Chapter7 Inverter Circuits

Example 7.1,

In [4]:
import math
from math import pi,sqrt,exp
L=10*10**-3   #Inductance of s e r i e s inverter cir cui t in Henry
C=0.1*10**-6   #Capacitance of s e r i e s inverter ci rcu it in Farads
R=400          #Load Resistance in Ohms
Toff=0.2*10**-3         #Off time of Duty cycle in sec
w=sqrt((1/(L*C))-(R**2/(4*L**2)))         #Angular Frequency in rad/ sec
print 'value of w=',w,'rad/sec'
F=w/(3.14+(w*Toff))     #Output Frequency in Hertz
print 'value of the Output Frequency=F=',F,'Hertz'
T=1/F                   #Time period of Output in sec
AF=exp((-R/(2*L))*T)     #Attenuation Factor
print 'value of the Attenuation Factor=AF=',AF
value of w= 24494.9 rad/sec
value of the Output Frequency=F= 3047.0 Hertz
value of the Attenuation Factor=AF= 0.0014

Example 7.2,

In [5]:
import math
C=1*10**-6         #Capacitance of series inverter circuit in Farads
f=5*10**3          #operating Frequency of series Inverter in Hertz
L=1/(C*(f**2))     #value of Inductance under Resonance condition in Henry
print 'value of Inductance at resonance=L=',L,'Henry'
value of Inductance at resonance=L= 0.04 Henry

Example 7.3,

In [6]:
import math
from math import sqrt
L=5*10**-3             #Inductance of series inverter circuit in Henry
C=1*10**-6             #Capacitance of series inverter circuit in Farads
Rl=400                 #Load Resistance in Ohms
R2=10**4               #value of the second resistance in Ohms
DF=0.7                 #Damping Factor value of LC filter
R1=(2*(DF)*(sqrt(L/C)))-R2 -(1/(Rl*C))            #value of the first resistance in Ohms
print 'value of resistance=R1=',R1,'Ohms'
value of resistance=R1= -12401.01 Ohms