Chapter 8: Specific Heat of Solids

Example 8.1,Page number 241

In [1]:
import math

#Given Data

rho = 7.9*10**3;    # Density of iron, kg per cubic meter
A = 56*10**-3;    # Atomic weight of iron, g/mol
N_A = 6.02*10**23;    # Avogadro's number, atoms per mole
mu_B = 9.3*10**-24;    # Bohr magneton;    # Ampere meter square
n = rho*N_A/A;    # Total number of atoms per unit cell, per cubic meter
M = 2.2*n*mu_B;    # Spontaneous magnetization of iron, Ampere per meter
print"Spontaneous magnetization of iron =","{0:.3e}".format(M),"Ampere per meter";
Spontaneous magnetization of iron = 1.738e+06 Ampere per meter

Example 8.2,Page number 241

In [2]:
import math

#Given Data
n = 3*10**28;    # Spin density of electrons in a ferromagnetic material, per cubic meter
mu = 3*10**-23;    # spin magnetic moment of a ferromagnetic material, Square Ampere 
M_s = n*mu;    # Saturation magnetization of a ferromagnetic material, Per Ampere
print"Saturation magnetization of a ferromagnetic material =","{0:.3e}".format(M_s),"ampere per meter";
Saturation magnetization of a ferromagnetic material = 9.000e+05 ampere per meter

Example 8.3,Page number 241

In [4]:
import math

#Given Data
h_bar = 6.58*10**-16;     # Planck's constant, eV.s
m = 0.511*10**6;       # Mass of an electron, eV
e = 1.6*10**-12;       # Energy equivalent of 1 eV, erg/eV
c = 3.0*10**10;       # Speed of light, cm/s
N = 4.7*10**22;    # Free electron gas concentration of Lithium, per cubic cm
mu_B = 9.27*10**-21;    # Bohr magneton, Ampere cm-square
E_F = (h_bar*c)**2/(2*m)*(3*math.pi**2*N)**(2.0/3);    # Fermi energy, eV
chi = 3*N*mu_B**2/(2*E_F*e);    # Magnetic susceptibility of Lithium, cgs units
print"Magnetic susceptibility of Lithium =","{0:.3e}".format(chi),"cgs units";
Magnetic susceptibility of Lithium = 7.967e-07 cgs units

Example 8.4,Page number 241

In [5]:
import math

#Given Data
a_B = 0.53*10**-8;    # Bohr radius, cm
N = 27*10**23;    # Atomic density of He gas, per cubic cm
c = 3*10**10;    # Speed of light, cm/sec
e = 1.6*10**-19;    # Charge of an electron, Coulomb
m = 9.1*10**-28;    # Mass of an electron, g
# As r_classic = e**2/(m*c**2), Classical radius of an electron
r_classic = 2.8*10**-13;   # Classical radius of the electron, cm 
chi = -2*N*r_classic/6*a_B**2;    # Magnetic susceptibility of Helium, cgs units

print"Diamagnetic susceptibility of helium atom in ground state =","{0:.3e}".format(chi),"emu";
Diamagnetic susceptibility of helium atom in ground state = -7.079e-06 emu

Example 8.5,Page number 242

In [6]:
import math

#Given Data
chiA_He = 1.9*10**-6;    # Atomic susceptibility of helium, cm cube per mole
chiA_Cu = 18*10**-6;    # Atomic susceptibility of Copper, cm cube per mole
Q_sp = 1.77*10**7;    # Specific charge of an electron, emu
Ne = 9650.0;    # Charge of a gram ion, emu
Z_He = 2.0;    # Atomic number of helium atom
Z_Cu = 29.0;    # Atomic number of copper atom
R_He = math.sqrt(abs(-6*chiA_He/(Ne*Z_He*Q_sp)));    # Magnetic susceptibility of helium atom, cgs units
R_Cu = math.sqrt(abs(-6*chiA_Cu/(Ne*Z_Cu*Q_sp)));    # Magnetic susceptibility of copper atom, cgs units
print"Atomic radius of helium =","{0:.3e}".format(R_He),"cm";
print"Atomic radius of copper =","{0:.3e}".format(R_Cu),"cm";
Atomic radius of helium = 5.777e-09 cm
Atomic radius of copper = 4.669e-09 cm

