import math
Go_reac = 97540.; #standard free energy of formation of reactant (J/mol)
Go_pdt = 51310.; #standard free energy of formation of product (J/mol)
R = 8.314; #ideal gas constant
T = 298.; #temperature (K)
#Reaction: N2O4(g) --> 2NO2(g)
# Calculations
#To calculate equilibrium constant
#Using eq. 9.50 (Page no.413)
Go = 2*Go_pdt - Go_reac;
#Using eq. 9.31 (Page no. 406)
K = math.e**(-Go/(R*T))
# Results
print 'The equilbrium constant %f'%K
# Variables
T1 = 298.; #temperature in K
Hf = -46100.; #standard heat of formation (J/mol)
Go = -16500.; #standard free energy change (J/mol)
R = 8.314; #ideal gas constant
T = 500.;
#Reaction: N2(g) + 3H2(g) --> 2NH3(g)
#To calculate the equilibrium constant at 500 K
#Using eq. 9.50 (Page no. 413)
# Calculations
del_Go = 2*Go;
import math
#Using eq. 9.31 (Page no. 406)
K1 = math.e**(-del_Go/(R*T1)) #equilibrium const at 298 K
Ho = 2*Hf; #standard heat of reaction
#Using eq. 9.37 (Page no. 411)
K = K1*(math.e**((-Ho/R)*(1/T - 1/T1)))
# Results
print 'The equilibrium constant at 500 K is %f'%K
# Variablesa
R = 8.314; #ideal gas constant
T2 = 317.; #temperature in K
T1 = 391.; #(K)
x2 = 0.31; #mol fraction of n-butane at 317 K
x1 = 0.43; #mol fraction of iso-butane at 391 K
# Calculations
#To calculate standard free energy change and heat of reaction
#At 317 K
K2 = (1-x2)/x2; #equilibrium constant at 317 K
K1 = (1-x1)/x1; #equilibrium constant at 391 K
import math
#Using eq. 9.31 (Page no. 406)
#Standard free energy change
G2 = -R*T2*math.log(K2 ) #at 317 K (J/mol)
G1 = -R*T1*math.log(K1 ) #at 391 K (J/mol)
#Using eq. 9.37 (Page no. 411)
Ho = -math.log(K2/K1)*R/(1/T2 - 1/T1)
# Calculations
print 'Standard free energy change of the reaction'
print ' At 317 K is %f J/mol'%G2
print ' At 391 K is %f J/mol'%G1
print ' Average value of heat of reaction is %f J/mol'%Ho
# Variables
To = 298.; #temperature in K
T = 700.; #(K)
R = 8.314; #ideal gas constant
Hf = -46100.; #standard heat of formation (J/mol)
Gf = -16500.; #standard free energy of formtion of ammonia (J/mol)
# Calculations
Ho = 2*Hf;
Go = 2*Gf;
alpha = 2*29.75 - 27.27 - 3*27.01;
betta = (2*25.11 - 4.93 - 3*3.51)*10**-3;
import math
#Using eq. 9.46 (Page no. 412)
del_H = Ho - alpha*To - (betta/2)*To**2;
#Using eq. 9.48 (Page no. 413)
A = -(Go - del_H + alpha*To*math.log(To) + (betta/2)*To**2)/(R*To)
#Using eq. 9.47 and 9.48 (Page no. 412)
K = math.e**((-del_H/(R*T)) + (alpha/R)*math.log(T) + (betta/(2*R))*T + A)
G = del_H - alpha*T*math.log(T) -(betta/2)*T**2 - A*R*T;
# Results
print 'At 700 K'
print ' Equilibrium constant is %3.2e'%K
print ' Standard free energy change is %f J/mol'%G
# Variables
T = 600.; #temperature in K
R = 8.314; #ideal gas constant
