Chapter 6 , A.C. Fundamentals

Example 6.1 , Page Number 94

In [1]:
import math


t = 1.0          #time (in milliseconds)
n = 10.0         #number of cycles


T = t/n          #Time period (in milliseconds)


print "Time period by one cycle is ",T," ms."
Time period by one cycle is  0.1  ms.

Example 6.2 , Page Number 94

In [2]:
import math


t = 0.01          #Time period of positive half cycle (in seconds)


t1 = 0.01         #Time period of negative half cycle (in seconds)
T = t + t1        #Time period of one complete cycle (in seconds)


print " Time period of rectified input is ",T," s."
 Time period of rectified input is  0.02  s.

Example 6.3 , Page Number 95

In [3]:
import math


n = 5.0                  #number of cycles
t = 10.0                 #time period (in micro-seconds)


f = n / t                #frequency (in Mega-hertz)
T = 1/f                  #Time period (in micro-seconds)


print "Frequency and Time period of the sine wave is ",f," MHz and ",T," micro-seconds."
Frequency and Time period of the sine wave is  0.5  MHz and  2.0  micro-seconds.

Example 6.4 , Page Number 95

In [4]:
import math


f = 69.0                #frequency (in Mega-hertz)


T = 1/f                 #Time period (in micro-seconds)


print "Time period is ",round(T * 10**3,2), " ns." 
Time period is  14.49  ns.

Example 6.5 , Page Number 97

In [5]:
import math


Vmax = 20.0            #Voltage (in milli-volts)


Vrms = 0.707 * Vmax    #Rms Voltage (in milli-volts)
Vdc = 0.637 * Vmax     #Average value of signal (in milli-volts)


print "RMS value is ",Vrms," mV.\nAverage value is ",Vdc," mV."
RMS value is  14.14  mV.
Average value is  12.74  mV.