Example 8.6,Page number 242

In [7]:
import math

#Given Data
N = 6.039*10**22;    # Atomic density of Neon gas, per cubic cm 
# As r_classic = e**2/(m*c**2), Classical radius of an electron
r_classic = 2.8*10**-13;   # Classical radius of the electron, cm
Z = 10.0;    # Atomic number of helium atom
a0 = 0.53*10**-8;      # Bohr's radius, cm
n1 = 2; n2 = 2; n3 = 6;     # Occupation numbers for 1s, 2s and 2p states of Ne
r_sq_1s = 0.031;    # Expectation value for 1s state
r_sq_2s = 0.905;    # Expectation value for 2s state
r_sq_2p = 1.126;    # Expectation value for 2p state 
mean_r_sq = n1*r_sq_1s + n2*r_sq_2s + n3*r_sq_2p;   # Mean square radius, cm-square
Chi_A = -1.0/6*N*Z*r_classic*mean_r_sq*a0**2;    # Magnetic susceptibility of helium atom, cgs units
print"Atomic susceptibility of Ne atom =","{0:.3e}".format(Chi_A),"emu/mole";
Atomic susceptibility of Ne atom = -6.830e-06 emu/mole

Example 8.7,Page number 249

In [8]:
import math

#Given Data
e = 1.6*10**-19;   # Energy equivalent of 1 eV, J/eV
h = 6.626*10**-34; # Planck's constant, Js
h_cross = h/(2*math.pi);    # Reduced Planck's constant, Js
m = 9.1*10**-31;   # Mass of an electron, kg
mu = e*h_cross/(2*m);    # Bohr magneton, J/T
mu_H = mu/e;    # Magnetic energy, eV
kT = 0.025;    # Energy associated with two degrees of freedom, eV
E_ratio = mu_H/kT;  # Exceptional terms in Langevin's function
print"The magnitude of mu*H/(k*T) =","{0:.3e}".format(E_ratio);
The magnitude of mu*H/(k*T) = 2.318e-03

Example 8.8,Page number 249

In [9]:
import math

#Given Data
mu = 5.78*10**-5;    # Bohr magneton, eV/T
NE_F = 0.826;    # Density of states at fermi level, electrons/atom-J
chi_Pauli = mu**2*NE_F/10**-4;    # Pauli diamagnetism, cgs units
chi_Core = -4.2*10**-6;    # Core diamagnetism, cgs units
chi_Landau = -1.0/3*chi_Pauli;    # Landau diamagnetism, cgs units
chi_Total = chi_Core+ chi_Pauli+chi_Landau;    # Paramagnetic susceptibility of Mg, cgs units

print"The paramagnetic susceptibility of Mg  =","{0:.3e}".format(chi_Total),"cgs units";
The paramagnetic susceptibility of Mg  = 1.420e-05 cgs units

Example 8.9,Page number 250

In [10]:
import math

#Given Data
e = 1.6*10**-19;   # Energy equivalent of 1 eV, J/eV
mu = 9.29*10**-24;    # Bohr magneton, J/T
mu_0 = 1.26*10**-6;    # Permeability of free space, Sq. tesla cubic meter per joule
E_F= 11.63*e;    # Fermi energy, J
N = 6.02*10**28;    # Atomic concentration, atoms per cubic meter 
chi_Total = 2.2*10**-5;   # Paramagnetic susceptibility of Mg, S.I. units
chi_Pauli = 3*N*mu**2*mu_0/(2*E_F);    # Pauli diamagnetism, S.I. units
chi_dia = chi_Total - chi_Pauli;    # Diamagnetic contribution to magnetic susceptibility

print"The Pauli spin susceptibility of Al =","{0:.3e}".format(chi_Pauli),"S.I. units";
print"The diamagnetic contribution to magnetic susceptibility of Al =","{0:.3e}".format(chi_dia),"S.I. units";
The Pauli spin susceptibility of Al = 5.277e-06 S.I. units
The diamagnetic contribution to magnetic susceptibility of Al = 1.672e-05 S.I. units

Example 8.10,Page number 250

In [11]:
import math

#Given Data
a0 = 5.3;    # Bohr radius, nm
rs_a0_ratio = 3.93;     # Ratio of solid radius to the lattice parameter 
chi_Pauli = 2.59/rs_a0_ratio;    # Pauli's spin susceptibility, cgs units

print"The Pauli spin susceptibility for Na in terms of free electron gas parameter =",round(chi_Pauli,3);
The Pauli spin susceptibility for Na in terms of free electron gas parameter = 0.659

