Chapter 10: Electrolyte Solutions

Example Problem 10.2, Page Number 242

In [4]:
#Variable Declaration
M = 0.050       #Molarity for NaCl and Na2SO4 solution, mol/kg
npa, zpa = 1, 1
nma, zma = 1, 1
npb, zpb = 2, 1
nmb, zmb = 1, 2

Ia = M*(npa*zpa**2 + nma*zma**2)/2
Ib = M*(npb*zpb**2 + nmb*zmb**2)/2

print 'Ionic streangth for NaCl solution is %4.3f and for Na2SO4 solution is %4.3f, mol/kg'%(Ia,Ib)
Ionic streangth for NaCl solution is 0.050 and for Na2SO4 solution is 0.150, mol/kg