import math
dVL = 100.0 * 10**-6 #Change in output voltage (in volts)
dVin = 5.0 #Change in input voltage (in volts)
LR = dVL / dVin #Line regulation (in volt per volt)
print "The value of line regulation is ",LR * 10**6," micro-volt/volt."
import math
LR = 1.4 #Line regulation (in micro-volt per volt)
dVS = 10 #Change in source voltage (in volts)
dVL = LR * dVS #Change in output voltage (in micro-volts)
print "The change in output voltage is ",dVL," micro-volt."
import math
dIL = 40.0 #Change in current (in milli-Ampere)
VNL = 8.0 #Voltage under no load (in volts)
VFL = 7.995 #Voltage under full load (in volts)
LR = (VNL - VFL)/ dIL #Line regulation (in milli-volt per milli-Ampere)
print "Line regulation is ",LR * 10**3,"mV/mA."
import math
LR = 10.0 #Load regulation (in micro-volt per milli-Ampere)
VNL = 5.0 #No load Voltage (in volts)
dIL = 20.0 #Change in current (in milli-Ampere)
VFL = VNL - LR * dIL * 10**-6 #Full load Voltage (in volts)
print "Full load Voltage is ",VFL," V."
import math
V0 = 10 #Regulated dc supply (in volts)
LR = 0.00002 #Line regulation
dV = LR * V0 #Change in output voltage (in volts)
print "Change in output voltage is ",dV * 10**3," mV."
import math
VS = 30.0 #Source voltage (in volts)
RS = 240.0 #Series resistance (in ohm)
Vz = 12.0 #Zener voltage (in volts)
RL = 500.0 #Load resistance (in ohm)
VL = Vz #Voltage drop across load (in volts)
IS = (VS - Vz) / RS #Current through RS (in Ampere)
VRS = IS * RS #Voltage drop across series resistance (in volts)
IL = VL / RL #Load current (in Ampere)
IZ = IS - IL #Zener current (in Ampere)
print "Load voltage is ",VL," V.\nVoltage drop across series resistance is ",VRS," V.\nCurrent through Zener diode is ",IZ," A."
import math
VZ = 5.1 #Voltage across zener diode (in volts)
rZ = 10 #Zener diode resistance (in ohm)
IZmin = 1 * 10**-3 #Minimum zener diode current (in Ampere)
IZmax = 15 * 10**-3 #Maximum zener diode current (in Ampere)
RS = 600 #Serier resistance (in ohm)
VOmin = VZ + IZmin * rZ #Minimum value of output voltage (in volts)
VSmin = IZmin * RS + VOmin #Minimum value of input voltage (in volts)
VOmax = VZ + IZmax * rZ #Maximum value of output voltage (in volts)
VSmax = IZmax * RS + VOmax #Maximum value of input voltage (in volts)
print "Minimum value of input voltage is ",VSmin," V.\nMaximum value of input voltage is ",VSmax," V."
import math
VS = 24.0 #Source voltage (in volts)
RS = 500.0 #Series resistance (in ohm)
VZ = 12.0 #Zener Voltage (in volts)
IZmin = 3.0 #Minimum Zener current (in milli-Ampere)
IZmax = 90.0 #Maximum Zener current (in milli-Ampere)
rZ = 0.0 #Zener resistance (in ohm)
IS = (VS - VZ) / RS #Current through RS (in Ampere)
ILmax = IS - IZmin * 10**-3 #Maximum value of load Current (in Ampere)
RLmin = VZ / ILmax #Minimum value of Load resistance (in ohm)
print "Minimum value of load resistance is ",round(RLmin)," ohm."
import math
VZ = 10.0 #Zener voltage (in volts)
RS = 1.0 #Series Resistance (in kilo-ohm)
RL = 2.0 #Load Resistance (in kilo-ohm)
VSmin = 22.0 #Minimum source voltage (in volts)
VSmax = 40 #Maximum source voltage (in volts)
IL = VZ / RL #Load current (in milli-Ampere)
IZmax = (VSmax - VZ) / RS - IL #Maximum value of zener current (in milli-Ampere)
IZmin = (VSmin - VZ) / RS - IL #Minimum value of zener current (in milli-Ampere)
print "Maximum value of zener current is ",IZmax," mA.\nMinimum value of zener current is ",IZmin," mA."
