Chapter02 - Single Phase Induction Motors

Example 2.1 page 134

In [1]:
from math import sqrt, acos, pi, cos, atan
from cmath import exp
from __future__ import division
# Given data
Is=220 #in Ampere
#For no load
Vo=220 #in volt
Io=6 #in Ampere
wo=350 #in watt

#From locked rotor test
Vsc=125 #in volt
Isc=15 #in Ampere
Wsc=580 #in watt
R1=1.5*1.2 #in Ω

Zeq=Vsc/Isc #in Ω
Req=Wsc/Isc**2 #in Ω
Xeq=sqrt(Zeq**2-Req**2) #in Ω
R1=1.5*1.2 #1.5 times more
R2=Req-R1 #in Ω
#assume X1=X2  Xeq=X1+X2=2*X2
X2=Xeq/2 #in Ω
X1=X2 #in Ω
r2=R2/2 #in Ω
x2=X2/2 #in Ω

cos_fio=wo/(Vo*Io) #unitless
fi_o=acos(cos_fio) #in degree
Io=Io*exp(1J*-fi_o*pi/180) #in Ampere(polar form)
VAB=Vo-Io*(R1+r2/2+1J*(X1+X2/2)) #in volt
Xo=abs(VAB)/abs(Io) #in ohm
Xeq=2*Xo #in ohm
S=5/100 #slip
Zf=Xo*exp(1J*pi/2)*(r2/S+1J*X2/2)/(r2/S+1J*(X2/2+Xo)) #in ohm
Z1=R1+1J*X1 #in ohm
Z2=6.4819+1J*3.416 #in ohm
Zeq=Z1+Z2+Zf #in ohm
I1=Vo/Zeq #in Ampere
PF=cos(atan((I1.imag)/(I1.real))) #lagging Power factor
print "Power factor = %0.4f lagging"%PF 
Vf=I1*Zf #in volt
I2f=Vf/(r2/S-1J*X2/2) #in Ampere
Zb=Zf #in ohm
Vb=I1*Zb #in Volt
I2b=Vb/(r2/(2-S)+1J*X2) #in Ampere
Pf=abs(I2f)**2*r2/S #in watts
Pb=abs(I2b)**2*r2/(2-S) #in watts
Pm=(1-S)*(Pf-Pb) #in watts
Wo=350 #in watts
Pout=Pm-Wo #in watts
Pin=Vo*abs(I1)*PF #in watts
Eff=Pout/Pin*100 #in %
print "Efficiency = %0.2f %% "%Eff 
#Answer in the book is wrong. Lots of mistake in the solution while calculating Zf. 
Power factor = 0.8144 lagging
Efficiency = 21.64 % 

Example 2.2 Page 137

In [2]:
from __future__ import division
from numpy import real, imag
from math import cos, atan,sin
# Given data
V1=110 #in volt
Z1=2+1J*3 #in ohm
Zeq_rotor=2+1J*3 #in ohm
Xo=50 #in ohm(Magnetising impedence)
Losses=25 #in watt(friction & voltage loss)
S=5/100 #slip

R1=(Z1.real) #in Ω
X1=(Z1.imag) #in Ω
R2=real(Zeq_rotor.real) #in Ω
X2=imag(Zeq_rotor.imag) #in Ω
r2=R2/2 #in Ω
x2=X2/2 #in Ω
xo=Xo/2 #in ohm
Zf=1J*xo*(r2/S+1J*x2)/(r2/S+1J*(xo+x2)) #in ohm
Zb=1J*xo*(r2/(2-S)+1J*x2)/(r2/(2-S)+1J*(xo+x2)) #in ohm
Zeq=Z1+Zf+Zb #in ohm
I1=V1/Zeq #in Ampere
InputCurrent=abs(I1) #in Ampere
print "Input current = %0.3f A" %InputCurrent
print "Power factor = %0.4f lagging "%PF 
Vf=I1*Zf #in volt
I2f=Vf/(r2/S+1J*x2) #in Ampere
Vb=I1*Zb #in Volt
I2b=Vb/(r2/(2-S)+1J*x2) #in Ampere
Pf=abs(I2f)**2*r2/S #in watts
Pb=13.88 #in watts
Pm=(1-S)*(Pf-Pb) #in watts
Pout=Pm-Losses #in watts
Pin=V1*abs(I1)*PF #in watts
Eff=Pout/Pin*100 #in %
print "Efficiency = %0.2f %% "%Eff 
# Answer in the textbook are wrong.
Input current = 5.648 A
Power factor = 0.7552 lagging 
Efficiency = 70.63 % 

Example 2.3 Page 138

In [3]:
from math import tan, pi, sqrt
# Given data
Pout=250 #in watt
V1=230 #in volt
f=50 #in Hz
Zm=4.5+1J*3.7 #in ohm
Za=9.5+1J*3.5 #in ohm

#Za=9.5+%i*3.5-%i*Xc #in ohm(Xc assumed to be connected in auxiliary winding)
fi_a=90-atan((Zm.imag)/(Zm.real)) #in degree
Ra=(Za.real) #in ohm
Xa=(Za.imag) #in ohm
X=tan(fi_a)*Ra #in ohm
Xc=X+Xa #in ohm
C=1/2/pi/f/Xc #in Farad
print "Value of capacitance = %0.2f micro farad "%(C*10**6) 
#Note : In the book, instead of Capacitance which is asked, 
#Torque is calculated even not asked in question and not given the sufficient data to calculate it.
Value of capacitance = 70.28 micro farad 

Example 2.4 Page 139

In [4]:
from math import degrees
# Given data
f=50 #in Hz
Z1m=3+1J*2.7 #in ohm
Z1a=7+1J*3 #in ohm
alfa=90 #in degree

#Z1a=7+%i*3-%i*Xc #in ohm(Xc assumed to be connected in auxiliary winding)
R1a=(Z1a.real) #in ohm
X1a=(Z1a.imag) #in ohm
X=tan(fi_a*pi/180)*R1a #in ohm
Xc=X+X1a #in ohm
C=1/2/pi/f/Xc #in Farad
print "Value of capacitance = %0.3f micro farad "%(C*10**6) 
Value of capacitance = 295.339 micro farad 

Example 2.5 Page 140

In [5]:
# Given data
V1=230 #in volt
f=50 #in Hz
Vm=100 #in volt
Im=2 #in Ampere
Wm=40 #in watts
Va=80 #in volt
Ia=1 #in Ampere
Wa=50 #in watts

Z1em=Vm/Im #in ohm
R1em=Wm/Im**2 #in ohm
X1em=sqrt(Z1em**2-R1em**2) #in ohm
R1m=R1em/2 #in ohm
X1m=X1em/2 #in ohm
fi_m=degrees(atan(X1m/R1m)) #in degree

Z1ea=Va/Ia #in ohm
R1ea=Wa/Ia**2 #in ohm
X1ea=sqrt(Z1ea**2-R1ea**2) #in ohm
Ra=R1ea-R1m #in ohm
Xa=X1ea-X1m #in ohm
fi_a=90-fi_m #in degree
#after connecting capacitor
C=1/2/pi/f/Xc #in Farad
print "Value of capacitance = %0.2f micro farad"%(C*10**6) 
Value of capacitance = 67.52 micro farad