Chapter 12 , PN Junction Diode

Example 12.1 , Page Number 226

In [5]:
import math


I0 = 2 * 10**-7              #Current (in Ampere)
VF = 0.1                     #Forward voltage (in volts)


I = I0 * (math.exp(40*VF)-1)      #Current through diode (in Ampere)


print "Current throrough diode is ",round(I*10**6,2)," micro-Ampere."
Current throrough diode is  10.72  micro-Ampere.

Example 12.2 , Page Number 226

In [14]:
import math


VF = 0.22                      #Forward voltage (in volts)
T = 298.0                      #Temperature (in kelvin)
I0 = 10**-3                    #Current (in Ampere)
n = 1


VT = T/11600                   #Volt equivalent of temperature (in volts)
I = I0*(exp(VF/(n*VT))-1)      #Diode Current (in Ampere) 


print "Diode current is ",round(I,1)," A."
Diode current is  5.2  A.

Example 12.3 , Page Number 226

In [2]:
import math


I1 = 0.5 * 10**-3          #Diode current1 (in Ampere)
V1 = 340 * 10**-3          #Voltage1 (in volts)
I2 = 15 * 10**-3           #Diode current2 (in Ampere)
V2 = 440 * 10**-3          #Voltage2 (in volts)


n = 4/math.log(30)                #By solving both the given equations


print "Value of n is ",round(n,2),"."
Value of n is  1.18 .

Example 12.4 , Page Number 228

In [12]:
import math


I300 = 10 * 10**-6             #Current at 300 kelvin (in Ampere)
T1 = 300                       #Temperature (in kelvin)
T2 = 400                       #Temperature (in kelvin)


I400 = I300 * 2**((T2-T1)/10)  #Current at 400 kelvin (in Ampere)  


print "Current at 400 k is ",round(I400*10**3,1)," mA."
Current at 400 k is  10.2  mA.

Example 12.5 , Page Number 230

In [11]:
import math


rb = 2               #bulk resistance (in ohm)
IF = 12 * 10**-3     #FOrward current (in Ampere)


VF = 0.6 + IF * rb   #Voltage drop (in volts)


print "Voltage drop across a silicon diode is ",VF," V."
Voltage drop across a silicon diode is  0.624  V.

Example 12.6 , Page Number 230

In [10]:
import math


T = 398.0                    #Temperature (in kelvin)
I0 = 30 * 10**-6             #Reverse saturation current (in Ampere)
V = 0.2                      #Voltage (in volts)


VT = T/11600                 #Volt equivalent of temperature (in volts)
I = I0 * (math.exp(V/VT)-1)       #Diode current (in Ampere)
rac = VT/I0 * math.exp(-V/VT)     #dynamic resistance in forward direction (in ohm)
rac1 = VT/I0 * math.exp(V/VT)     #dynamic resistance in reverse direction (in ohm)


print "Dynamic resistance in forward direction is ",round(rac,2)," ohm.\nDynamic resistance in backward direction is ",round(rac1/10**6,3)," Mega-ohm."
Dynamic resistance in forward direction is  3.36  ohm.
Dynamic resistance in backward direction is  0.389  Mega-ohm.

Example 12.8 , Page Number 237

In [9]:
import math


PDmax = 0.5              #power dissipation (in watt)
VF = 1                   #Forward voltage (in volts)
VBR = 150                #Breakdown voltage (in volts)


IFmax = PDmax/VF         #Maximum forward current (in Ampere)
IR = PDmax/VBR           #Breakdwon current that burns out the diode (in Ampere)


print "Maximum forward current is ",IFmax," A.\nBreakdwon current that burns out the diode is ",round(IR*10**3,2)," mA."
Maximum forward current is  0.5  A.
Breakdwon current that burns out the diode is  3.33  mA.

Example 12.9 , Page Number 238

In [8]:
import math


R = 330                   #Resistance (in ohm)
VS = 5                    #Source voltage (in volts)


VD = VS                   #Voltage drop across diode (in volts)
VR = 0                    #Voltage drop across the resistance (in volts)
I = 0                     #Current through circuit


print "Voltage drop across the diode is ",VD," V.\nVoltage drop across the resistance is ",VR," V.\nCurrent through the circuit is ",I," A."
Voltage drop across the diode is  5  V.
Voltage drop across the resistance is  0  V.
Current through the circuit is  0  A.

Example 12.10 , Page Number 239

In [7]:
import math


VS = 12.0                     #Source coltage (in volts)
R = 470.0                     #Resistance (in ohm)


VD = 0                      #Voltage drop across diode (in volts)
VR = VS                     #Value of VR (in volts)
I = VS/R                    #Current (in Ampere)


print "Value of VD is ",VD," V.\nValue of VR is ",VR," V.\nCurrent through the circuit is ",round(I*10**3,2)," mA."
Value of VD is  0  V.
Value of VR is  12.0  V.
Current through the circuit is  25.53  mA.