import math
VZ = 10.0 #Zener voltage (in volts)
VSmin = 13.0 #Minimum source voltage (in volts)
VSmax = 16.0 #Maximum source voltage (in volts)
ILmin = 10.0 #Minimum load current (in milli-Ampere)
ILmax = 85.0 #Maximum load current (in milli-Ampere)
IZmin = 15.0 #Minimum zener current (in milli-Ampere)
RSmax = (VSmin - VZ)/ (IZmin + ILmax) #Maximum value of RS (in kilo-ohm)
IZmax = (VSmax - VZ)/ RSmax - ILmin #Maximum zener current (in milli-Ampere)
PZmax = IZmax * 10**-3 * VZ #Maximum power dissipation in zener (in watt)
print "Maximum value of RS is ",RSmax * 10**3," ohm.\nMaximum power dissipation be the zener diode is ",PZmax," W."
import math
VSmin = 19.5 #Minimum source voltage (in volts)
VSmax = 22.5 #Maximum source voltage (in volts)
RL = 6.0 * 10**3 #Load resistance (in ohm)
VZ = 18.0 #Zener voltage (in volts)
IZmin = 2.0 * 10**-6 #Minimum zener current (in Ampere)
PZmax = 60.0 * 10**-3 #Maximum power dissipation (in watt)
rZ = 20.0 #Zener resistance (in ohm)
VL = VZ #Voltage across load resistance (in volt)
IZmax = (PZmax / rZ)**0.5 #Maximum value of zener current (in milli-Ampere)
IL = VL / RL #Load current (in milli-Ampere)
RSmax = (VSmin - VZ) / (IZmin + IL) #Maximum value of regulating resistance (in kilo-ohm)
RSmin = (VSmax - VZ) / (IZmax + IL) #Minimum value of regulating resistance (in kilo-ohm)
print "Magnitude of regulating resistance should be between ",round(RSmin,1)," ohm and ",round(RSmax)," ohm."
import math
VSmin = 8.0 #Minimum source voltage (in volts)
VSmax = 12 #Maximum source voltage (in volts)
RS = 2.2 #Resistance (in kilo-ohm)
VZ = 5.0 #Zener voltage (in volts)
RL = 10.0 #Load resistance (in kilo-ohm)
VL = VZ #Voltage across load (in volts)
ISmin = (VSmin - VZ)/ RS #Minimum value of input current (in milli-Ampere)
ISmax = (VSmax - VZ)/RS #Maximum value of input current (in milli-Ampere)
IL = VL / RL #Load current (in milli-Ampere)
IZmin = ISmin - IL #Minimum Zener current (in milli-Ampere)
IZmax = ISmax - IL #Maximum Zener current (in milli-Ampere)
print "Minimum value of Zener current is ",round(IZmin,3)," mA.\nMaximum value of Zener current is ",round(IZmax,3)," mA."
import math
VO = VL = 5.0 #Output voltage (in volts)
IL = 20.0 #Load current (in milli-Ampere)
PZmax = 500.0 #Maximum power dissipation in zener (in milli-watt)
VSmin = 9.0 #Minimum source voltage (in volts)
VSmax = 15.0 #Maximum source voltage (in volts)
IZmax = PZmax / VZ #Maximum zener current (in milli-Ampere)
ISmax = IL + IZ #Maximum input current (in milli-Ampere)
RSmin = (VSmax - VZ)/(IZmax + IL) #Minimum value of regulating resistance (in kilo-ohm)
IZ = (VSmin - VZ)/ RSmin - IL #Minimum value of zener current
print "Input varies from the normal 12 v within the range of +- 3 V."
print "Zener current vary from ",IZ," mA to ",IZmax," mA."
print "For safety purpose RS should be 220 ohm."
import math
RS = 500.0 #Series resistance (in ohm)
RL = 1.0 #Load resistance (in kilo-ohm)
VZ = 10.0 #Zener voltage (in volts)
IZmin = 5.0 #Minimum Zener current (in milli-Ampere)
IZmax = 55.0 #Maximum Zener current (in milli-Ampere)
IL = VZ / RL #Load current (in milli-Ampere)
VSmin = (IL + IZmin) * RS * 10**-3 + VZ #Minimum value of input voltage (in volts)
VSmax = (IL + IZmax) * RS * 10**-3 + VZ #Maximum value of input voltage (in volts)
print "The minimum value of voltage level at input is ",VSmin," V and the maximum is ",VSmax," V."
import math
VS = 15.0 #Input voltage (in volts)
RS = 33.0 #Series resistance (in ohm)
beta = 100.0 #common-emitter current gain
RL = 100.0 #Load resistance (in ohm)
VZ = 10.0 #Voltage across zener diode (in volts)
VBE = 0.7 #Voltage across base and emitter
VL = VZ + VBE #Load voltage (in volts)
IL = VL / RL #Load current (in Ampere)
IS = (VS - VL) / RS #Current through RS (in Ampere)
IC = IS - IL #Collector current (in Ampere)
IB = IZ = IC/beta #Base current (in Ampere)
print "Load voltage is ",VL," V."
print "Load current is ",IL * 10**3," mA."
print "Current through Rs is ",round(IS * 10**3,1)," mA."
print "Collector current is ",round(IC* 10**3,1)," mA."
print "Base current is ",round(IB * 10**6)," micro-A."
import math
VS = 15.0 #Input voltage (in volts)
VZ = 8.3 #Zener voltage (in volts)
beta = 100.0 #Common-emitter current gain
R = 1.8 #Resistance (in kilo-ohm)
RL = 2.0 #Resistance (in kilo-ohm)
VBE = 0.7 #Voltage across base-emitter junction (in volts)
VL = VZ - VBE #Voltage across load (in volts)
VCE = VS - VL #Collector to emitter voltage (in volts)
IR = (VS - VZ)/ R #Current through R (in milli-Ampere)
IL = VL / RL #Load current (in milli-Ampere)
IB = IL / beta #Base current (in milli-Ampere)
IZ = IR - IB #Current through Zener (in milli-Ampere)
print "Load voltage is ",VL," V."
print "Collector to Emitter voltage is ",VCE," V."
print "Current through R is ",round(IR,2)," mA."
print "Load current is ",IL," mA."
print "Base current is ",IB * 10**3," micro-A."
print "Current through Zener is ",round(IZ,2)," mA."
#Calculation error in book in the value of beta and in IB and IZ.
import math
IZmin = 0 #Minimun Zener current (in Ampere)
ILmax = 2.0 #Maximum load current (in Ampere)
VL = 12.0 #Voltage across load (in volts)
VSmin = 15.0 #Minimum Input voltage (in volts)
VSmax = 20.0 #Maximum Input Voltage (in volts)
beta = 100 #common emitter current gain
VBE = 0.5 #Voltage between base-emitter junction (in volts)
VZ = 12.5 #Voltage across zener diode (in volts)
IZmin = 1.0 * 10**-3 #Current through Zener diode
ICmax = ILmax #Maximum Collector current (in Ampere)
IBmax = ICmax / beta #Maximum collector current
IR = IBmax + IZmin #Current through resistance R (in Ampere)
Rmax = (VSmin - VZ)/ IR #Maximum value of resistance R (in ohm)
IZmax = (VSmax - VZ)/ Rmax #Maximum value of Zener current (in Ampere)
PZmax = VZ * IZmax #Maximum power dissipation in Zener Diode (in watt)
PRmax = (VSmax - VZ) * IZmax #Maximum power dissipated in Resistance R (in watt)
VCEmax = VSmax - VL #Maximum value of collector-to-emitter voltage (in volts)
PDmax = VCEmax * ILmax #Maximum power dissipation of the transistor (in watt)
print "Maximum value of R is ",round(Rmax)," ohm.\nMaximum power dissipation of the zener diode is ",round(PZmax,2)," W.\nMaximum power dissipation of resistance R is ",round(PRmax,2)," W.\nMaximum power dissipation of the transistor is ",PDmax," W."
#Correction to be done in the formula used for IZmax in the book.Correct approach is used in the solved example here.
import math
VL = 12.0 #Voltage across load (in volts)
IL = 200.0 #Load current (in milli-Ampere)
VS = 30.0 #Source voltage (in volts)
RS = 10.0 #Series resistance (in ohm)
beta1 = hfe1 = 150.0 #common-emitter current gain 1
beta2 = hfe2 = 100.0 #common-emitter current gain 2
IC1 = 10.0 #Collector current (in milli-Ampere)
VBE1 = 0.7 #Emitter-to-Base voltage1 (in volts)
VBE2 = 0.7 #Emitter-to-Base voltage2 (in volts)
VZ = VR = 6.0 #Voltage across zener diode (in volts)
RZ = 10.0 #Resistance of zener diode (in ohm)
IZ = 20.0 #Current through zener diode (in milli-Ampere)
ID = 10.0 * 10**-3 #Current (in Ampere)
I1 = 10.0 * 10**-3 #Current (in Ampere)
RD = (VL - VZ) / ID #Resistance (in ohm)
V2 = VZ + VBE2 #Voltage (in volts)
R1 = (VL - V2)/I1 #Value of resistance R1 (in ohm)
R2 = R1 * (V2 / (VL - V2)) #Value of resistance R2 (in ohm)
IB1 = (IL + I1 + ID) / beta1 #Base Current IB1 (in Ampere)
I = IB1 + IC1 #Current through resistance R3 (in Ampere)
R3 = (VS - (VBE1 + VL))/I #Value of resistance (in ohm)
print "Value of Resistance RD is ",RD," ohm.\nValue of Resistance R1 and R2 is ",R1," ohm and ",R2," ohm."
print "Value of Resistance R3 is ",round(R3,1)," kilo-ohm."
#Error in the formula used for R1 in book. Correct formula is used here.
import math
VS = 25.0 #Source voltage (in volts)
VZ = 15.0 #Zener voltage (in volts)
RL = 1.0 #Load resistance (in kilo-ohm)
VBE = 0.7 #Emitter-to-Base voltage (in volts)
Vout = VZ/2 + VBE #Output voltage (in volts)
IL = Vout / RL #Load current (in milli-Ampere)
IE1 = IL #Current (in milli-Ampere)
VCE1 = VS - Vout #Collector-To-Emitter voltage (in volts)
P1 = VCE1 * IE1 #Power dissipated (in watt)
print "Vout is ",Vout," V.\nIL is ",IL," mA.\nIE1 is ",IE1," mA.\nP1 is ",P1," W."
#Calculation error in book for the value of P1.
import math
IADJ = 100.0 * 10**-6 #Current (in Ampere)
Vin = 35.0 #Input voltage (in volts)
R1 = 220.0 #Resistance1 (in ohm)
R2min = 0 #Resistance2 minimum (in ohm)
R2max = 5.0 * 10**3 #Resistance2 maximum (in ohm)
VREF = 1.25 #Reference voltage (in volts)
Voutmin = VREF * (R2min/R1 + 1) + IADJ * R2min #Minimum output voltage (in volts)
Voutmax = VREF * (R2max/R1 + 1) + IADJ * R2max #Maximum output voltage (in volts)
print "Maximum output voltage is ",round(Voutmax,2)," V.\nMinimum output voltage is ",Voutmin," V."
import math
R1 = 220.0 #Resistance1 (in ohm)
R2 = 1.5 * 10**3 #Resistance2 (in ohm)
VREF = 1.25 #Reference voltage (in volts)
Vo = VREF * (R2/R1 + 1) #Regulated dc output voltage (in volts)
print "Regulated dc output voltage is ",round(Vo,2)," V."
#Calculation error in the book.
import math
R1 = 240.0 #Resistance1 (in ohm)
R2 = 2.4 * 10**3 #Resistance2 (in ohm)
VREF = 1.25 #Reference voltage (in volts)
Vo = VREF * (R2/R1 + 1) #Regulated dc output voltage (in volts)
print "Regulated dc output voltage is ",Vo," V."