#Gibbs free energy at 600 K (J/mol K)
Gc = -203.81; #for CO
Gh = -136.39; #for hydrogen
Gm = -249.83; #for methanol
#Heats of formation at 298 K (J/mol)
Hc = -110500.; #for CO
Hm = -200700.; #for methanol
import math
# Calculations
#To calculate equilibrium constant at 600 K
Go = T*((Gm-Gc-(2*Gh)) + (1/T)*(Hm-Hc))
#Using eq. 9.31 (Page no. 406)
K = math.e**(-Go/(R*T))
# Results
print 'Equilibrium constant is %4.3e'%K
# Variables
T = 500.; #temperature in K
R = 8.314; #ideal gas constant
#Free energy at 500 K (J/mol K)
Fn = -177.5; #for nitrogen
Fh = -116.9; #for hydrogen
Fa = -176.9; #for ammonia
#The function (Ho at 298 K - Ho at 0 K) [J/mol]
Hn = 8669.; #for nitrogen
Hh = 8468.; #for hydrogen
Ha = 9920.; #for methanol
#Free energy of formation at 298 K (J/mol)
Hf = -46100.;
import math
#To calculate equilibrium constant at 500 K
# Calculations
#Using eq. 9.53 (Page no. 414)
sum_F = (2*Fa - Fn - 3*Fh) - (2*Ha - Hn - 3*Hh)/T; #(J/mol K)
#Using eq. 9.57 (Page no.415)
Go = T*(sum_F + 2*Hf/T)
K = math.e**(-Go/(R*T))
# Results
print 'Equilibrium constant is %f'%K
# Variables
P1 = 1.; #pressure (bar)
P2 = 2.; #(bar)
x1 = 0.15; #mol fraction of polymer at 1 bar
x2 = 0.367; #mol fraction of polymer at 2 bar
# Calculations
import math
n = round((math.log(x2/x1)+math.log(2))/(math.log(2)-math.log((1-x1)/(1-x2))))
# Results
print 'The value of n is %i'%n
from scipy.optimize import root
# Variables
#Reaction: N2 + 3H2 --> 2NH3
K = 2*10**-4; #equilibrium constant of reaction
P = 20; #(bar)
# Calculations and Results
#e(4-2e)/(1-e)**2 = 0.73485
#e = poly(0,'e')
def f(e):
return 2.73845*e**2 - 5.4697*e + 0.73485;
x = root(f,0)
print '(a) Percentage conversion is %f percent'%(x.x[0]*100)
P = 200; #(bar)
#e(4-2e)/(1-e)**2 = 7.3485
def f2(e):
return 9.3485*e**2 - 18.697*e + 7.3485;
x = root(f2,0)
print ' (b) Percentage conversion is %f percent'%(x.x[0]*100)
# Variables
K = 1; #equilibrium constant for reaction
# Calculations and Results
e = 1./2;
print '(a) Fractional dissociation of steam is %i percent'%(e*100)
#On solving we get
e = 1./2;
print ' (b) After dilution fractional distillation of steam is %i percent'%(e*100)
from scipy.optimize import root
# Variables
K = 2.*10**-4; #equilibrium constant of reaction
P = 20.; #pressure in bar
def f(e):
return 1.3674*e**2 - 3.7348*e + 0.3674;
x = root(f,0)
# Results
print 'Percentage coversion in presence of argon is %f percent'%(x.x[0]*100)
print ' while in absence of argon is 14.48 percent' #From example 9.13
# Variables
P = 1.; #pressure in bar
K = 1.; #equilibrium constant of reaction
e)(2-e)] = K = 1% so
e = 2./3;
print '(a). The conversion of steam is %f percent'%(e*100)
