Chapter 6:Dimensional Analysis and Similitude

Example 6.2 Page No143

In [12]:
import math

from sympy import Symbol,sqrt

#Variable Initialisation

q = Symbol('q')

q=0.305                              #value of one feet



#Rewriting the given equation


#in terms of dimensions,


print"The formula in SI units would now read as,P=",round(p,2),"*sqrt(q)"
The formula in SI units would now read as,P= 4.83 *sqrt(q)

Example 6.13 Page No147

In [13]:
import math

#variable initialisation

Lr=1/50                         #size of model

Qm=1.25                         #discharge in m^3/s

tp=12                           #time taken by prototype



Qp=(1/Lr)**(2.5)*Qm             #Prorotype ratio

print "Qp=",int(Qp),"m^3/s"

#Tr=Lr/Vr                       #Time ratio


print "tm=",round(tm,3),"hours"
Qp= 22097 m^3/s
tm= 1.697 hours

Example 6.14 Page No147

In [14]:
import math

#variable initialisation

Lr=1/100                    #size of prototype

Fm=0.12                     #resistance in N

rhor=1                      #relative density


#resistance is the significant force and is appropriate by froude's law.



Fp=(Fm/(Lr)**3*rhor)/1000   #Prototype force

print "Fp=",(Fp),"kN"
Fp= 120.0 kN

Example 6.15 Page No147

In [18]:
from sympy import symbols,cancel

x,Lr=symbols("x Lr")

import math

#variable initialisation

Lr=1/100                          #size of prototype

nm=0.013                          #Manning's n


#froude model law is applicable


a=Lr**(2/3)                      #By mannings formula,


x=cancel(a/s)                    #simplifying 

np=nm/x                          #prototype roughness coefficient

print "np=",round(np,3)
np= 0.028

Example 6.16 Page No147

In [19]:
import math

#variable initialisation

Lr=1/20                          #size of prototype

Vm=1.5                           #velocity in m/s                       

qm=0.20                          #unit width in m^3/s

Pm=5                             #model pressure head in cm


Vp=round(Vm/math.sqrt(Lr),2)     #Prototype velocity

print "Vp=",Vp,"m/s"


qp=round(qm/(Lr)**(3/2),2)       #prototype discharge

print "qp=",qp,"m^3/s/m"

#Assuming rho_r=1,hence,Pr=Lr

Pp=Pm/Lr                         #pressure head in prototype

print "Pp=",Pp,"cm of mercury"

#Power ratio=(energy loss/second)

Pm=Pp*10*Lr**(7/2)                  #Energy dissipated

print "Pm=",round(Pm,3),"W"
Vp= 6.71 m/s
qp= 17.89 m^3/s/m
Pp= 100.0 cm of mercury
Pm= 0.028 W

Example 6.17 Page No148

In [20]:
#variable initialisation

rho_p=917    #density in kg/m^3

mu_p=0.29    #viscosity in Pa.s

L_p=15.0     #diameter in cm

V_p=2        #velocity of pipe

rho_m=998    #density in kg/m^3

L_m=1.0      #diameter in cm

mu_m=1.31E-3 #viscosity in Pa.s


#Reynold's similarity law of applicable,referring oil with p and water with m


V_m=V_p*m     #velocity of water flow

print "V_m=",V_m,"m/s"
V_m= 0.1246 m/s

Example 6.18 Page No148

In [25]:
#variable initialisation

V_p=60      #velocity in Km/h

F_m=250     #model drag

mu_r=1      #viscosity

rho_r=1     #density in in kg/m^3


#Reynold's similarity law is applicable


#If vr=1,then V_r=1/L_r


V_m=((V_p*L_r)*1000)/3600      #V_m in m/s

#using force ratio,Fm/Fp=(mu_r**2)/rho_r


Fp=F_m/((mu_r*mu_r))/rho_r     #drag required

print "Fp=",int(Fp),"N(same as in the model)"

V_p=(V_p*1000)/(3600)          #V_m in m/s

Pp=Fp*V_p                      #power to overcome drag in the prototype

print "Pp=",math.ceil(Pp)/1000,"kW"
Fp= 250 N(same as in the model)
Pp= 4.167 kW

Example 6.19 Page No149

In [26]:
#variable initialisation

Vr=1E-3                              #Viscosity in Pa.s

Vp=0.104                             #viscosity of prototype in Pa.s

rho_p=900                            #density of prototype in kg/m^3

Lr=1/6                               #size of prototype

Pm=450                               #Pressure drop in Pa

Qp=200                               #Prototype discharge


#Reynolds model law is applicable,




rh_p=(Pm/Pr)/1000                    #Prototype pressure drop

print "rho_p=",round(rh_p,0),"kPa"


