# Calculations and Results
Dd = 52.215;
print "desired value = ", Dd
Pb = 4;
print "Protected block = ", Pb
R = Dd-Pb;
print "Reminder = ", R
Tp = 1.005;
print "thousand block = ", Tp
R = R-Tp;
print "Reminder = ", R
Hp = 1.010;
print "Hunderths block = ", Hp
R = R-Hp;
print "Reminder = ", R
Ttp = 2.20;
print "tenths block = ", Ttp
R = R-Ttp;
print "Reminder = ", R
Up = 4;
print "unit block = ", Up
R = R-Up;
print "Reminder = ", R
Tp = 40;
print "Tens block = ", Tp
R = R-Tp;
print "Reminder = ", R
import math
# Variables
Ps = 200.*10**3;
r = 0.6;
d2 = 0.5;
d1 = 0.5;
# Calculations and Results
a = (d2/d1**2);
x1 = (1.1-r)/(2*a);
print "x1 = ", x1
r = 0.8;
d2 = 0.5;
d1 = 0.5;
a = (d2/d1**2);
x2 = (1.1-r)/(2*a);
print "x2 = ", x2
x = x1-x2;
print "so the range is x (mm)", x
hS = math.pi*d2*10**-3;
A2 = math.pi*d2*10**-6*(x1+x2)/2;
pS = -0.4*Ps/A2;
pgS = 25*10**-3/1000;
S = hS*pS*pgS;
print "sensitivity = ", S
# Variables
Pi = 70.*10**3;
r = 0.4;
d2 = 1.6;
d1 = 0.75;
# Calculations and Results
a = (d2/d1**2);
x1 = (1.1-r)/(2*a);
print "x1 = ", x1
r = 0.9;
x2 = (1.1-r)/(2*a);
print "x2 = ", x2
x = x1-x2;
print "so the range is x (mm)", x
d = -2*a;
Wr = 12.5/Pi;
Wx = Wr/d;
print "uncertainity in lacement (mm)",Wx
# Variables
N = 12.;
lem = 0.644;
# Calculations
d = N*lem/2;
# Results
print "difference between height of workpieces and pile of slip gauges (micro-meter)", d
# Variables
N = 5.;
lem = 546.*10**-9;
# Calculations and Results
d = ((2*N-1)*lem*10**6)/4;
print "seperation distance between two surfaces(micro-meter)", d
x = 75;
th = math.atan(d/x);
print "angle of tilt", th
# Variables
x = 20./12;
L = 50-10;
lem = 0.6;
# Calculations
d = (L*lem)/(2*x);
# Results
print "difference in diameters of the rollers(micro-meter)", d
# Variables
d = 4.5-2.5;
# Calculations
Tg = 2*(0.5)*0.509;
# Results
print "change in thickness along its length(micro-meter)", Tg