#Variable declaration
v=3000 #volume in metre cube.
theta=0.2 #theta in owu(open window unit).
s=1850 #area in metre cube.
a=theta*s #calculating total absorbtion of surface.
T=(0.165*v)/a #calculating T using Sabine formula
print"Reverberation time of Room = ",round(T,2) ,"sec"
#Variable declaration
v=120000 #volume in metre cube.
t=1.5 #time in second.
s=25000 #area in metre cube.
a=(0.16*v)/(t*s) #using Sabine formula for calculating a
#Variable declaration
print"Average Absorbing Power of Surface = ",a,"o w u"
#Variable declaration
v=6000.0 #Volume in metre cube.
a=20.0 #surface absorbtion in owu(open window unit).
T=(0.165*v)/(a) #calculating T using Sabine Formula.
print"Reverberation Time = ",T,"sec"
print"\nNOTE:Calculation mistake in book"
v=3500 #volume in metre cube.
n1=370-300 #no. of audience on wooden seats.
n2=300-70 #no. of empty wooden seats.
a1s1=0.04*60 #absorption due to wooden doors.
a2s2=0.03*700 #absorption due to plastered walls.
a3s3=0.06*50 #absorption due to glass work.
a4s4=4.2*370 #absorption due to audience on spungy and wooden
a5s5=2*230 #absorption due to empty seats.
sum=a1s1+a2s2+a3s3+a4s4+a5s5 #total absorption of cinema hall.
T=(0.165*v)/sum #calculating T using Sabine Formula.
print"Reverberation Time = ",round(T,2),"sec"
import math
#Variable declaration
l=10 #length in centimetres.
Y=20*10**11 #Young's Modulus in dyne/cm square.
R=8 #Density in gram/cc
n=(1.0/(2*l))*math.sqrt(Y/R) #calculating frequency of vibration using
#young's modulus.
print"Frequency of vibration=",n,"Hz"
import math
#Variable declaration
t=0.1 #thickness in centimetre.
Y=8.75*10**11 #Young's Modulus in dyne/cm square.
R=2.654 #Density in gram/cm square.
n=(1/(2*t))*math.sqrt(Y/R) #calculating frequency using Young's modulus.
print"Frequency of Vibration=",round(n),"Hz"
#Variable declaration
K=2.026*10**9 #Bulk Modulus in N/m square.
R=10**3 #Density in Kg/m cube.
V=math.sqrt(K/R) #Calculating speed using Bulk Modulus.
print"Velocity of sound waves in water = ",round(V,2),"m/sec"
import math
#Variable declaration
Y=1.41 #Young's Modulus.
R=1.293*10**-3 #Density of air in g/centimetre cube.
P=76*13.6*980 #atmospheric pressure in dyne/cm square.
V=math.sqrt((Y*P)/R) #calculating speed using young's modulus.
print"Speed of ultrasonic wave in air at n.t.p=",round(V*10**-2,1),"m/sec"