import math
W = 75.0 #Work done (in Joules)
Q = 50.0 #Charge produced (in Coulomb)
V = W/Q #Voltage between battery terminals (in Volts)
print "Terminal voltage of a battery is ",V," V."
import math
V = 1.5 #Voltage (in Volts)
E =7.5 #Energy produced (in Joules)
Q = E/V #Charge separated ( in Coulomb )
print "The Amount of charge separated by the battery is ",Q," C."
import math
Q = 7.5 #Charge (in Coulomb)
t = 0.5 #Time (in minute)
t = 0.5 * 60 #Time (in seconds)
I= Q/t #Current (in Ampere)
print "The current in the element is ",I," A."
import math
I = 5 #Current (in Ampere)
Q = 4 * 10**-3 #Charge (in Coulomb)
t = Q/I #time (in seconds)
print "Time in which the 4 mC of charge flows through this element is ",t * 10**3," ms."
import math
I = 0.3 #Current (in Ampere)
W = 9.45 #Heat (in Joules)
t = 5 #Time (in seconds)
Q = I * t
V = W/Q #Voltage (in Volts)
print "The voltage across filament is ",V," volts."
import math
p = 2.83 * 10**-8 #Resistivity (in ohm-meter)
w = 0.5 #width (in meter)
t = 2 * 10**-3 #thickness (in meter)
l = 1 #length (in meter)
A = w * t #Area of cross-section (in metersquare)
R = p*l/A #Resistance (in ohm)
print "The resistance between left end and right end is ",R * 10**6," micro-ohm."
import math
#Case 1:
w = 0.01 #width (in meter)
h = 0.01 #height (in meter)
l = 0.50 #length (in meter)
p = 3.5 * 10**-5 #Resistivity (in ohm-meter)
A = w * h #Area of cross section (in metersquare)
R = p*l/A #Resistance (in ohm)
#Result 1:
print "Resistance in case 1 is : ",R," ohm."
#Case 2:
w = 0.50 #width (in meter)
h = 0.01 #height (in meter)
l = 0.01 #length (in meter)
A = w * h #Area of cross section (in metersquare)
R = p*l/A #Resistance (in ohm-meter)
print "Resistance in case 2 is: ",R," ohm."
import math
l = 120 #length of wire (in meter)
d = 0.25 * 10**-2 #Diameter of cross section (in meter)
p = 1.7 * 10**-8 #Resistivity (in ohm-meter)
r = d/2 #Radius of cross section (in meter)
A = math.pi *r*r #Area of cross section (in metersquare)
R = p*l/A #Resistance (in ohm)
print "Resistance of the wire is ",round(R,3)," ohm."
import math
p = 2.8 * 10**-8 #Resistivity (in ohm-meter)
d = 0.15 * 10**-2 #Diameter of wire (in meter)
R = 10 #Resistance (in ohm)
A = math.pi *d*d/4 #Area of cross section (in metersquare)
l = R*A/p #Length of wire (in meter)
print "Length of the wire is ",round(l)," meter."
import math
p = 1.7 * 10**-8 #Resistivity (in ohm-meter)
l = 2 * 150 #Length (in meter)
R = 0.722 #Resistance (in ohm)
A = p*l/R #Area of cross section (in metersquare)
d = (A * 4 / math.pi)**0.5 #diameter of wire (in meter)
print " Diameter of the wire is : ",round(d * 10**3)," mm."
import math
lc = 200 #Length of copper wire (in meter)
Rc = 1.5 #Resistance of Copper wire(in ohm)
pc = 1.7 * 10**-8 #Resistivity of (in ohm-meter)
ls = 10 #Length of silver wire (in meter)
ps = 1.6 * 10**-8 #Resistivity of Silver (in ohm-meter)
A = pc * lc / Rc #Area of cross section (in metersquare)
Rs = ps * ls / A #Resistance of silver wire(in ohm)
print "The resistance of silver wire is ",round(Rs,2)," ohm."
import math
T1 = 800 #Temperature (in celsius degeree)
T2 = 2250 #Temperature (in celsius degeree)
R20 = 3.49 #Resistance at 20 degree celsius (in ohm)
alpha20 = 4.5 * 10**-3 #Temperature coefficient at 20 degree celsius (in per degree Celsius)
R800 = R20 * (1 + alpha20*(T1 - 20)) #Resistance at 800 degree celsius (in ohm)
R2250 = R20 * (1 + alpha20*(T2-20)) #Resistance at 2250 degree celsius (in ohm)
print "Resistance at 800 degree celsius is ",round(R800,1), " ohm.\nResistance at 2250 degree celsius is ",round(R2250,1)," ohm."
import math
T1 = 20 #Temperature (in degree celsius)
R1 = 10000 #Resistance at 20 degree celsius (in ohm)
T2 = -25 #Temperature (in degree celsius)
alpha = 0.0039 #Temperature coefficient at 20 degree celsius (in per degree Celsius)
R80 = R1*(1 + alpha*(80 - T1)) #Resistance at 80 degree celsius (in ohm)
RT2 = R1*(1 + alpha*(-25 - T1)) #Resistance at -25 degree celsius (in ohm)
print "Resistance at 80 degree celsius is ",round(R80 * 10**-3,1)," kilo-ohm.\nResistance at -25 degree celsius is ",round(RT2 * 10**-3,1)," kilo-ohm."
import math
p = 14 * 10**-8 #Resistivity of gold (in ohm-meter)
alpha = 5.8 * 10**-4 #Temperature coefficient (in per degree celsius)
l = 3 #Length (in meter)
d = 13 * 10**-6 #diameter of wire
A = math.pi * d * d / 4 #Area of cross-section (in metersquare)
R = p * l /A #Resistance of wire at 20 degree celsius(in ohm)
R1 = R*(1 + alpha*(200-20))
print "Resistance of wire at 200 degree celsius is ",round(R1,1)," ohm."