#(b). CO supplied is only 50% of the theoretical requirement
#Mole fraction of components
#CO: (0.5-e)/1.5
#H20: (1-e)/1.5
#CO2: e/1.5
#H2: e/1.5
#e**2/[(0.5-e)(1-e)] = K = 1
#1.5e-0.5 = 1
e = 0.5/1.5;
print ' (b). Percentage conversion of steam is %f percent'%(e*100)
# Variables
K = 1.; #equilibrium constant of reaction
# Calculations
e = 1./3;
# Results
print 'Percentage conversion of steam is %f percent'%(e*100)
# Variables
#Reaction: CO(g) + 2H2(g) --> CH3OH(g)
Kf = 4.9*10**-5;
Kfi = 0.35;
P = 300.; #pressure in bar
n_CO = 25.;
n_H2 = 55.;
n_inert = 20.;
v = -1-2+1; #change in number of moles in reaction
# Calculations
#Mole fractions in the equilibrium mixture
#CO = (25-e)/(100-2e)
#H2 = (55-2e)/(100-2e)
#CH3OH = e/(100-2e)
Ky = (Kf/Kfi)*P**(-v)
#[e/(100-2e)]/[(25-e)/(100-2e)][(55-2e)/(100-2e)]**2 = Ky% so
def f(e):
return (4+4*Ky)*e**3 - (400+320*Ky)*e**2 + (10000+8525*Ky)*e - 75625*Ky
x = root(f,0)
conv = x.x[0]/n_CO; #first two roots are complex
# Results
print 'Percentage conversion of CO is %f percent'%(conv*100)
# Variables
#Reaction: 1/2N2 + 3/2H2 --> NH3
Kp = 1.25*10**-2 ; #equilibrium constant
P = 50; #pressure in bar
v = 1-(3./2)-(1./2) #change in number of moles in reaction
#Initial composition of gas mixture
n_h = 60.;
n_n = 20.;
n_inert = 100-n_h-n_n;
# Calculations
Ky = Kp*(P**-v)
#e/(100-e)/[(20-(e/2)]**1/2[{60-(3e/2)}/(100-e)]**3/2 = Ky
#e = poly(0%'e'
def f(e):
return (1.6875*Ky**2-1)*e**4 - (270*Ky**2+200)*e**3 + (16200*Ky**2-10000)*e**2 - (334800*Ky**2)*e + 4320000*Ky**2;
x = root(f,0)
e = x.x[0]
#x(4) being the only positive root is the percentage conversion
#Mole fractions in equilibrium mixture
x_n = (20-(e/2))/(100-e)
x_h = (60-3*(e/2))/(100-e)
x_a = e/(100-e)
x_inert = 1 - x_n - x_h - x_a;
# Results
print 'Composition of gas leaving the reactor is'
print ' Nitrogen : %f percent'%(x_n*100)
print ' Hydrogen : %f percent'%(x_h*100)
print ' Ammonia : %f percent'%(x_a*100)
print ' Inert gas : %f percent'%(x_inert*100)
# Variables
P = 85.; #pressure in bar
n_e = 0.015; #mol percent of ethanol
n_w = 0.95; #mole percent of water
n_a = 0.48; #mol percent of ethylene in vapour phase
M = 18.; #molecular mass of water
fc = 0.9; #fugacity coeffecient for ethylene
#To evaluate the equilibrium constant
#K = a_c/(a_a*a_b)
# Calculations
m_e = n_e/(n_w*M*10**-3) #mol/kg water
a_c = m_e;
fa = fc*n_a*P; #bar
a_a = fa;
#Since mol fraction of water is close to unity% so fugacity coeffecient of water is assumed to be 1
a_b = n_w;
K = a_c/(a_a*a_b)
# Results
print 'The equilibrium constant is %5.4e (mol C2H4)/(kg water bar)'%K
# Variables
T = 1000.; #temperature of reaction in K
P = 1.; #pressure in bar
R = 8.314; #ideal gas constant
import math
