneracy = 1;
        degstates = fact(3)/fact(degeneracy); #calculate degenerate states
        return degstates
coef  =  38;     #  Coefficient  of  H**2/(8*m*a**2)
nx=[]           #  Quantum  number  corresponding  to  x-direction
ny=[]           #  Quantum  number  corresponding  to  y-direction  
nz=[]            #  Quantum  number  corresponding  to  z-direction
deg=[]           #  Variable  to  store  the  degeneracy  of  states

count  =  1;                               #  set  the  counter  
suum  =  0;                        #  initialize  the  sum
 #  Look  for  all  the  possible  set  of  values  for  nx,  ny  and  ny
for  i in range (1,10):    
    for  j in range (1,10):
        for  k in range (1,10):
#  Check  for  the  condition  and  avoid  repetition  of  set  of  values
            if  ((i**2+j**2+k**2==coef)  and (i+j+k) >  suum): 
                nx.append(i); # Save current i value
                ny.append(j); # Save current j value
                nz.append(k); # Save current k value
                 # Save degeneracy for given set of values
                deg.append(degno(i, j, k));
                count = count + 1; # Increment the counter
                suum = i + j + k; # Add the three values of quantum numbers


print "\nThe", count-1," set(s)  of  values  of  quantum  number  are  :  \n"
deg_states  =  0;                                #  Intialize  the  variable
for i in range(0,count-1):
    print "\nnx=",nx[i]," ny=",ny[i]," nz=",nz[i],"  \n"  
 #  Accumulate  the  degeneracy

print "\nThe  given  energy  level  is ",deg_states,"-fold  degenerate."   

The 2  set(s)  of  values  of  quantum  number  are  :  

nx= 1  ny= 1  nz= 6   

nx= 2  ny= 3  nz= 5   

The  given  energy  level  is  9.0 -fold  degenerate.

Exa 10.5

In [5]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #Python Code Ex 10.5 Fermi energy of zinc at absolute zero: Page-335 (2010)

#Variable declaration

d = 7.13*10**+3;                            # Density of Zn, in kg per m cube
M = 65.4*10**-3;                            # Atomic weight of Zn, kg/mol
me = 9.1*10**-31;                           # Mass of an electron, kg
v = 2;                 # valency of divalent (Zn) metal
N = 6.023*10**+23;             # Avogadro's Number
h = 6.626*10**-34;                          #Plank's constant, in Js


meff = 0.85*me;                # Effective mass of the electron in zinc, kg
n = v*d*N/M;                            # Number of electrons per unit volume
 #Fermi energy in zinc at absolute zero, J
Ef = h**2/(2*meff)*(3*n/(8*math.pi))**(2/3); 
EfeV = Ef/(1.6*10**-19);                      # Fermi energy in eV
Ebar = (3/5)*EfeV;                # Average energy of an electron at 0K, eV


print "The fermi energy in zinc at absolute zero,in eV, is : ",round(EfeV,2)
print "The average energy of an electron at 0K,in eV, is : ",round(Ebar,2)
The fermi energy in zinc at absolute zero,in eV, is :  11.11
The average energy of an electron at 0K,in eV, is :  6.67

Exa 10.6

In [6]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex 10.6 Electron probability above Fermi energy: Page-336 (2010)
#Variable declaration

k = 1.38*10**-23;                           # Boltzmann constant, in J/mol-K
FD = 0.10;              # Fermi-Dirac distribution probability for electrons
Efermi = 5.5;                           # Fermi Energy of silver, in eV


E = Efermi + 0.01*Efermi;               # Allowed energy for electrons
dE = E - Efermi;        #Deviation of allowed energy from Fermi energy, in eV
DEeV = dE*1.6*10**-19;           #Convert into joule
 # The Fermi-Dirac distribution function as at any temperature T is given by
 #            F(E) = FD = 1/(math.exp((E-Efermi)/kT)+1
 # Solving for T 
# Absolute temperature at which result follows, in K
T = DEeV/(k*math.log(1/FD-1));


print "The temperature at which the given probability is expected, in K, is :"
print round(T,2)
The temperature at which the given probability is expected, in K, is :