import math
R = 10*10**-3 #Resistance (in ohm)
G = 1/R #Conductance (in siemens)
print "The conductance of gold conductor is ",G," siemens."
import math
R = 10.0*10**3 #Resistance (in ohm)
G = 1/R #Conductance (in siemens)
print "The conductance of gold conductor is ",G," siemens."
import math
G = 50*10**-6 #Conductance (in siemens)
R = 1/G #Resistance (in ohm)
print "The Resistance is ",R * 10**-3," kilo-ohm."
import math
V = 18 #Voltage (in volts)
I = 60*10**-6 #current (in Ampere)
R = V/I #Resistance (in ohm)
G = 1/R #Conductance (in siemens)
print "The conductance is ",round(G * 10**6,2)," micro-siemens."
import math
R = 600.00 #Resistance (in ohm)
V = 230.00 #Voltage (in volts)
I = V/R #Current (in Ampere)
print "Current in the power line is ",round(I,3)," A."
import math
R = 8 #Resistance (in ohm)
I = 2.5 #Current (in Ampere)
V = I*R #Voltage (in volts)
print "The maximum safe voltage is ",V," volts."
import math
R = 1.5 * 10**3 #Resistance (in ohm)
I = 16 * 10**-3 #Current (in Ampere)
V = I*R #Voltage (in volts)
print "The voltage that must be applied to the relay coil to energize it is ",V," volts."
import math
I = 20 * 10**-3 #Current per segment (in Ampere)
V = 5 #Voltage (in volts)
R = V/I #Resistance (in ohm)
print "Resistance that must be inserted into the circuit of each segment is ",R," ohm."
import math
V = 7 * 2 #Voltage : 7 div * (2 V/div) (in volts)
I = 5 * 5 * 10**-3 #Current : 5 div * (5 * 10**-3) (in Ampere)
R = V/I #Resistance (in ohm)
print "The value of resistance is ",R," ohm."
import math
W = 64000 #Heat produced (in Joules)
t = 40 #time (in seconds)
P = W/t #Rate at which electrical energy is converted into heat energy (in watt)
print "The rate at which electrical energy is converted into heat energy is : ",P," W."
import math
I = 5 #Current (in Ampere)
V = 230 #Voltage (in volts)
P = V*I #Power consumed (in watt)
print "The power consumed by the toaster is: ",P," watt."
import math
P = 36.0 #Power consumed (in watt)
V = 230.0 #Voltage (in volts)
I = P/V #Current (in Ampere)
print "Current through filament is ",round(I,3)," A."
import math
P = 150 *12/1000.0 #Power consumed by 12 bulbs (in kilowatt)
t = 10.0 #Time (in hours)
W = P * t #Energy used (in kWh)
print "The energy used is ",W," kWh."
import math
Ps = 500.0 #Power of stereo system (in watt)
Pa = 2400.0 #Power of air conditioner (in watt)
t = 3 #time (in hours)
P = (Ps + Pa)/1000 #Total power consumed (in kilowatt)
W = P * t #Energy used (in kilowatthour)
print "The energy used is ",W," kWh."
import math
V = 230.0 #Voltage (in volts)
P = 180.0 #Power (in watt)
I = P/V #Current (in Ampere)
print "The input current is ",round(I,3)," A."
import math
V = 24.0 #Voltage (in volts)
I = 2.0 #Current (in Ampere)
Pb = 0.5 #Power rating of each light bulb (in watt)
P = V * I #Maximum power (in watt)
P80 = P * 0.8 #80% of power rating (in watt)
n = (P80//Pb) #Number of bulbs required
print "The number of bulbs required is ",n,"."
import math
R = 750.0 #Resistance (in ohm)
I = 32.0 #Current (in milliAmpere)
P = I**2 * 10**-6 * R #Power (in watt)
print "Power consumed by relay coil is ",P*1000," mW."
import math
R = 36.0 #Resistance (in ohm)
V = 230.0 #Voltage (in volts)
P = V**2/R #Power (in watt)
print "Power rating is ",round(P/1000,3)," kW."
import math
P = 36 #Power (in watt)
V = 230.0 #Voltage (in volts)
R = V**2/P #Resistance (in ohm)
print "Resistance of the heating element is ",round(R)," ohm."
import math
#Case a :
R = 8.0 #Resistance (in ohm)
P1 = 60.0 #Power (in watt)
I1 = (P1/R)**0.5 #Current (in Ampere)
#Case b :
R = 8.0 #Resistance (in ohm)
P2 = 120.0 #Power (in watt)
I2 = (P2/R)**0.5 #Current (in Ampere)
print "Maximum new current is ",round(I1,2)," A.\nMaximum new current is ",round(I2,2)," A."
import math
R = 30.0 #Resistance (in kiloohm)
I #Value of previous current (in Ampere)
I1 = 1.5*I #New value of current (in Ampere)
P = I**2 * R #Power dissipated due to previous current (in kilowatt)
P1 = I1**2 * R #Power dissipated due to new current (in kilowatt)
P2 = (P1 - P)/P * 100 #Percentage increase in power dissipation
print "Percentage Increase in power dissipation is ",P2," %."
import math
V = 6.0 #voltage (in volts)
C = 2.0 #Capacity of battery (in Ampere-hour)
P = 1.2 #Power rating (in watt)
R = V**2 / P #Resistance (in ohm)
I = V/R #Current (in Ampere)
t = C/I #time (in hour)
print "Battery will last for ",t," hours."