#Function for standard free energy of the reaction
def G(T):
y = 1.8856*10**5 - 243.42*T + 11.8478*T*math.log(T) - 3.1045*10**-3*T**2 + 1.7271*10**-6*T**3 - (4.1784*10**5)/T
return y
# Calculations and Results
K = math.e**(-Go/(R*T))
#Using eq. 9.75 (Page no. 432)
p_CO2 = K; #decomposition pressure
print 'Decomposition pressure of limestone at 1000 K s %f bar'%p_CO2
#At pressure = 1 bar
K = 1.;
Go = 0.; #since K = 1
T = 1160.; #assumed temperature (K)
flag = 1.;
res = round(G(T))
flag = 0;
T = T+1;
print 'Decomposition temperature at 1 bar is %i K'%T
# Variables
K = 0.403; #equilibrium constant of reaction
T = 1200.; #temperature of reaction (K)
To = 273.; #standard temperature (K)
Vo = 22.4*10**-3; #molar volume at STP
M = 55.8; #molecular mass of iron
n = 100.; #moles of gas entering
n_C = 20.; #moles of carbon mono oxide
n_N = 80.; #moles of nitrogen
# Calculations
#Let e be the extent of reaction
#Mole fractions in equilibrium mixture
#CO = (20-e)/100
#CO2 = e/100
#e/(20-e) = K
e = (20*K)/(1+K)
n_CO2 = e; #moles of CO2 at equilibrium
n_Fe = n_CO2; #by stoichiometry
V = (n*Vo*T)/To; #volume of 100 mol of gas at 1200 K and 1 bar
#Let m be iron produced per 100 m**3 gas
m = (n_Fe*100*M)/V;
# Results
print 'Iron produced per 100 cubic m of gas is %f kg'%(m/1000)
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
# Variables
P = 1.; #pressure in bar
K1 = 0.574; #equilibrium constant for eq. 9.88 (Page no. 437)
K2 = 2.21; #equilibrium constant for eq. 9.89 (Page no. 437)
v1 = 1+3-1-1;
v2 = 1+1-1-1;
Ky1 = K1*P**-v1;
Ky2 = K2*P**-v2;
# Calculations
#mole fractions in equilibrium mixture are:
#CH4: (1-e1)/(6+2e1)
#H2O: (5-e1-e2)/(6+2e1)
#CO: (e1-e2)/(6+2e1)
#H2: (3e1+e2)/(6+2e1)
#CO2: e2/(6+2e1)
#For 1st reaction:
#Ky1 = [(e1-e2)(3e1+e2)**3]/[(1-e1)(5-e1-e2)(6+2e1)**2]
#For 2nd reaction:
#Ky2 = [e2(3e1+e2)]/[(e1-e2)(5-e1-e2)]
#on solving% we get:
def f2(e):
f_1 = ((e[0]-e[1])*(3*e[0]+e[1])**3)/((1-e[0])*(5-e[0]-e[1])*(6+2*e[0])**2)-Ky1
f_2 = (e[1]*(3*e[0]+e[1]))/((e[0]-e[1])*(5-e[0]-e[1]))-Ky2
y = [f_1,f_2]
return y
eo = [0.9,0.6]; #initial guesses
e = fsolve(f2,eo)
#Mole fraction of components:
n_m = (1-e[0])/(6+2*e[0])
n_w = (5-e[0]-e[1])/(6+2*e[0])
n_CO = (e[0]-e[1])/(6+2*e[0])
n_h = (3*e[0]+e[1])/(6+2*e[0])
n_c = e[1]/(6+2*e[0])
# Results
print 'Mole fraction of the components are:'
print ' Methane = %f'%n_m
print ' Water = %f'%n_w
print ' Carbon monoxide = %f'% n_CO
print ' Hydrogen = %f'%n_h
print ' Carbon dioxide = %f'%n_c
# Variables
#A system consisting of CO% CO2% H2% H2O% CH4
r = 2.;
C = 5.; #no. of components
pi = 1.; #no. of phases
# Calculations
#From eq. 9.90 (Page no. 438)
F = C-pi-r+2;
# Results
print 'The number of degrees of freedom are %i'%F