Exa 10.7

In [7]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #Python Code Ex 10.7 The Electroic Specific Heat of Cu: Page-341 (2010)
#Variable declaration

k = 1.38*10**-23;                           #Boltzmann constant, in J/mol-K
N = 6.023*10**+23;                          # Avogadro's Number
Efermi = 7.05;                      # Fermi energy of copper, in eV
EFeV = Efermi*1.6*10**-19;         # Fermi energy conversion, in J
T1 = 4;                                 #Lower value of temperature, in K
T2 = 300;                               #Upper value of temperature, in K


Ce4 = (math.pi**2*k**2*T1)/(2*EFeV)*N#Electronic specific heat at 4K, J/mol/K
Ce100 = (math.pi**2*k**2*T2)/(2*EFeV)*N#Electronic specific heat at 100K, 


print "The Electronic specific heat at 4K, in J/mol/K is :",round(Ce4,3)
print "The Electronic specific heat at 100K, in J/mol/K is :",round(Ce100,2)
The Electronic specific heat at 4K, in J/mol/K is : 0.002
The Electronic specific heat at 100K, in J/mol/K is : 0.15

Exa 10.8

In [8]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #Python Code Ex 10.8 The Electrical Resistivity: Page-343 (2010)
#Variable declaration

tau=3*10**-14#Classical value of mean free time
n=2#BCC structure


ne=n/(a)**3 # number of electrons per unit volume


print"Electrical resistivity at 0degree",round((ro*10**8),2)*10**-8,"ohm metre"
Electrical resistivity at 0degree 4.62e-08 ohm metre

Exa 10.9

In [9]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex 10.9 Electrical Conductivity of Cu: Page-345 (2010)
#Variable declaration

e = 1.6*10**-19; # Electronic charge, C
N = 6.023*10**+23; # Avogardro's number
d = 8920; # Density of Copper, kg per metre cube
A = 63.5; # Atomic weight of copper, g/mole
I = 10; # Current through uniform copper wir, A
D = 16*10**-4; #Diameter of circular cross-section of copper wire, m


R = D/2; # Radius of circular cross-section of copper wire, m
# The number of electrons per unit volume in copper, per metre cube
n = d*N/63.5*1*10**+3; 
 # Current density of electrons in copper, ampere per metre square
J = I/(math.pi*R**2);
vd = J/(n*e); # Drift velocity of electrons in copper, metre per second


print "The current density of electrons in copper,in ampere per metre square,"
print round(J)
print "The drift velocity of electrons in copper, in metre per second, "
print round(vd,4)
The current density of electrons in copper,in ampere per metre square,
The drift velocity of electrons in copper, in metre per second, 

Exa 10.10

In [10]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex 10.10 Electron mobility inside conductors : Page-346 (2010)
#Variable declaration

e = 1.6*10**-19;                        # Electronic charge, in C
m = 9.1*10**-31;                            # Eelctronic mass, in kg
res = 1.54*10**-8;          # Electrical resistivity of silver, in ohm metre
E = 100;         # Electric field applied along the length of the wire, V/m
n = 5.8*10**+28;#Number of conduction electrons per unit volume, per metre cube


mu = 1/(res*n*e);#Mobility of electron through silver,metre square per volt-sec
vd = mu*E;               # Average drift velocity of electrons, m/s
t = mu*m/e;               # Relaxation time of the electron, s


print "The mobility of electron through silver, in metre square per V-s, is "
print round(mu,2)
print "The average drift velocity of electrons, in m/s, is : "
print round(vd,2)
print "The average drift velocity of electrons, in m/s, is  "
print round((t*10**14),2)*10**-14
The mobility of electron through silver, in metre square per V-s, is 
The average drift velocity of electrons, in m/s, is : 
The average drift velocity of electrons, in m/s, is  

Exa 10.11

In [11]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex 10.11 Lorentz number calculation of a solid: Page-347 (2010)
#Variable declaration

e = 1.6*10**-19;                           # Electronic charge, in C
k = 1.38*10**-23;                           # boltzmann constant, J/mol-K
T = 293;                                # Absolute temperature of the solid
K = 390;                  # Thermal conductivity of copper at 293 K, W/m-K
l = 0.5;                                # Lenght of the copper wire, m
d = 0.3*10**-3;                  # Diameter of cross-section of Cu, m
r = d/2;                                # Radius of copper wire, m
R = 0.12;                               # Resistance of copper wire, ohm