Example 12.11 , Page Number 239

In [6]:
import math


VS = 6                 #Source voltage (in volts)
R1 = 330               #Resistance (in ohm)
R2 = 470               #Resistance (in ohm)
VD = 0.7               #Diode voltage (in volts)


RT = R1 + R2           #Total Resistance (in ohm)
I = (VS - 0.7)/RT      #Current through the diode


print "Current through the circuit is ",I * 10**3," mA."
Current through the circuit is  6.625  mA.

Example 12.12 , Page Number 240

In [5]:
import math


VS = 5                 #Source voltage (in volts)
R = 510                #Resistance (in ohm)
VF = 0.7               #Forward voltage drop (in volts)


VR = VS - VF           #Net voltage (in volts)
I = VR / R             #Current through the diode


print "Voltage across the resistor is ",VR," V.\nThe circuit current is ",round(I * 10**3,2)," mA."
Voltage across the resistor is  4.3  V.
The circuit current is  8.43  mA.

Example 12.13 , Page Number 240

In [4]:
import math


VS = 6                         #Source voltage (in volts)
VD1 = VD2 = 0.7                #Diode Voltage drop (in volts)
R = 1.5 * 10**3                #Resistance (in ohm)


I = (VS - VD1 - VD2)/R         #Current (in Ampere)


print "Total current through the circuit is ",round(I * 10**3,3)," mA." 
Total current through the circuit is  3.067  mA.

Example 12.14 , Page Number 240

In [3]:
import math


VS = 12                          #Source voltage (in volts)
R1 = 1.5 * 10**3                 #Resistance (in ohm)
R2 = 1.8 * 10**3                 #Resistance (in ohm)
VD1 = VD2 = 0.7                  #Diode Voltage drop (in volts)


RT = R1 + R2                     #Total Resistance (in ohm)
I = (VS - VD1 - VD2)/RT          #Current (in Ampere)


print "Total current through the circuit is ",round(I * 10**3,3)," mA." 
Total current through the circuit is  3.212  mA.

Example 12.15 , Page Number 241

In [2]:
import math


R = 3.3 * 10**3              #Resitance (in ohm) 


#Case (a)

V11 = V21 = 0                #Voltages (in volts)
V01 = 0                      #Output Voltage (in volts)

#Case (b)

V21 = 0                      #Voltage (in volts)
V22 = 5                      #Voltage (in volts)
V02 = V22 - 0.7              #Output voltage (in volts)  

#Case (c)

V31 = 5                      #Voltage (in volts)
V32 = 0                      #Voltages (in volts)
V03 = V31 - 0.7              #Output voltage (in volts)  

#Case (d)

V41 = V42 = 5                #Voltages (in volts)
V04 = V41 - 0.7              #Output voltage (in volts)  


print "Output Voltage in case 1 is ",V01," V.\nOutput Voltage in case 2 is ",V02," V.\nOutput Voltage in case 3 is ",V03," V.\nOutput Voltage in case 4 is ",V04," V."
Output Voltage in case 1 is  0  V.
Output Voltage in case 2 is  4.3  V.
Output Voltage in case 3 is  4.3  V.
Output Voltage in case 4 is  4.3  V.

Example 12.16 , Page Number 242

In [2]:
import math
import numpy
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,title,xlabel,ylabel


rB = 1.0                                    #bulk resistance (in ohm)
V = 10 * 10**-3                             #Signal Amplitude (in volts)


#Case (a)

R = 20.0                                    #Resitance (in kilo-ohm)
Vg = 20.0                                   #Source voltage (in volts)
I = (Vg - 0.7)/R                            #Current (in milli-Ampere)         

#Case (b)

rj = 50.0                                   #junction resistance (in ohm)
re = rB + rj                                #a.c. resistance (n ohm)
rnet = re * (R*10**3)/(re + (R*10**3))      #Net resistance (in ohm)
V1 = V * re/(re + 1000)                     #Voltage drop across 51 ohm resitance (in ohm)


print "Current in dc circuit is ",round(I)," mA.\na.c voltage drop across 51 ohm resistance is ",round(V1*10**3,3)," mV."


x = numpy.linspace(-4*math.pi,4*math.pi,500)
y = numpy.sin(x)
plot(x,0.7 + 0.48*10**-3*y)
title("Total Voltage 'V' across the diode")
xlabel("t(in seconds)->")
ylabel("Voltage(in volts)->")
Current in dc circuit is  1.0  mA.
a.c voltage drop across 51 ohm resistance is  0.485  mV.
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x652ae90>