Example 8.11,Page number 264

In [13]:
import math

#Given Data
S = 2;  # Spin quantum number
J = 0;  # Total quantum number
L = 2;  # Orbital quantum number
g = 2;  # Lande splitting factor
print"The spectroscopic term value of Mn3+ ion =",2*S+1,"_D_",J;
# For J = L - S
J = L - S;
mu_N = g*math.sqrt(J*(J+1)); # Effective magneton number
print"The effective magneton number for J = L - S is",mu_N;
# For J = S, L = 0 so that
L = 0;
J = L+S;
mu_N = g*math.sqrt(J*(J+1)); # Effective magneton number
print"The effective magneton number for J = S is",round(mu_N,2),"\nIt is in agreement with the experimental value of 5.0.";
The spectroscopic term value of Mn3+ ion = 5 _D_ 0
The effective magneton number for J = L - S is 0.0
The effective magneton number for J = S is 4.9 
It is in agreement with the experimental value of 5.0.

Example 8.12,Page number 264

In [14]:
import math

#Given Data
mu = 9.27*10**-24; # Bohr's magneton, J/T
N_up = 5;   # Number of electrons with spin up as per Hunds Rule
N_down = 1; # Number of electrons with spin down as per Hunds Rule
M = mu*(N_up-N_down);     # Net magnetic moment associated with six electrons in the 3d shell, J/T
print"The magnetic moment of 3d electrons of Fe using Hunds rule =",M/mu,"Bohr magnetons";
The magnetic moment of 3d electrons of Fe using Hunds rule = 4.0 Bohr magnetons

Example 8.13,Page number 264

In [15]:
import math

#Given Data
C = [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]];
# Enter compound names
C[0][0] = 'LaCrO3';
C[1][0] = 'LaMnO3';
C[2][0] = 'LaCoO3';
# Enter Magnetic moments from Hunds rule
C[0][1] = 3.0;
C[1][1] = 4.0;
C[2][1] = 5.0;
# Enter Magnetic moments from Band theory
C[0][2] = 2.82;
C[1][2] = 3.74;
C[2][2] = 4.16;
# Enter Magnetic moments from the Experiment
C[0][3] = 2.80;
C[1][3] = 3.90;
C[2][3] = 4.60;
print"Compound  Magnetic moment per formula unit (in BM)  ";
print"          ________________________________________";
print"          Hunds Rule   Band Theory    Experiment";
for i in range (0,3) :
    print"",C[i][0],"    ",C[i][1],"       ",C[i][2],"          ",C[i][3]
Compound  Magnetic moment per formula unit (in BM)  
          Hunds Rule   Band Theory    Experiment
 LaCrO3      3.0         2.82            2.8
 LaMnO3      4.0         3.74            3.9
 LaCoO3      5.0         4.16            4.6

Example 8.14,Page number 268

In [16]:
import math

#Given Data
C = [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16]];
# Enter compound names
C[0][0] = 'LaTiO3';
C[1][0] = 'LaCrO3';
C[2][0] = 'LaFeO3';
C[3][0] = 'LaCoO3';
# Enter total energy difference w.r.t. ground state for Paramagnetics, mRyd
C[0][1] = 0.014;
C[1][1] = 158.3;
C[2][1] = 20.69;
C[3][1] = 0.000;
# Enter total energy difference w.r.t. ground state for Ferromagnetics, mRyd
C[0][2] = 0.034;
C[1][2] = 13.99;
C[2][2] = 0.006;
C[3][2] = 0.010;
# Enter total energy difference w.r.t. ground state for Antiferromagnetics, mRyd
C[0][3] = 0.000;
C[1][3] = 0.000;
C[2][3] = 0.000;
C[3][3] = 0.003;
print"Solid     Total energy difference (mRyd) (w.r.t. ground state)";
print"          ____________________________________________________";
print"            Paramagnetic    Ferromagnetic   Antiferromagnetic ";
for i in range (0,4) :
    print"",C[i][0],"      ",C[i][1],"         ",C[i][2],"          ",C[i][3]
print"All the solids given above crystallize in the antiferromagnetic state except that of LaCoO3.";
Solid     Total energy difference (mRyd) (w.r.t. ground state)
            Paramagnetic    Ferromagnetic   Antiferromagnetic 
 LaTiO3        0.014           0.034            0.0
 LaCrO3        158.3           13.99            0.0
 LaFeO3        20.69           0.006            0.0
 LaCoO3        0.0           0.01            0.003
All the solids given above crystallize in the antiferromagnetic state except that of LaCoO3.
In [ ]: