import math
IDSS = 15.0 #Drain-Source current (in milli-Ampere)
VGSoff = -5.0 #Gate-Source voltage (in volts)
#When VGS = 0 volts
VGS1 = 0 #VGS (in volts)
ID1 = IDSS * (1 - (VGS1 /VGSoff)**2) #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
#When VGS = -1 volt
VGS2 = -1 #VGS (in volts)
ID2 = IDSS * (1 - VGS2 /VGSoff)**2 #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
#When VGS = -4 volt
VGS3 = -4 #VGS (in volts)
ID3 = IDSS * (1 - VGS3 /VGSoff)**2 #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
print "Drain current when VGS = 0 V is ",ID1," mA.\nDrain Current when VGS = -1 V is ",ID2," mA.\nDrain Current when VGS = -4 V is ",ID3," mA."
import numpy
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,title,xlabel,ylabel
VGSoff = -20.0 #Gate-Source voltage (in volts)
IDSS = 12.0 #Drain-Source current (in milli-Ampere)
#When VGS = -5 V
VGS1 = -5 #VGS (in volts)
ID1 = IDSS * (1 - VGS1/VGSoff)**2 #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
#When VGS = -10 V
VGS2 = -10 #VGS (in volts)
ID2 = IDSS * (1 - VGS2/VGSoff)**2 #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
#When VGS = -15 V
VGS3 = -15 #VGS (in volts)
ID3 = IDSS * (1 - VGS3/VGSoff)**2 #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
print "Drain current when VGS = 0 V is ",ID1," mA.\nDrain Current when VGS = -1 V is ",ID2," mA.\nDrain Current when VGS = -4 V is ",ID3," mA."
x = numpy.linspace(-20,0,100)
y = x
title("transconductance curve")
xlabel("Gate-to-Source voltage VGS (V)")
ylabel("Drain current ID(mA)")
import math
import numpy
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,title,xlabel,ylabel,annotate
VGSoffmin = -2.0 #Gate-Source voltage (in volts)
VGSoffmax = -6.0 #Gate-Source voltage (in volts)
IDSSmin = 8.0 #Drain-Source current (in milli-Ampere)
IDSSmax = 20 #Drain-Source current (in milli-Ampere)
#ID = IDSS * (1 - VGS/VGSoff)**2 #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
#Plotting different values of VGS in the graph
print "The maximum curve and minimum curves are plotted as shown in the following plots."
x1 = numpy.linspace(-2,0,2)
y1 = x1
plot(x1,8 * (1 + y1/2)**2)
x2 = numpy.linspace(-6,0,2)
y2 = x2
plot(x2,20 * (1 + y2/6)**2,'r')
title("VGs vs ID")
xlabel("Gate-to-Source voltage (VGS)")
ylabel("Drain current ID (mA)")
annotate("maximum curve",xy=(-5,10))
annotate("minimum curve",xy=(-2.5,5))
import math
VGS1 = -3.1 #Gate-Source voltage (in volts)
VGS2 = -3.0 #Gate-Source voltage (in volts)
ID1 = 1.0 #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
ID2 = 1.3 #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
dVGS = VGS2 - VGS1 #Change in Gate-Source voltage (in volts)
dID = ID2 - ID1 #Change in Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
gm = dID / dVGS #Transconductance (in milli-Ampere per volt)
print "The value of transconductance is ",gm," mA/V."
#Calculation error in book in the value of gm.
IDSS = 20.0 #Drain-Source current (in milli-Ampere)
VP = -8.0 #Peak-point Voltage (in volts)
VGS = -4.0 #Gate-Source voltage (in volts)
gmo = 5000 * 10**-3 #Transconductance (in milli-Ampere per volt)
ID = IDSS * (1 - VGS/VP)**2 #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
gm = gmo * (1 - VGS/VP) #Transconductance (in milli-Ampere per volt)
print "The value of transconductance at VGS = -4 V is ",gm * 10**3," micro-S.\nThe value of drain current at VGs = -4 V is ",ID," mA."
import math
IDon = 10.0 #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
VGS = -12.0 #Gate-Source voltage (in volts)
VGSth = -3.0 #Threshold Gate-Source voltage (in volts)
VGS1 = -6.0 #Gate-Source voltage in another case (in volts)
K = IDon/(VGS - VGSth)**2 #Transconductance (milli-Ampere per volt)
ID = round(K,2) * (VGS1 - VGSth)**2 #Drain current (in milli-Ampere)
print "Since the value of VGS is negative for the enhancement-type MOSFET ,this indicated that device is P-channel."
print "The value of ID when VGS = -6 V is ",ID," mA."