 # As R = 1/con*l/(%math.pi*r**2)
 # Solving for R
con = l/(math.pi*r**2*R);      # Conductance of copper, per ohm per metre
#The Lorentz number is defined as the ratio of the Thermal conductivity to the 
 # Electrical conductivity of a solid per degree rise in temperature
 # Experimental value of Lorentz number, watt ohm per kelvin square
Lexp = K/(con*T);
 # Thoeretical value of Lorentz number value, watt ohm per kelvin square
Lth = math.pi**2/3*(k/e)**2;


print"The experimetal value of Lorentz number,in watt ohm per kelvin square,:"
print round((Lexp*10**8),2)*10**-8
print"The theoretical value of Lorentz number,in watt ohm per kelvin square,"
print round((Lth*10**8),2)*10**-8
print"\nThe theoretical value of Lorentz number is",round(Lth/Lexp,2)
print"times higher than the experimental one.\n"
The experimetal value of Lorentz number,in watt ohm per kelvin square,:
The theoretical value of Lorentz number,in watt ohm per kelvin square,

The theoretical value of Lorentz number is 1.08
times higher than the experimental one.

Exa 10.12

In [12]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 #  Python  Code  Ex  10.12  Increase  in  electrical  resistivity 
# of  a  metal  with  temperature:  Page-349  (2010)

#Variable declaration and calculation

def  final_res(T):
    alpha=0.0001         #  Temperature  co-efficient  of  resistance
    res=0  #  Initial  resistivity  of  the  nichrome  which  is  an  arbitray  
#constant  and  can  be  taken  to  be  zero
    res  =  res  +  alpha*T;#Final resistivity of the nichrome as function of T  
    return res
T1  =  300;              #  Initial  temperature  of  nichrome,  K
T2  =  1000;            #  Final  temperature  of  nichrome,  K
res300  =  final_res(T1); #  Final  resistivity  of  the  nichrome  at  300  K  
res1000  =  final_res(T2) # Final  resistivity  of  the  nichrome  at  1000  K  
percent_res  =  (res1000  -  res300)*100;# Percentag  increase in  resistivity 

print"\nThe  percentage  increase  in  the  resistivity  of  nichrome  is"
print round(percent_res,2)," percent"
The  percentage  increase  in  the  resistivity  of  nichrome  is
7.0  percent

Exa 10.13

In [13]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # PythonCode Ex 10.13 Thermionic emission of a filament: Page-352 (2010)
#Variable declaration

e = 1.6*10**-19; # Electronic charge, C
m = 9.1*10**-31; # Mass of the electron, kg
k = 1.38*10**-23; # Boltzmann constant, J/mol-K
h = 6.626*10**-34; # Plank's constant, Js
W = 4.5; # Work function of tungsten filament, eV
D = 1*10**-4; # Diameter of the filament, m
r = D/2; # Radius of the filament, m
T = 2400; # Temperature of the filament, K
l = 0.05; # Length of the filament, m


A = 4*math.pi*e*m*k**2/h**3; # A constant expressed in ampere per metre square 
 # per kelvin square
a = 2*math.pi*r*l; # Surface area of the filament, meter square
J = A*T**2*math.exp(-e*W/(k*T)); # Electronic current density of the filament, 
 # ampere per metre square
I = a*J; # Electric current due to thermionic emission, ampere


print "The electric current due to thermionic emission, in A, is : ",round(I,2)
The electric current due to thermionic emission, in A, is :  0.04

Exa 10.14

In [14]:
from __future__ import division
import math
 # Python Code Ex 10.14 Hall coefficient calculation of sodium based on 
 #free electron model: Page-353 (2010)
#Variable declaration

e = 1.6*10**-19;                           # Electronic charge, C
a = 4.28*10**-10; # lattice parameter of the unit cell of sodium crystal, m
N = 2;            # Number of atoms per unit cell in bcc structure of sodium 


n = N/a**3;# Number of electrons per unit volume for the sodium crystal, 
RH = -1/(n*e);           # Hall coefficient of sodium, metre cube per coulomb


print "The Hall coefficient of sodium , in metre cube per coulomb, is : "
print -round((RH*10**10),2)*10**-9
The Hall coefficient of sodium , in metre cube per coulomb, is : 