Chapter 07: Properties of Real Gases

Example Problem 7.3, Page Number 166

In [4]:
#Variable Declaration
m = 1.0           #Mass of Methane, kg
T = 230           #Temeprature of Methane, K
P = 68.0          #Pressure, bar 
Tc = 190.56       #Critical Temeprature of Methane
Pc = 45.99        #Critical Pressure of Methane
R = 0.08314       #Ideal Gas Constant,
M = 16.04         #Molecular wt of Methane

Tr = T/Tc
Pr = P/Pc
z = 0.63          #Methane compressibility factor
n = m*1e3/M
V = z*n*R*T/P
Vig = n*R*T/P
DV = (V - Vig)/V

print '(V-Videal) %4.2f L'%(V-Vig)
print 'Percentage error %5.2f'%(DV*100)
(V-Videal) -6.49 L
Percentage error -58.73