Qm=Qp*Qr                             #model discharge

print "Qm=",round(Qm,3),"L/s"
rho_p= 150.0 kPa
Qm= 0.289 L/s

Example 6.20 Page No149

In [27]:
#variable initialisation

Lm=0.30                         #length of model in m

Lp=1.50                         #Elength of device in m

Vm=35                           #Velocity of model in m/s

Vp=3.5                          #Velocity of prototype in m/s

mu_m=1.90E5                     #relative density in Pa.s

mu_p=1E-3                       #relative density in Pa.s

P=1.17                          #atmospheric pressure in kg/m^3

Fm=40                           #drag force in N


#Reynolds model law is applicable


Lr=Lm/Lp                        #prototype length

Vr=Vm/Vp                        #prototype velocity


rho_r=mu_r/(Vr*Lr)/10000        #prototype density

rho_air=(998*rho_r)             #density of air

print "rho_air=",rho_air

#This is 8 times larger than the density at atmospheric pressure.


print round(P_model,3),"times local atmospheric pressure"

Fr=mu_r**2/rho_r*a/100          #Force ratio

Fp=Fm/Fr                        #Drag force of prototype

print "Fp=",round(Fp/1000,3),"kN"
rho_air= 9.481
8.103 times local atmospheric pressure
Fp= 1.053 kN

Example 6.21 Page No149

In [13]:
import math

#variable initialisation

D_p=1.5           #Diameter in m

rd=0.9            #relative density

v_p=0.03          #viscosity in stoke

Q=3.0             #rate

D_m=0.15          #diameter2 in m

V_m=0.01          #viscosity2 in stoke 


#Reynolds number must be the same in the model and prototype for similar pipe flows



print "V_m=",V_m,"m/s"

Q_m=(math.pi/4)*(D_m**2)*(V_m)   #Discharge in the model

print "Q_m=",round(Q_m,1),"m^3/s"
V_m= 5.659 m/s
Q_m= 0.1 m^3/s

Example 6.22 Page No150

In [28]:
#variable initialisation

Lr=1/10                          #model length

mu_r=400                         #speed of prototype in km/h

rho_r=10                         #density 

Vr=1                             #model velocity

Vp=1                             #prototype velocity

Fm=500                           #Force ratio

fm=25                            #Frequency in Hz


#Reynolds number and prototype is same in this model.

Vm=Vp*mu_r/(rho_r*Lr)            #Velocity in m/s

print "Vm=",Vm,"km/h"

#Model Velocity is the same as prototype velocity

Fr=Lr**2*rho_r*Vr**2             #Force ratio


print "Fp=",Fp,"N"


Fp=fm/10                        #Prototype frequency

print "Fp=",Fp,"Hz"
Vm= 400.0 km/h
Fp= 5000.0 N
Fp= 2.5 Hz

Example 6.25 Page No151

In [34]:
import math

#variable initialisation

L_r=1/200      #horizontal scale

h_r=1/40       #vertical scale

Q_p=152        #normal discharge in m^3/s

y_p=2.0        #depth in metres

B_p=90         #width in metres

n_p=0.025      #roughness value




Q_m=Q_p*L_r*h*h_r*10                   #Discharge    

print "(i)Qm=",round(Q_m,2),"m^3/s"

y_m=y_p*h_r                            #Depth

print "(ii) ym=",y_m,"m"

B_m=B_p*L_r                            #Width

print "(iii)Bm=",B_m/10,"m"
a=math.pow(h_r,2/3)                    #Manning's n_m



print "(iv) n_m=",round(n_m,2)
(i)Qm= 0.03 m^3/s
(ii) ym= 0.05 m
(iii)Bm= 0.045 m
(iv) n_m= 0.03

Example 6.26 Page No151

In [30]:
import math

#variable initialisation

L_r=1/500      #horizontal scale ratio

h_r=1/50       #vertical scale ratio

T_p=12         #time period





T_r=round((L_r)/(a),5)  #Time ratio

T_p=12*60*60            #model period


a=T_m/60                #To separate minutes and seconds


print "Model Period T_m =",int(a),"minutes",int(b),"seconds"
Model Period T_m = 10 minutes 10 seconds

Example 6.27 Page No151

In [35]:
import math

#variable initialisation

L_r=1/250      #horizontal scale

h_r=1/25       #vertical scale

S_p=0.0002     #prototype slope

V_m=0.50       #velocity in m/s

Q_m=0.02       #discharge in m^3/s





S_m=round((S_p)*(S_r),3) #Slope ratio 

print "(i)S_m=",S_m


V_p=V_m/V_r              #Velocity ratio

print "(ii)V_p=", V_p,"r"


Q_p=(Q_m)/(Q_p)          #Discharge ratio

print "(iii)Q_p=",int(round(Q_p,1)),"m^3/s"
(i)S_m= 0.002
(ii)V_p= 2.5 r
(iii)Q_p= 625 m^3/s